Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Summer is Coming...

It's the end of May...already!  June is right around the corner which means summer is fast approaching!  For many of us experiencing a spring full of rainy weather, summer can't come fast enough.  Although, once the summer heat kicks in we'll be wishing for all this rain again.  Here is Texas, we've had 20 out of 26 days of rain so far.  Can you say sticky, moist, humid air for a month!  It hasn't been pleasant, but we have had a much cooler spring than normal, too.

Whatever June brings we'll be least I will with a new air conditioning unit!  Yes, I spent the last week getting estimates and having a new unit installed.  Not good, but at least I wasn't suffering in 100 degree temperatures!  

So, what are your summer plans?  Vacation?  Reunions?  BBQs?  It's all on the horizon as we shift into a new season.  I'm just hoping to get through the end of this spring and all the mosquitoes that are breeding off of all this rain.  I'm a magnet for mosquitoes so I'm not looking forward to all those little buggers out there!

As summer approaches, I hope your gardens are plentiful, your flowers bloom bright colors, and you stay refreshed in the summer heat!  Have a blessed last week of May and enjoy the final few weeks of spring!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Where's the Light?

Yes, it's been gloomy and rainy here for the last 3 weeks and there's a chance for rain every day this week again...until after Memorial Day (here in the States).  The sun has come out briefly here and there, but it just steams things up even more since it's been so humid ALL the time now!  And to add to my misery my air conditioning is not working!

I turned it on for the first time last week and didn't think it felt right, but thought it was just because of the humidity.  But it just didn't feel cool enough.  When I came home from work on Monday it was stifling in the house!  It was so hot and humid!  I called my dad right away, of course and he came out, but couldn't tell what was wrong.  So, I called a local AC company that could come out that night.  Long story short, it sounds like I need a new AC unit.  NO!  This is the one thing I had dreaded every since I became a home owner almost 11 years ago!  I just didn't want to deal with replacing an AC unit.  Well, no such luck!  The time has come!  Ugh. 

At least it's only in the low 80's now and it's not 100 degrees out, but it's not the most pleasant situation.  I've got every fan I have in strategic places in the house and if there wasn't any humidity it'd be OK.  On the bright side, I'm getting a steam facial every day, all day!

So, wish me luck in finding a company that will give me good service at a good price...and soon!  Guess a new car will have to wait a little longer.  Boo.  So for now I'll keep looking for the light.  I know it's just I really need some good news soon!  I hope you're in the light and wishing you continued blessings today and everyday!

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Mom and I have been running around shopping this weekend and ended it with a well-deserved and needed pedicure.  If you've ready any of my previous blogs you know I always have a story to tell after a nail salon visit.  So yes, again!

This time I got a younger girl and she wanted to talk!  I just wanted to enjoy the pedicure and read some of the trashy gossip magazines.  But, she kept talking and talking asking me question after question.  Part of the problem was that I couldn't really understand her when she spoke because of her accent.  So, every time she said something I had to say "what?"  Of course one of her first questions was "Where are you from?" which is the standard question as I've written about before.  She was from Vietnam and told me that she liked Korean food because it was healthy and she thought Koreans had better skin.  Again, she was a younger girl and had acne around her chin, so she wanted to know what I used on my skin.  I told her and then she kept asking more questions.  At one point I didn't know if she had asked a question or not so I just kept reading the magazines.  As for the pedicure itself, it looked fine but she rushed through the whole thing and didn't take her time to really do a good job.  So, that was a little disappointing.

Afterwards, my mom said she couldn't believe the young girl kept asking me questions and knew that I wasn't totally enjoying the experience.  But, that's the way it goes sometimes.  But, as usual it was an eventful trip to the nail salon!

What 'good' stories do you have from the nail salon?  I'm sure there are some other good ones out there!

We're midway through the month of May so have a blessed week ahead and enjoy the blooming flowers, trees and gardens!  And hopefully your allergies stay under control, too!  They were beating me down earlier today, but luckily I found some relief!  Ahhhh!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Grey Skies...

I think the gloomy grey skies are starting to put a damper on my mood.  We had rain, storms, tornadoes, etc all last week and we're supposed to have rain again all this week.  The sun did make a brief appearance on Monday, but all this gloomy weather isn't putting me in a good mood.  It's making me tired, sad and blah.  I'm ready to see the light...and sunshine!!

How does the weather affect your mood?  How does your outlook change when it's been a long, cold, snowy winter?  Or when it's rained for over 50% of the month?  Or when the sun has been scorching all summer long with no relief in site?  In those extreme times, I think back to the early settlers and wonder how they did running water or electricity, no heat except for fires built and perhaps no solid shelter to protect you from the elements.  It must have been miserable!  But then again, they didn't know what they were missing out on and it was just normal for them...make the best of it and move on.  

So, that's what I'll try to through all the gloominess and find my way back to the light.  And, hopefully by then the sun will be shining again!  I know goodness is right in front of me and I'm always grateful for all my health, solid shelter, good transportation, etc., etc.  And I know things could always be so much worse.  So, I definitely count my blessings every, I just want this gloomy funk of mine to blow away!

I hope you have a much brighter outlook on the week ahead and may blessings carry you to a relaxing weekend!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there...and especially my mom!  I love her dearly!  It's been a stormy, rain-filled day with a few tornadoes in the area, as well.  Not the bright and cheerful sunny day we'd all like to help celebrate our moms, but as long as we're all safe and sound at the end of the day all is well.

I cooked a mushroom fritatta (mainly because I knew my dad would like the mushrooms) with arugula salad, pumpkin spice pancakes and fruit salad for my mom's Mother's Day lunch today!  It was all delicious and very filling!  A perfect way to say "thank you" to my mom for all she does for me and the rest of our family!

Earlier this week I read an article about Korean moms.  It was very interesting and definitely made me appreciate my mom even more after reading it!  I know it's a cultural thing, but I'm glad I was raised with free reign over my imagination, will to participate in any activity I wanted and always encouraged to do whatever made me happy at the time.  I'm thankful for my mom's loving spirit, happy and nurturing outlook and supportive guidance!  Both of my parent's have given me the world and I can only hope I give that back to them in some way shape or form every day.

Here's the article about Korean moms:

Let me know what you think!  Enjoy the rest of your Mother's Day and have a truly blessed week ahead!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Fitting In...

This past weekend, there was an Asian festival in a town nearby and I thought it sounded interesting, educational (for me) and fun.  But then my next thought was "I won't fit in."  Not by looks, of course, that's my 'ticket' in (not literally), but yes I would look like I'd fit in until I go up to any food booth and not know anything that is being served.  Yes, I've had Asian food in many different countries, but I never ordered any of it.  I just ate it!  So, I really don't know what I ate or what anything was called.

I just don't eat enough Asian food on a regular basis to really know what anything is.  I know that's not an excuse, but normally I need/want someone else to be there with me who knows what to order...or at least what is good.  And I suppose that these types of festivals are about learning and trying out new things to learn if you like them or not.  So yes, I'll take advantage next time!

What has your experience been in these types of situations?  Are you reluctant or are you always eager to immerse yourself into your Asian culture?  Or whatever culture you were born in, but don't know much about?  I guess it's also how willing you are to answer all of the inevitable questions you'll get from people asking "why you don't know" more about your culture, this food, traditions, etc. Because we all know those questions will come!

Either way, life is about learning and living so enjoy your next educational adventure about your culture and let me know how it goes!  I'm sure I'll share my insights with you from my next cultural adventure...whenever that may be!

Blessings to you this week!! 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Time Flies!

Where has the time gone?  Where have the first few months of this year gone?  It's already May?!  How did that happen?  No, really?!  They say "time flies when you're having fun" but it still flies by even when you're not having fun.  It's almost Mother's Day and then Memorial Day...and then school is out!  Summer will be here before I blink again!

Looking back, I can't believe it's been almost 2 years since my book came out!!  I got the first shipment of my book over Labor Day weekend 2013!  Crazy how time has flown by since then.  Where did 2014 go?!?!  Is it just old age and I don't remember as much as I used to or is time passing me by?
we all.  So, here's hoping for a calm, yet memorable May ahead!  May you be blessed with good health, good friends and good spring weather to enjoy every moment!!
Either way, time marches on and so must