Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Just Sitting There....

I received a DNA kit a couple months ago and it's been sitting on my kitchen island since I got after day.  Why haven't I sent it in yet?  I'm not sure?  

I guess finding out solid scientific information about myself is a little scary...yet, requesting the kit and thinking about the results was a little exciting.  So, I'm stuck in-between emotions and haven't been swayed one way or the other to actually do something about it.  I think that's where I am at the moment on it.  Who knows, tomorrow I could wake up and have a complete change of heart and submit it right away....or it might take me another month or so before I actually do it.

Have any of you done it?  What was your thought process...before and after?  Did it really change anything for you after you found out the results?  Or did it just give you a little sense of peace knowing some actual factual demographics about yourself?  I need to wrap my head around it a little more and be ready to accept the results.

Yes, adoptees have a lot of different questions growing up and we all go through different times, different ways...but, we all have the same questions at some point in time.  It's whether we are prepared or not for the answers is the real question.

I'll let you know when I actually submit the kit, but for now it's just sitting there.

Have a blessed day and enjoy the rest of your week!

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