Sunday, November 29, 2015

Happy Holidays!!

The holiday season is here!  Whether you're ready for them or not!  I really still can't believe it's that time of the year already, but alas, I've been getting some of my holiday decorations out this weekend.  It's been perfect weather for staying in and decorating all weekend, as it's been raining...raining...raining since Thursday.  After being inside the past several days I'm in desperate need of some sunny skies and some retail therapy, since I passed on all the Black Friday shopping this year.  Too cold and rainy for me!

I'm only getting out about 1/3 of my Christmas decorations this year, so a little trimmed down for me.  But, it's still a bit of a chore going through 9 storage bins to find exactly what I'm looking for!  Ha!  Yes, I said 9!  Crazy.  I bought a smaller, lovely frosted tree with berries and pine cones on it last year so that I didn't have to pull out my 6' tree and all my decorations.  This one I could just put up and be done with it!  So, that's what I pulled out yesterday and put up!  Oh how I love the glow of Christmas tree lights in the dark.  I could sit in a room with Christmas tree lights on all the time!!

One last look-thru all my storage bins for a few more items today and then I'm done decorating!  My cards are all done and ready to be mailed tomorrow, and I just have a few more gifts to buy before I'm done!  Then, I can just sit back and enjoy all the holiday festivities without all the to-do's.  

I've still got a lot of regular to-do's on my list, but that's normal.  How do you handle the holiday stress of getting everything done...AND enjoying all the festivities?  Doesn't it seem non-stop for about 4 weeks?!  Well, get's here!

Don't forget to take time to enjoy the holiday season and to appreciate all the blessings in your life.  Sometimes it's hard to enjoy the simple things during this holiday season when we are running around shopping, baking, attending holiday parties, etc.  So, take a minute each day and just breathe in the blessings of the day.

I wish you many blessings this holiday season!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving (to all those in the U.S.)!!  I hope everyone has a wonderful day with family and friends!  Enjoy all the wonderful food, football games, and even some early Black Friday shopping!  Safe travels and wishing you a blessed holiday season!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Off Balance...

Yes, my calendar is off a bit lately...sorry about that. My days are running together and of course this week it's all about Thanksgiving Day...and then Black Friday...and then cyber Monday!  The craziest shopping time of the year!!  Are you ready?

Well, if I can ever get my timing back I'll be good.  As I mentioned in my last post, I think this time of year speeds up a bit and things are a little more chaotic (due to the holidays and all the festivities going on).  So, I think I'm already feeling a bit off balance by it all.  Plus, I literally felt off balance late last week as I think I experienced my first bout of vertigo.  It wasn't fun and definitely unexpected.  So, it took a couple days to get over that.  Is it a little ironic that I'm off balance in my head which in turn put me physically off balance?  Ha...probably not!  

This week's goal: get back on track, organize and enjoy some turkey...and then SHOPPING!!  I hope the same for you (if it's needed).  Because it's only going to get crazier with Christmas decorating, gifts to wrap, Christmas cards to write, cookies to bake, tree lightings to go see, parties to partake in and all the fun that Christmas has to offer!  So, enjoy it, try to stay sane and stay safe!

Blessings to you this holiday week!  Have a filling week...full of great food, family and thankful hearts!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

What's Today?

Sorry, got my days mixed up this week and Wednesday came and went...and now it's Thursday!  Yikes!  I think it's a symptom of the holidays approaching when everything seems to speed up and the to-do list triples in length!  I really can't believe next week is Thanksgiving (in the US) already!  Where has the time gone?  This year has flown by!

Another year full of changes and (it seems these days) constant turmoil in the world.  We're all inundated by the 24-hour news cycle with everything that is going on in the world, so how do we shut it off and just live our lives?  Live, grow, support, nurture our own communities, neighborhoods and takes making it all a priority in our own lives.  To know what is important in our lives and then focus on that.  It's always easier said than done when we all have daily responsibilities to deal with, but I think we all also want more from our daily contribute more, to get more back, to give more, to feel inspired more, to feel more love in the world.  How do we get there?  How can we change the world?

One step at a time!  We all have a voice.  We all have abilities, talents and gifts that we can share with one another.  But, what we need more of is respect for one another NO MATTER OUR DIFFERENCES!  We need more human compassion, understanding and love in the world!!!

Lets all make an effort in our own lives, our own little spaces on this planet to BE THE CHANGE we want to see in the world!  To consciously show love to others rather than judgment or looking away, and to embrace our own acceptance of loving our starts there first!  Peace be with your hearts and in your souls.  Peace be with the unite, stand strong and love one another!!

Blessings to each one of you this week!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Pray for Paris

I think we ALL stand UNITED with Paris after the recent terrorist attacks there.  The scale and number of locations hit were definitely a shock to all of us.  Why is there such hatred and anger in the world that manifests itself into such heinous acts of violence?  

I've been trying to teach my oldest nephew (who is 10) that if we all had more respect, understand and humanity for one another much of the violence in the world would be diminished.  He agreed.  But, it's always easier said than done.  Bottom line is...we're ALL human beings.  Everything else just gets in the way...gender, sex, religion, cultures,'s what makes us all different, special and unique, but also tears us a part because we haven't learned to appreciate and respect one another FOR our differences.  How do we make that mental shift in a broader, more meaningful way?  In a way that will change the world we live in today...and all the days that follow.

We all process these kinds of violence differently (based on our past experiences and knowledge), but the majority of us have that light of humanity in us that knows this cannot be tolerated and that we must all stand together to stand up to the violence.  We are strong...TOGETHER!  We are brave...and UNITED!!  We are human...full of LOVE!!!

Praying for Paris!!!  Praying for you!  Praying for all of humanity!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Veteran's Day!

For all those that have served in our military, THANK YOU!!!  Thank you for your service, your bravery, and your sacrifice for your country and your fellow man!

We honor our men and women who have served our great country today, but we should honor and remember them everyday!  They have and continue to provide the freedoms we all take for granted every day.  And, we need to demand the government get the veteran care they deserve from our VA hospitals and clinics!  It's such a travesty what our veterans have to go through just to get quality and timely health care.  Lets stand up and support them!  They deserve that from every one of us!

So, thank you veterans!  Happy Veteran's Day!!!  

And, thank you personally to my Dad who fought in the Vietnam War.  As a Purple Heart recipient, he's the epitome of bravery and sacrifice.  I'm thankful for his service and grateful to be his daughter.

Blessings to all our veterans today and everyday!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Expect the Unexpected

Sorry I missed yesterday's post (as we had a family tragedy over the weekend).  Life is so unexpected and shocking at times...some good, some bad.  And sometimes it takes awhile to wrap your head around it...only time can provide answers, solace and peace.

It's hard to make sense of tragedies when they happen, as most of the time there is never a clear reason why they happen.  We all search for answers or at least some understanding when bad things happen and sometimes there is no reason.  It just was an accident...but that doesn't give us any comfort or answers.  

There are too many emotions to work through, but again time will work it out.  Sadness, grief, anger, confusion, etc. may seem never-ending for awhile, but they will all work themselves through and out of your system...coming and going...and then at some point in time in the future there will be a calm, a peace that overcomes you that lets you know everything will be OK again.  Give it time.

Yes, things can change in an instant which is why it's SO important to be present and grateful for every moment we're given.  It's a blessing and a gift...each and every day we wake up and then close our eyes each night.  Say a prayer for those in such despair that they cannot see the light.  The clouds will part again and the light WILL shine in!  

Blessings to you this week!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Happy National Adoption Month!

November is National Adoption Month!  What does that mean to you?  To me?  It means we shed some light and more awareness on the joys of adoption, the realities of adoption and what issues are currently facing adoption.  The joys are many and hopefully are shared with others to encourage, support and inspire others to do the same!  The realities of adoption are as varied and numerous as the colors in a prism.  We all have different stories, different perspectives on adoption and different journeys as adoptees and adoptive parents.  And, the issues that currently affect many adoptions/adoptees/adoptive parents are also too numerous to discuss here.  But, know this....we all share this common bond that gives/saves a life.  Life is a precious gift and it's YOUR choice on how to live that life!  It's not the circumstances behind your life that define you...meaning, being adopted doesn't have to define who you are unless you want it's your heart, your soul, the decisions you make in YOUR own life that define WHO YOU ARE!!!  So, embrace your life where you are, continue to find hope and faith for a brighter and more fulfilling tomorrow, and then give back.  

Whatever National Adoption Month means to you take some time to reflect and determine what you can do to give back, make a difference or just simply share your story with someone new.  Our voices can make a loud matter what we want to call attention to, so just do your part and we can bring greater awareness to adoption this month...and beyond!

Blessings to you for sharing your story and letting your voice be heard!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Fall Back.....

It's been fun seeing all the Halloween postings on Facebook...lots of cute, scary and fun costumes!  Along with all the Halloween festivities for all the kiddos, it was also time to fall back and set our clocks back an hour.  Ahhh, that extra hour of sleep was definitely appreciated!

How does the time change affect you?  It does take a couple weeks, at least for me, to get used to it getting dark around 5-5:30 pm.  Since, I'm a morning person it's nice that it's lighter in the mornings, but those early dark evenings are hard to adjust to for awhile.  I don't think it bothers me too much, other than wanting to go to bed earlier perhaps for awhile.  Otherwise, fall is my favorite time of year, so I'm ready for the cooler temperatures, leaves changing color and hot chocolate to warm me up!

Just another season...nature's season...but, we all go through different seasons of life, too.  Some come and go, some are brand new and some we'd rather forget, but they are all seasons that show us a new perspective, push us forward and hopefully make us a better person in one way, shape or form after the season has passed.  They aren't as predictable as the four seasons of mother nature, but the lend themselves as the backdrops to our life's journeys and the seasons that we encounter.  

So, enjoy the season you are in and make memories that will carry into the next season!  We might have fallen back with our clocks, but may we move forward with faith, joy and love today and everyday!!  Many blessings to you this first day of November!