Every new year we all spend a moment or two assessing our lives...how the last year went, what we want out of the new year, making new (or sometimes the same) goals for the coming year...it's a short period of evaluation of our lives. Sometimes those questions get asked a little louder...specifically when a tragedy or health scare arises. That's how my family was jolted into the new year - with a health scare from one of my aunt's. She had a massive heart attack on the 2nd.
Scary. Uncontrollable. Worried. Anxious. Stressed. That's how we've rung in the new year. It's not just this one incident that has our family stressed out and anxiety-ridden to start this new year, but numerous life-altering, unexpected incidents one after another after another. This might be the 4th or 5th one, I'm losing track. But, it's been a lot and a heavy burden especially for my parents. I worry about them and their health, but they have been pillars of strength, perseverance and hope for us all. We (all my siblings and I) lean on my parents for a lot (too numerous to list) but I think I worry about them the most. Their health and how they are dealing with all this turmoil in our lives. Life has definitely dealt us a lot in the past several months, but its shown me how strong we really are and how we rally around one another. That's what families do!
We will endure and overcome through God's grace and be stronger as a family, but also (I hope) in our faith in God's love for each one of us. We all go through our ups in downs in life and right now we're trekking through one of those rough 'valley' terrains. There is always goodness in our lives to focus on, as well, and blessings that shine through each and every day. So, we'll be focusing on those blessings to carry us through and back to higher ground. Each new day we are able (if willing) to write our own story...not just through the daily grind of our lives, but through our actions, our service to others and our ability to change our lives for the better. It's our small way of making a difference, changing the world (around us) and leaving our mark on this earth. What will you be jolted into in 2014?!
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