Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Happy For You...

I got a message from an "old" friend the other day (basically a friend I haven't talked to in 5+ years) to talk about jobs, but also to let me know he and his wife are adopting a baby girl.  It's a domestic and local adoption and things should be finalized next month.  They already have one little girl and I was excited to hear about the upcoming addition to their family!

It's always great to hear about family or friends having kids, but when they (also) decide to adopt it's always a little bit more special.  I truly admire those that decide to open their hearts to a child because it's definitely a conscientious choice and decision this is made to love and nurture that child.  It's one of the greatest gifts a person and/or couple can give.  

In my book, Corn-fed with Rice on the Side, I talk about going back to my hometown and finding out about so many of our extended family who have adopted children (internationally).  I wondered if I (and my parents) had influenced their decisions in any way or if just by opening their minds to the idea was enough...enough to open their hearts and homes to a child who needed them.  My dad made the comment "See what you started." and I replied back to him "No, see what YOU started!"

Having a child no matter how they come into your life is a true blessing.  There are definitely too many children in need of a forever home and hopefully there will be just as many open hearts to fulfill those needs in the future.  Even if adoption is not part of your path in life, you can always still make a difference in a child's life through donations, time or service.  We can all make a difference in a child's matter how big or small!

Blessings to you as the summer is heating up and fireworks will soon sparkle and pop in the sky!  Cheers!!

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