Sunday, October 4, 2015

Chaos and Calm

Yesterday I watched the most chaotic baseball game I think I've ever witnessed that took my emotions from highs to lows several times!  Losing, coming back, tied, going way up, losing in the last 3 outs....ughh...ahhh...what?!?!  I was anxious watching it, so of course had to munch on some goodies to calm my nerves.  SO disappointing that we ended up losing after being ahead 4 runs in the 9th.  But, I had a birthday party to go to....

It was onto my oldest nephew's birthday!  He turned 10 yesterday and the whole family was there to help him celebrate!  With two 7 year olds, a 10 year old, a 2 year old and a 23 month year old it was loud...and louder!  Chaotic at times!  Kids yelling, laughing, dancing, running around...chaotic!  But, we wouldn't have it any other way!

So, where's the calm?  Well, today was a calm day and and I even stayed calm while my baseball team played their last game of the regular season...because I didn't watch it!  But, my dad kept me up to date calling in with regular updates while mom and I really did do some relaxing at the reflexology place.  Sooo much better!  And see, my team won and clinched their division!  In my happy zen place....

There's always calm after the storm (they say) and it's true.  Even though I was completely disappointed and shocked we lost, all was well in the it normally turns out.  So, I hope whatever the week ahead brings for you that no matter what chaos ensues,  you're comforted in the fact that the calm will soon follow.  So, take heart, gut it out if you have to and find your calm in the craziness!  Blessings for a CALM week!!

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