Yesterday there was a full moon...maybe that explains my wacky day! It started off like any other day, but once I got out and about trying to get things done for the day it got stranger and crazier! Mom and I went to get a mani/pedi, but there was a long wait at my regular salon. So, we went to another one and as I've mentioned in my book I always get the same question when I go to the nail salon..."Where are you from?" This time the girl straight out asked me if I was Chinese or Japanese. She said I looked more like one of those than Korean. Hmmmm. That was a first. Then my mom chimes in and says "I'm her mom." The four people working on our fingernails and toenails all stopped and stared at us. Then, three of them said "mother-in-law?" I said "No, mother." No one said anything. Then they all started talking in that other language they know we can't understand. Oh great! I can only imagine what they are saying!
After a quick lunch and stop at a local grocery store, we hurried home to get ready for my book signing. Leaving a few minutes later than I planned, we hit the road...and tons of traffic! Oh crap! Every major highway we got onto there was major traffic! Both of us started to breathe a little quicker and get a little more anxious as we came upon more and more traffic. We finally got to the bookstore, but all the parking was taken and I still had to carry in (the really heavy) box of books! Thankfully God was watching over us and someone pulled out right in front of the bookstore. Score! Thank you, thank you, thank you! We walked inside just as the Book Signing was scheduled to start! Phew! It only took a few minutes to set-up, as it was a fairly small bookstore...cute and quaint.
Two hours later...and only 2 books sold. One to my cousin, and mind you I only have two cousins that live down here, and one to a person that had called in. No one else! No one else had come to see me or to buy a book. Disappointment? Sure. Heartbroken? No. It's the way it goes sometimes and since I'm still new at this it was a good lesson in making sure I really market the crap out of each of these signings!
It was such a beautiful day out yesterday, too. So, mom and I did a little shopping...well, we tried to. We've been looking for a certain kind of lotion and they only carry it in a few places around the metroplex. One place was the bookstore I had my signing in, but we forgot to look while we were there. So, as I'm driving to our next shopping location, mom is trying to look up other locations to buy the lotion. After deciding maybe it might be easier to just buy it online we drove down a little shopping area and ran into (just by chance) one of the retail stores that said they carried the lotion! How crazy is that? We went inside, but they were all out of the lotion. Figures. That's how my day was going. Throughout the day of course my patience with other drivers was minimal so I'm surprised we didn't get into a fender bender...although I did run over a curb pretty hard. Hope that didn't leave a crack on the underside of my car. That's all I need.
Man, what a really strange day! And yes, I'm blaming it on the full moon! I SO need a week off (of my day job work) to get all the work done I need to for the book. That's not going to happen until Thanksgiving and then I'll have to use at least 2 of those days to decorate for Christmas. Holy's almost that time of year already! Time is flying by! Time to stay focused and try to get it all done! Blessings to you this week!
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