Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Accepting Yourself for Who You Are

Ladies, we ARE enough...imperfect, flawed and beautiful.  We all spend so much time tearing each other down or comparing ourselves to others, which basically says to ourselves that we're not good enough, we're not like everyone else, we're not perfect.  And, honestly...that's absolutely OK!  It's what makes each of us unique and special and why we all have something to contribute to this world.  We are all different!

That's a good thing!  Not a bad thing that we've all been conditioned to believe.  How and when was the first time you didn't feel worthy or enough for someone...or different?  How has that shaped your perceptions, decisions, and outlook on life?  It's all interwoven in each one of us...those insecurities, those deep scars that conjure up pain and sadness, and those personal disappointments that seem to mount up upon our shoulders over time.  Why do we beat ourselves up?  Why do we put ourselves down?  Why do we speak to ourselves (in our heads) so harshly  when we would never say those things to other people out loud?

We need to have more compassion for ourselves.  We need to let ourselves off the hook more often when it's truly just a small thing.  Ask yourself if whatever it is that is stressing you out and causing you anxiety will matter in another day, a week, a month or even a year later.  If not, let it slide off your shoulders, breathe and focus your energy on something that really matters.  Instead of picking ourselves a part or even other people, why can't we lift up and support each other's differences and special qualities?  We all have them, so why can't we start a movement that shines a light on our differences as a GOOD thing!  Lets change our mindsets and not be so critical of everyone else and ourselves.  We need a kindness movement full of compassion (for ourselves and others) and full of respect for another human being.

It's a tiny shift that we can all consciously try to day at a time, one person at a time.  It just takes one person to make a difference!  At least give it a try...even if it's saying one kind word to yourself when you might normally criticize yourself.  Instead of thinking to yourself "you're an idiot for doing that" or "you just made a fool of yourself"...say, "I'm proud of myself for trying and putting myself out there" or "you only live once so make it count."  Make that paradigm shift in your mind and you'll see things in a whole new light!  Continued blessings to you this week!

Note: I addressed this primarily to ladies because we're more prone to pick each other and ourselves a part, but I know there are men out there that do the same things.  So, I'm not discounting you haven't experienced the same thing.  You're definitely included, as well.  We're all in the same boat from time to time and we can all paddle a different direction with the right outlook.

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