Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Getting it ALL Set-up....

The books are what?!  Getting the book picked up by a publisher, edited, produced and shipped was a process all in itself...check!  (If you were following one of my previous posts.) Now it's onto selling my books!  Here we go!

But wait!  I've still got a few (or in my mind several things swirling around) details to get done.  I've got to finish the website adding payment info...hello, Pay Pal (and learning about that whole process)...get all my shipping gear ready to go, and get all my supplies ready to go for my first book signing!  I'm getting there!  You should see all the lists laying around my house!  My mind jumps from one thing to the next (things weeks away) so I have to write down all the details as I think of them...or at least try to. 

And then there's the marketing of it all!  This is my home turf...what I do for a living, so this should be easy, right?!  It is and I have a marketing plan in place, but I just don't have the time to get it all done yet.  But, that's actually not a bad thing.  I don't necessarily need to do it all at once, right?  Back to one step at a time.  Although, once I posted on FB that I had received the books everyone wanted to know how to get a copy NOW!  The website is coming, I promise!  And, I'm trying to get a local book signing scheduled, I promise!  Throw in there a couple of work trips over the next couple of weeks and it's a little crazy...more so in my head!  A lot going on...but, I'll get there, I promise.  :-)

My first magazine article should be published soon, so stay tuned for that!  Plus, my hometown newspaper (where I'm doing my first book signing) is printing an interview I did with them about my book in this week's edition...on the front page!!!  What!!!???  Holy cow!  I didn't expect that.  Me?  Newsworthy...for the front page?!  Oh my!  I'm not sure I'm ready for that.  I'm not the "front and center" kind of gal.  This is going to be strange, surreal and again, I'm not sure when this is all going to hit me. 

I'm truly humbled by every one's support and enthusiasm for my book.  I truly appreciate it!  And, I look forward to seeing you at a book signing or sending you a book very soon! 

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