Sunday, August 9, 2015

Mid-life Crisis?

I'm too young to have a mid-life crisis, right?  What's the right age?  I guess anywhere between 40-45, 46, 47...ha!  I don't think I'm having a mid-life crisis...although I did just buy a new car...but, I do feel like I'm at some sort of cross roads.  I don't necessarily like where I'm at in life...a job that I don't absolutely love, not in a relationship, not fully loving myself...just stuck in this place.  I've tried to make changes, do things differently, think differently, see things in a different way, but I'm still in the same place.  Stuck.  I don't feel like I'm moving in any direction...just spinning my wheels and staying in the same place.  How can that be?

Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful and grateful every single day for what I do have and for who I am.  I'm blessed to have good health, a home, a new car and all the general goodness of life.  I guess I'm just wanting, needing more in my life.  I think that's a normal part of all of our lives at some point in time.  And, it doesn't just come around once or twice, it's a lifelong desire in our lives throughout our journeys.  We get to one place in our lives, strive for another and then another and then another.  When are we truly content and happy where we are?

I've been in that content place many times in my life, but I'm far from content these days.  I want more for my life, more for myself and I TRY each and every day to make a change or make a difference for myself and others.  It definitely hasn't been satisfying because I haven't seen any progress, but I keep TRYING!  Try and again it's all I can do.  That, and pray and have faith in God that all is well and he has my every day planned out.  Learning to trust in that is an up and down emotional roller coaster.  Sometimes I'm totally 'high' on the possibilities and proud of all the good things I'm doing in my life and other times the 'lows' seem to suck me into worthlessness.  Am I worthy of goodness?  Am I worthy of a happy life?  For some reason I think "being worthy" enough has been a constant fault for me even though I know I am I'm not sure I truly believe it.  I'm not sure why, but it's there and maybe that's the obstacle I need to overcome to see any true progress in my life.  

Whatever YOUR obstacle is keep working on it and keep trying!  It's what I'm going to do!  One of these days we'll have a breakthrough and see why we had to ride the roller coaster in order to reach our next destination.  God doesn't put us in these situations if we can't handle them.  He puts us in these situations to lift us up into our glory...into our next set of blessings.  He's preparing us for greatness in our lives and I do believe we all have that within us.  We all just take different journeys to get there.

So, enjoy the ride...I'm trying...and get ready to receive God's next set of blessings in your life.  Just keep going!  Wishing you many blessings on your daily greatness!!

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