Thursday, June 30, 2016


Summertime is here (in the States)...that means swimming pools, snow cones, beaches, ice cream, fireworks, picnics, and HOT, HOT, HOT weather (at least here in Texas!)  The 'real' summertime heat is just cranking up here in Texas this week as we head into the holiday weekend....very appropriate timing, of course!  I'm not a big fan of the heat and thank God every day for air conditioning, but a lot of people adore the season.  So, if you're one of the ones that love this time of year just stay safe and healthy with sunscreen, bug spray and water!!

When it's SO hot the days just seem to drag on a bit longer...maybe it's because we're always looking for relief from the heat.  That's why it's called the "dog days of summer" and why I definitely don't admire those that have to work outside during the summer months.  I'm not sure you ever get used to the heat, but I suppose those that work outdoors in the summer do in some way.  How do you beat the heat?

As sunshine beams through my office window, I'm thankful for the changing seasons and enjoying the beauty of each one.  So, since summertime is upon us here's to lemonade in the afternoons to refresh you, fresh garden salads to nourish you, standing in front of fans to cool you, and pools/lakes/oceans to enjoy all these summer days ahead!

Blessings to you as we head into this holiday weekend (in the States) as you enjoy family, fun, and fireworks!!

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Half the year is almost over!  What?!  How did that happen?  It's almost July 4th already and 6 months of 2016 have come and gone!  Really?  It feels like it should be the end of April or even the end of May, but not the end of June already!  Yikes!  So, how are all those new year's resolutions going now?  Exactly.

Well, the good news is it's a good time to reset...reset those resolutions, reset the direction you had planned on going this year, reset the career goals for the year, reset your personal growth goals for the year, and/or reset your expectations for the year.  It's time to reflect on your progress, your set-backs, your accomplishments, and your triggers.  Take a good look, reset and go!  Go into the last 6 months of the year with purpose, drive, determination and joy!!

It's never too late to start again or to start anew!  That's God's promise each and every day we open our eyes!  As I mentioned a couple posts ago, "do better, BE better" is my new daily mantra....although, working on keeping that on the forefront of my mind instead of sliding into old habits that aren't getting me anywhere.  Do you know the feeling?  But, through God's grace and mercy we get to reset our mind-set, our emotional responses, our physical goals and our spiritual equilibrium on a regular basis...thank goodness!!  Yes, we are imperfect people living in an imperfect world (and seemingly even more unpredictable), but we can only try to do our best, dust ourselves off when we stumble, have faith that all things will work out and move forward.  

So, whatever you have to reset for the next 6 months may you have many blessings and much success!! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Annual Holt Picnic

This past Saturday was the annual Dallas Holt Picnic and it was a HOT one!  It was the hottest day of the year so far (of course it was) and we were all sweating up a storm!  But, that didn't stop us from having a great time meeting new families and catching up with ones that we had met in previous years.  It was a great turnout!  

I along with another mother helped organize the event as we have for the past 3 years.  It's great to see familiar faces year after year and see how much the kids have grown, but it's even more exciting to meet new families and hear their stories.  And, there were a lot of new families this year which was great!  A lot of them had just received their adopted child in the last few weeks to 6-9 months, so it was fun to hear about their adoption journeys this far!  I was also glad to see a family there that was still waiting for their child from the Philippines.  They had waited 2 years already and thought it might be another 2 years.  I was really glad they came so they could talk to other parents, especially those that had just recently received their child.

So many great stories, so many cute little kids, and a great mix of older (first) generation adoptees along with a lot of kids.  The kids had a good time since there's a splash pad and playground there, and they also played some games for added fun!

A good time had by all and another successful Dallas Holt Picnic in the books!  Plus, we had a great photographer (who is also adopted...and from IA, no less!) who donated her time and talents in taking pictures of the event.  The pictures turned out great and really showed all the fun the kids had, as well as, all the camaraderie of the adults.

I'm grateful for making new connections and for the opportunity to connect families so they can share their stories, struggles and successes with one another.  Many blessings to you this first official week of summer!  Stay cool and stay safe!!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!  May you have a relaxing, fun-filled day with your families!  And, may you know how special and loved you are to your families.

To my dad in particular, thank you for always being lend a helping hand, to fix whatever is broken, to listen to all my worries and complaints, to help with my to-do list, to do the unpleasant tasks that arise, and to love, teach, provide and support me always!!!  I love you dearly and appreciate ALL you do!  Thank you for being YOU!!

Many blessings to all the fathers around the world!  Wishing you all love, joy and happiness today and every day!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Don't Forget....

Just a reminder that the Holt Dallas Picnic is this Saturday, June 18th from 12-3 pm at Parr Park Playground Pavilion in Grapevine, TX. (3010 Parr Ln.)  Any and all local adoptees and your families are invited to come and meet other adoptees.  It's been a great event over the past several years and I'm sure it will be again this year!  

Remember, bring lunch for you and your family, swim suits for the kiddos (for the splash pad), and lots of sunscreen!  I hope to see you out there!

If you're able to attend, please RSVP here:,%20TX

As the temperatures continue to rise, stay cool and hydrated out there!  Many blessings for a safe and fun weekend ahead!!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Stop the Hate!

There is TOO much hate in this world that comes from ignorance, judgement, non-compassion, fear and disrespect for one's fellow man.  It's sad.  It's disheartening.  It's frustrating.  It's scary.  It's maddening.  How can we stop the hate that is around us?  How can we educate, enlighten, and provide greater understanding to those with hate in their hearts?  How can we stop the senseless acts of violence that have been SO devastating to so many in the United States of America?!  

My heart breaks for ALL the families that have lost a loved one in today's horrific shooting in Orlando, FL.  My thoughts and prayers are with ALL the victims, families and loved ones that were affected by this horrible act of one man.  Sooo many, tooo's time to stop the hate!

May God's grace, strength and hope comfort ALL those affected by today's tragedy!  And, may blessings of love, compassion, understanding, meaningful connections, and respect for one another fill our hearts this coming week and beyond!  May we find a way to make a positive change in our hearts, our communities and in just one other person!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


I never post about politics on here and this might be the one and only time I do, but I thought it historically important to recognize the accomplishments of Hillary Clinton by becoming the first woman in American history to be the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee in 2016!  We are evolving...slowly, but surely.  Although some of the things we thought we had evolved on, like acceptance of all races (which is a premise on what this country was founded upon) seems to still be a contentious issue in many parts of our country.  But no matter the issues that still face this country, we need strong leadership to continue to move us forward.  So, whatever your political beliefs, please educate yourself on where each nominee stands on the issues that are important to you and then let your voice be heard by voting!!  We ARE the people and WE must be heard!

And, for ALL the women that led the way to this moment...all the sacrifice, the leadership, the courage and the stand up for equality for ALL we sincerely Thank You!!!

Many blessings to you and the real hope for equality for ALL Americans as we move forward...united and strong!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

A Little Giddy...

If you've been following me for awhile now you know my book, Corn-fed with Rice on the Side, is available online for purchase, as well as, the ebook which is available on Amazon.  Of course it's amazing to have it available on Amazon which is one of the largest and well-known retailers, but the simple joys that make me a little giddy are when I get my royalties from them for my ebook sales.  I just got the notification yesterday and it definitely makes me smile...inside and out!  It makes me feel a little more legit as an be listed online with every other author out there is a little hard to imagine sometimes.  But, it's fun and just another part of my journey I never expected to encounter.

That's the thing about never know what's right around the corner.  You can plan and prepare all you want (which is my method of coping/surviving), but something new and unexpected could pop up and start you down a new path or adventure.  You just have to be open-minded and curious enough to take a step down that unknown path!  You never know what wonderful gifts are waiting for you until you take a chance, take a risk toward something new.  Every opportunity, every option we choose is a learning experience that God has placed in our path to learn something new and/or to learn something about ourselves.  So, don't delay...don't be afraid...don't hesitate...just jump in and believe in yourself to figure it out!

Many blessings to you this first full week of June!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Bug Delight

Every spring, usually sometime during March or April I get attacked by bugs!  It's become my spring initiation, I think, every year.  So, I always expect it to come.  This year March and April came and went and I was unscathed mainly due to the mild temperatures and little rain.  Unleash the rain and bugs in May and let the attack begin!  It's been a rainy month of May and we're supposed to get rain every day this week, yet.  Joy.  So, last Wednesday my dad came over to fix my ailing fence so I spent most of the day outside weeding my garden, trimming my rose bushes, and helping my dad when needed.  I put bug spray on my legs and arms, but apparently that was high insufficient.  I didn't realize the extent of the bug attack all over my body until the next morning.  I had over 20 bites from fire ant bites, mosquitoes and something else.  I'm allergic to fire ant bites and in recent years to mosquito bites, as well.  So, those swell up, got hot and of course all of them itch like crazy!  Crazy!  The first day was bad and highly uncomfortable.  I didn't sleep well that night and the next day was even worse.  The mosquito bites swelled up to the size of quarters and everything just itched!  I had to take my car in for maintenance so just waited the hour while it was being taken care of; however, I wore tennis shoes instead of flip flops and my feet were on fire the whole time I was there.  I was miserable!  I wanted to crawl out of my skin it was so uncomfortable.

Every year this is what I have to look forward to no matter how hard I try to prevent it.  It always happens.  Luckily the severe itchiness has subsided with just an occasional itch urging, but my feet, legs, etc aren't looking too pretty right about now.  Ohhh spring, how I don't love thee bugs!

And now with the zika outbreak it makes the thought of getting bitten by a mosquito even scarier.  So, be vigilant with the bug repellent this year and try to stay free of bug bites!  I know I'll be trying my hardest.  

Many blessings this first week of June!!