Wednesday, February 1, 2017

A Changing America...

Where are we living?  What has happened to the America many of us knew growing up or have envisioned?  What is going on?!  In the past week and a half there's been upheaval, confusion, anger, and a lot of Americans letting their voices be heard!  It's a sad and disheartening time, yet it's also empowering to stand up together as "We the people!"

So, whatever changes are coming...good or's inevitable that we are pushed into growth, into action, into ensuring we don't sit on the sidelines anymore, into hopefully stronger unity among us ALL because that's what the 'United' States of America represents.  It doesn't say we are red and blue states or we're this label or the other.  It says we are UNITED!  We have boxed one another into too many boxes and labeled each other to death that it's tearing us a part rather than lifting us all up together.  We're looking at our differences as obstacles and roadblocks to our own ideals when we should be looking out things from another perspective...from someone's else's listen instead of attack or defend.  We NEED more understanding and respect for one another instead of insults and intolerance.  We NEED more love and kindness to help our neighbor up instead of pushing them down.  We NEED more COMPASSION for one another!

May this time of unrest, uneasy hearts and concerned minds galvanize the next change-makers, the next great leaders of our nation, and the next influencers of unity and compassion!  Until then, may we all do our own little parts and let our voices be heard loud and clear!!  Don't rest.  Stand up and be heard!  Stand up for what you believe in and don't give up the fight!

Blessings to you this first day of February!

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