Sunday, June 24, 2018

Final Reminder...

Last reminder, our annual Holt International Family Picnic for the Dallas/Ft. Worth area is this coming Saturday, June 30th from 12-3 pm at Parr Park in Grapevine, TX.  If you live in the area (within driving distance), please make sure you register for the event here:  

We'd love to see you and your family there!  Bring a picnic lunch for your family and just like last year there are plenty of picnic tables under the pavilion for everyone, so no need to bring lawn chairs (unless you want to sit out in the sun).  Make sure the kiddos wear their bathing suits so they can cool down in the splash park as it looks like it's going to be a hot one!  

I'm looking forward to seeing you this Saturday!  May you have a blessed week ahead!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Circle of Life

Last night, my mom, my sister, her son and my brother's two boys went to see The Lion King (the musical).  It was a fun evening!  The musical was wonderful and probably the funniest one I've seen over the years.  It was packed, of course, with lots of kids in the audience.  At one point where Simba is asking for help after his father falls, he says "Help! Someone?!"  And, a little girl from the audience says out loud, "Someone, please!"  It was so sweet.

The boys enjoyed it, as well as, the adults and my favorite part was probably the beginning with "The Circle of Life".  It's just such an iconic part of the show and as you're sitting there anticipating the start of the show it just gets you even more excited once it kicks off with that.  So, if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it, especially with your kids/grandkids.

The other cool part of the evening was driving into the parking lot (wait for it) and one of the parking attendants directing traffic saw the purple heart emblem on my parents car that I was driving.  She yelled at another attendant and told him we had a purple heart.  We felt a little embarrassed since my dad wasn't with us and he's the actual recipient of the award.  So, my mom told her that her husband wasn't with us and she said she didn't care.  Just to tell him that she was thankful for his service and that we could park that way (pointing forward).  We thanked her and I drove forward to a reserved section specifically for Purple Heart recipients (close to the front door).  We all were surprised, grateful and happy for the allowance to park there without my dad.  The three boys even took a picture next to the sign and my mom called my dad to tell him our good fortune thanks to his service.  

My dad is pretty humble about his awards (from the Vietnam War), but it's nice when strangers recognize his service and sacrifice.  So, if you see a veteran this week or any week, please make sure you thank them for their service and sacrifice.  I know they'll appreciate it!

Many blessings to all those that have and are serving in the military for our country.  May they be protected, feel the love and gratitude from a grateful nation and be given the support and services they need from their government and communities.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there!  And, Happy Father's Day to my dad who is the quintessential farmer, hard-worker and supportive dad!  He's always there for all of his kids and grand kids and works harder than anyone I know.  He's been there for all of our games, performances, competitions and tournaments growing up, and now he's there as our home repair/fixer upper.  I don't know what any of us would do without him.

So, as you honor and celebrate your father(s) today, I'm wishing them many more years of being a blessing in your life!  Cheers to all the dads out there!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

2 Weeks Out...

Remember, we're just over 2 weeks out from our annual Holt International Family Picnic for the Dallas/Ft. Worth area on Saturday, June 30th from 12-3 pm at Parr Park in Grapevine, TX.  If you live in the area, please make sure you register for the event here:  

We'd love to see you and your family there!  It's for local (TX) adoptees (young to adults), as well as, prospective parents.  It's a fun family outing, but it's also a great way to connect with other adoptive families in your communities.  So, take advantage of one of the picnics near you!

I hope to see you at our annual picnic for some food, fun and fellowship!  Wishing you cool blessings as summer heats up!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Shock and Sadness

Many were shocked this past week when they heard the news that Kate Spade had taken her own life.  How?  Why?  How sad and tragic.  How could someone so seemingly happy and successful do such a thing?  We thought the same things when Robin Williams took his own life a few years ago.  For me, I was more shocked and saddened by Williams death because over the years (through TV and movies) he touched me by his performances.  He made me laugh (a lot), but also touched my heart strings in movies like Dead Poets Society and Good Will Hunting.  So, I had more of an emotional connection to him.

I never had a Kate Spade bag, but I always checked them out while shopping.  Her clothes and accessories were always so cute, bright and cheerful.  You thought it reflected her personality, as well.  But, obviously she was in more pain than anyone could know.

And then, the shocking news that Anthony Bourdain took his own life, too.  How?  Why?  How sad and tragic.  He seemed to have the dream travel around the world trying local cuisine and sharing those cultures, those stories, and those people with all of us.  He was poetic in his words, truthful, hard core and a little rough around the edges, but that's what was endearing about him.  What pain was tormenting him to take such action?

We will never know the true despair each was suffering, but what we do know is that they felt they had no other choice, no way out, the dark was greater than the light in their lives...and yes, that is tragic.  We all go into deep, dark places in our lives at least once because that's life, that's the journey.  There's heartbreak, pain, suffering and feeling like a complete failure at some point in time in our lives because we're human.  It's part of the journey.  But, not even fame, fortune, success, the dream job can cure all or make a person feel whole and worthy.  We all have to find that within ourselves...and if we need help to do that then we must be brave enough to reach out and ask for help. 

If you or anyone you know needs a helping hand, an understanding ear, or more professional help, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.  They are there to help you or any person in need 24/7.  Please reach out and ask for help.

May blessings of light and love shine down on you if you're feeling down or in the dark.  May you know you are not alone and there is someone who can help.  Hold onto hope, always!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Summer is Here

Summer weather has definitely arrived!  It's been hot and humid already this year, and sadly that means it's just the beginning of a blazing hot summer.  Ugh.  Hot, hot and more hot is to come.  I definitely don't love the heat...all the sweating (just standing still), the hot car seats, making sure my home foundation isn't cracking, the only sports to watch is baseball, and there's nothing good on TV.  

Yes, the berries, watermelon, cantaloupes, and other summer fruits and vegetables are good, along with grilling, swimming and some big box office summer movies.  I'm not sure it balances out, but finding the good in the perceived bad is always the silver lining.  There's always something to be grateful for, right?!  Right!

So, whatever "season" you are in, literally and/or figuratively, may you find the silver lining and the simple blessings of each and every day.  It's there if you just take a moment to look for it and appreciate it.  Don't miss out on those simple blessings!

May you find the simple blessings of each and every day no matter what season you are in!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Reminder: Holt DFW Picnic

Just a reminder as you flip over your calendar to June....our annual Holt International Family Picnic for the Dallas/Ft. Worth area will be held on Saturday, June 30th from 12-3 pm at Parr Park in Grapevine, TX.  If you live in the area, please make sure you register for the event here:  

We'd love to see you and your family there!  It's for local (TX) adoptees (young to adults), as well as, prospective parents.  If you have questions about adoption or are waiting for your child to finally come home, we'd love to share our stories with you to help you along the way.  It's a lot of fun and there is a splash pad there so the little ones can stay cool.  Bring a picnic lunch for your family and we'll have some games for the little ones, too!

The kids always have a good time meeting other adoptees, but I find the parents enjoy it, too, getting to compare stories and share experiences with one another.  It's a fun family outing, but it's a great way to connect with others in your communities.  So, take advantage of one of the picnics near you!

I hope to see you at our annual picnic for some food, fun and fellowship!  May blessings fill up your first full week of June with goodness, calm weather and summer surprises!