Sunday, August 2, 2015

Are They Related?

As I was walking in line to take communion today at my church, I wondered if people sitting in the congregation that were waiting their turn or that had already taken their communion were wondering if I was related to the older Korean couple right behind me.  When I go to the early service there is a older Korean couple that sit near me.  There's space in-between us, so it's not like I'm sitting right next to them, but they are obviously look like they could be related to me...and their last name is Kim!  Not that everyone would know their last name is Kim or that my first name is Kim, but it's just a common last name in Korea (which I write about in my book, Corn-fed with Rice on the Side.  So, it's not like my name would be Kim Kim!  Ha!

I've written about them in the past, but today it just crossed my mind as I was walking up to take communion and they were right behind me.  I could be their grand-daughter or even their daughter.  I wonder if anyone who was sitting in the congregation thought that.  I probably would.  

When Mrs. Kim came in this morning to sit down, she said "Hi Kim." and smiled as always.  Her husband, not so friendly and just walked by and sat down.  As I've written about previously, I wonder how they came to my church vs. going to a Korean church, which I know there are some around...especially since they are older and I would guess very traditional like most Koreans are about their culture and religion.  So, it always intrigues me every time I see them at church.

Whatever people were thinking is fine with me...doesn't bother me any.  But, I wonder if it ever crosses Mrs. Kim's mind, too?

Wishing you many blessings in the week ahead!  Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!

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