Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Finally Did It....

A couple of posts back, I wrote about not sending in a DNA kit I had received several months prior.  Well, last week I finally did it!  Why now?  Did I finally get enough courage to do it?  Did I have a sudden urge to really know what my DNA make-up entails?  Or did I just get annoyed with the kit taking up room on my counter?  Maybe a little of all of the above.

Either way, I mailed it in and now just wait.  What will I find out?  What will change when I find out the results?  Who knows, but to be honest with you I actually haven't thought about it since I sent it in.  So, I'm not sure what that says about it...perhaps I've just been too busy and simply forgot about it or perhaps I'm just blocking it out of my mind until I actually see the results.  I don't see the need in worrying or wondering too much on it in the meantime, so I'll just wait until I see the results.  

But, I won't is a little scary thinking about it.  Sometimes the saying is on point..."what you don't know won't hurt you."  I think that's kinda of been where my mindset has been for a long time, so now actually taking the steps to KNOW more information about my background and potential relatives makes me a little anxious.  But, I guess I'll know soon and then we'll see where I want to go from steps.

It's all part of the journey.  Different and the same for all of us.  We all have our own timetables.  Don't rush yours.  Finding answers takes time, so do it when you are truly ready.  Ready for ALL the possible answers you'll get back.  Just be prepared for it all and trust in your gut...your soul and your heart.  Good luck in your journey to finding out answers to your questions!

Blessings to you on this final day of September!  Happy Fall!!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

The People's Pope

I just watched Pope Francis' final mass during his trip in the U.S.  I've been watching  the significance of his visit to the U.S. and the many different places that he has visited while here, such as the 9/11 memorial.  There were SO many significance moments during his trip (the White House, Congress, the UN, etc) and numerous calls to action and reminders of how we should all treat one another...the golden rule, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

He truly brought a message of peace, unity, compassion, kindness and love to us all!  I think it's something we all needed...the gentle reminder to respect one another, no matter our differences.  If we all lived by this rule just think how different daily life could much more positive, respectful and understanding life would be.  

He brought SO many great messages and lessons to all of us.  And, I love that we were all so eager to hear his messages...straining to listen to every word, leaning in to hear him speak in English (at times just for us) and being so quiet to hear his every word.  He was so personable and likable that you can't help but love him....which in turn renews your vigor for Christianity and hopefully your faith in humanity.  He showed us the way...the way to hopefulness, steadfast faith and love for one another.  Such a shining example of God's love and human kindness!

My faith has definitely been renewed, re-energized and it makes me want to become a better person...a more faithful servant of God.  I hope that all who had the glorious opportunity to see him in person and those that saw him on TV over the past several days, take heed of his messages, look inside themselves and walk in his shining example.  Blessed be to God for the leadership and strength of Pope Francis.  Please continue to bless him and allow him to shine the light of the Lord brightly wherever he goes!

I hope you have a joyful last week of September and blessings for a God-filled, Pope inspired life of happiness, service to others and love for one another!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Not So Friendly...

I made a quick trip up to my local grocery store this afternoon and the check-out lane I ended up in had a middle-aged Asian woman cashier.  I had seen her a few weeks ago getting trained by another cashier, but this was the first time I had been checked out by her.  As I placed my items on the counter, she didn't say hi or ask me how I was doing as most cashiers do.  She just looked down, scanned all my items and bagged them.  The only time she really spoke was to tell me the final price, but even that was quiet and faint.  As I took my bags, I smiled and said thank you and walked away.  But, as I was walking away I wondered if I ever appeared to be that cold or aloof.  I know some Asians tend to be quiet or stay to themselves, which sometimes comes off as cold or even heartless to others.  Sometimes we can look stern or too serious when really it's just our normal expression.  I'm sure I have come off as cold to others before...sometimes intended, sometimes not!

But, this Asian woman stuck out to me because she had short gray hair in kind of a bob, but she had curly hair.  She wore glasses and she also wore latex gloves, which was kind of strange and a first...but I totally get it.  She wasn't very friendly which made me wonder why she choose that job since it deals with interacting with people all day...and she really didn't seem like a people person.  But, I don't know her story or why she would choose this job.  I just know it made me question how others perceive my facial expressions and how those expressions can be interpreted differently just because of your race.  Sound familiar to anyone?

I hope you're having a wonderful week and I wish you many blessings on this first day of Fall (in the States)!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Time Flies!

I was reminded this last week (from Facebook) that it was 2 years ago that I held my 1st book signing in my hometown.  I wrote about it and posted the link to my blog entry from that exciting time last week, as well.  Wow, how time flies!

I can't believe it's been 2 years ago already!  I've been an author for 2 years now...ha!  I don't feel any different and as I reminded myself the other day "you don't get rich from writing a book!"  I knew that going into it and it wasn't even a part of my thought process or motivation to write my book.  I knew it wasn't my golden ticket.  I just wanted to share my story with others in hopes that it would encourage, inspire and give hope to others who are adopted, who are thinking about adopting or who always wondered what it was like to grow up being adopted.  Plain and simple.

But here I am 2 years later and I've been wondering "what next?"  A new, it's too early for that.  Honestly, I really need to get more visibility to my book and my story!  I need to get back into full force marketing mode!  It's been on my to-do list forever and I just need to commit the time and make it happen.  So, hopefully through the end of the year I've made some progress there.  Wish me luck and let me know if there are any opportunities in your fairs/festivals, etc.

As I've been reminiscing lately on an opportunity and an experience I never thought would be part of my life journey, I'm truly thankful and blessed.  And, as I said when I started this journey, who know what else will come from it!  

Reach for your dreams, new opportunities and roll with it!  You never know what might come from it...what new doors might open!  Wishing you many blessings this week and for seeking out new adventures!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hiccup on Hump Day

Was yesterday Wednesday?!  It totally didn't register as I think my head was in a fog all day.  Does that ever happen to you?  So, I really don't know where my time went or where my head was yesterday, but I think I'm back to "normal" today.

What is "normal?" That's a good question...different for everyone I suppose.  These days I've been trying to make small changes in my day to switch things up, kick-start a change, or simply just try something different.  That's what life is all about, right?  Although, we all get into our daily habits and patterns that are easy and comfortable to fall back into.  It's just how we operate day-to-day.  It's our daily "norm".  

But, they say if you want different results or outcomes you have to do things differently.  I've been trying that and I really haven't seen anything different come from it, so I fall back into my usual habits.  So, what makes a change?  What changes?  How do you shift the balance, the universe to align with your new goals, hopes, dreams?  Anyone?

I think we need to do new things, try new things to grow, experience all that life has to offer and if we end up changing somehow in the process that's what it was supposed to be.  Sometimes we try to hard to force the change and then it never happens.  Maybe I'm trying too hard and forcing the issue.  Maybe I just need to relax and enjoy life a bit more.  Genius thought, huh?  Not an epiphany, just a good reminder to not hold onto to things so tightly and just breathe.  Be present.  Be mindful.  Just be.

So, here's wishing you a clear and present mind going into the weekend.  Blessings for a safe, fun and laugh-filled end of the week!!

Sunday, September 13, 2015


On Friday, we all paused in our own ways to remember 9/11/01.  It's been 14 years since that horrendous day unfolded.  I had just gotten back from a run around my neighborhood and was watching the morning news show...and then I was glued in front of my TV for the rest of the day...barely moving.  Horrified.  

No matter where you were that day those images will never go away.  And, the people that were lost and their stories will never be forgotten.

I was also reminded today (by Facebook, of course) that it was 2 years ago today that I held my 1st book signing in my hometown!  I was just thinking about it the other day and how perfect the day was.  I really didn't know what to expect that morning as we were getting ready at my aunt's house, but I was excited and nervous!  Excited to see family and friends, but nervous, too.  I couldn't believe all the support and love from SO many people...people we hadn't seen since we moved to TX almost 30 years ago!  It was an amazing day that filled my heart with so much joy and gratitude I can't even tell you....

Well, actually I can!  Check out my post detailing that wonderful day:

Have a blessed week ahead and make amazing memories that will last forever!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Time Management

I'm halfway through my much needed 'mental health' break this week and I'm finding my time management isn't very good...well, my intentions and my plans are good, but my execution is lacking a bit!  I've had a list of things to do during my week of vacation and I don't feel like I've made a dent yet.  Maybe my list was too aggressive to get done in a week or maybe I haven't hit it hard enough to make that dent yet.  In any case, I've got 4 more days to be more productive!

We always hear about work life balance and I think I'm pretty good about that, but somehow I feel like my 'at home' to-do list has grown out of control...or I'm just really behind!  Either way, such is life...there's either too much going on or nothing at all...and sometimes all at the same time!

How are your time management skills?  I think we often think it'll take less time to do something than it turns out to be (prime example of undertaking a project that takes longer than one thinks is my dad!) and we don't realize it until we're rushing to finish.  But, at least we have projects to do, right?  We know how to keep ourselves busy...or maybe that's the problem...we always find something else to do.  I've always been that way.  I could always find something to do when I was growing up and could spend hours just playing by myself.  It's called imagination and I'm not sure kids use it enough these days with all the technology consuming their minds.  Hopefully, my tendency to do something translates to a lot of things checked off my to-do list by the end of this weekend!

Wish me luck and hopefully you're having a productive week!  Blessings to you for the rest of the week...and into football season!!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy Labor Day!

I think I must have had vacation/holiday brain yesterday as I'm a little late with my post.  I'm trying to down shift to vacation mode, but I've got so many things I want and need to get done during my vacation that this isn't really going to be a relaxing one.  I'm hoping it'll be a productive one...with a little bit of fun mixed in!  But, I've got a long to-do list and I'm debating on where to start this morning.  

But, for those in the U.S. enjoy your 3-day weekend and all the Labor Day festivities you have planned for the day...parades, picnics, etc!  Rest up, recharge and get excited about fall coming!  Fall is my favorite time of year...cooler weather, fall leaves, hot chocolate, football, and pumpkin anything (meaning, mainly food)!

So, Happy Labor Day and many blessings for the week ahead!!  Enjoy!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Mental Health Break

There are times throughout the year where I just need a break...a break from work, the daily grind of life and everything else.  I call them my need for a "mental health break."  I'm at that point...actually I was at this point 3 weeks ago, but am now just about to get my break!  2 more days of work.  

I think we all look forward to vacations and trips to other places to enjoy a new environment, culture and new adventures, but sometimes taking a break and staying at home to get ALL the things done that you've been putting off or haven't had the time to finish is much needed, too.  That's what my next week will be filled with...getting done ALL the things I've put to the side or haven't gotten to yet because I haven't had the time to focus on it.  I'm excited...just as if I were traveling to another place.  Will it be totally relaxing and recharging?  Maybe not relaxing, but it will recharge check off things from my to-do list is always an energy booster for me.  So, bring on my mental health break!!

How do you handle much needed time off from work?  Short weekend trip?  Mini staycations?  They are all much needed, well deserved and MUST be done in order to regroup and refocus ourselves for our own sanity's sake!  So, plan your own mental health could be just a day or you may need a longer break like me (at the moment).  Get your "groove" back and enjoy what life has to offer...take time for yourself!!

Blessings to you this first week of September!  Bring on fall!!