Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Finally Did It....

A couple of posts back, I wrote about not sending in a DNA kit I had received several months prior.  Well, last week I finally did it!  Why now?  Did I finally get enough courage to do it?  Did I have a sudden urge to really know what my DNA make-up entails?  Or did I just get annoyed with the kit taking up room on my counter?  Maybe a little of all of the above.

Either way, I mailed it in and now just wait.  What will I find out?  What will change when I find out the results?  Who knows, but to be honest with you I actually haven't thought about it since I sent it in.  So, I'm not sure what that says about it...perhaps I've just been too busy and simply forgot about it or perhaps I'm just blocking it out of my mind until I actually see the results.  I don't see the need in worrying or wondering too much on it in the meantime, so I'll just wait until I see the results.  

But, I won't is a little scary thinking about it.  Sometimes the saying is on point..."what you don't know won't hurt you."  I think that's kinda of been where my mindset has been for a long time, so now actually taking the steps to KNOW more information about my background and potential relatives makes me a little anxious.  But, I guess I'll know soon and then we'll see where I want to go from steps.

It's all part of the journey.  Different and the same for all of us.  We all have our own timetables.  Don't rush yours.  Finding answers takes time, so do it when you are truly ready.  Ready for ALL the possible answers you'll get back.  Just be prepared for it all and trust in your gut...your soul and your heart.  Good luck in your journey to finding out answers to your questions!

Blessings to you on this final day of September!  Happy Fall!!

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