Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Next Shipment

I'm expecting my next shipment of books this week!  I doubled the order from the original one, so there will be more boxes filling up my house.  Where to put all my book signing supplies, shipping supplies, and books during the holidays?  Right now they are consuming my dining room, but it'll soon be time to start decorating for Christmas so I need to find another room to move it all to.  I do have an extra room in the house that is the end-all-be-all room...meaning, if it doesn't fit in any other room in the house it goes in that room.  It's about to get a little more crowded in there!

I've taken a little bit of a break the last week or so to just slow down and not continue to exhaust myself.  It's definitely helped!  I'm still tired, but not exhausted!  How's that?!  ;-)  I still have a ton of marketing to do for the book, but I'm trying not to stress myself out about it.  There's so much going on right now...just life things in I just need to do what I can each day and be OK with that.  And know that I'm doing my best and I'll get it all day at a time!

Remembering a post from a couple weeks ago..."anything is possible!"  I'm still exploring, learning and experiencing new things related to the book, but isn't that what life is about anyways?!?!  Spending a little time to reassess, get my wits about me back (or at least feel like I do), and looking ahead with excitement and hope...time well spent!  I hope you can find a moment in your hectic day to take a breath and reassess, as well.  Blessings to you and the rest of your week!  And, for those in the U.S....have a fun and safe Halloween!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

1st Flight...

This was posted on FB this week and thought it important to share.  After petitioning both Houses of Congress in 1955, Harry and Bertha Holt brought 8 children from Korea to the United States...thus starting the acceptance and gift of international adoption.  Powerful picture!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ramping Up.....

As I mentioned in my last post, it's time to ramp up my marketing efforts!  One step at a time...well, maybe a little faster!  It's time to really get the word out there...out beyond my inner circle, my immediate bubble.  It's time to put my marketing skills to the test!  Maybe my career path became my career path for precisely this moment.  I didn't know what I really wanted to be coming out of high school or college.  In high school, all I knew was that I wanted to wear business suits!  I thought they made women look more powerful...hence the term "power suit."  But in all reality, I'm thankful I don't have to wear business suits every day to work! 

During my senior year of college, I really just stumbled into the marketing profession through a co-op opportunity at a major IT company.  That was the start of my professional marketing!  Go figure!  Life has a way of presenting opportunities at the right time.  We don't always know it at the time...ok, we rarely know it at the time...because we're so consumed with this or that, something that won't be important a week from now or just the chaos of daily life!  Sometimes you can't clearly see the path God has taken you down until you stop and look back years later.  And then you "get it!"  It all makes sense now.  Sometimes you need more time before the path is clearly visible, but if you stop, reflect and calm your senses the picture comes into focus.

So, as I ramp up this new part of the publishing process I take pause, get focused and get it done!  Along with all the other demands of my, birthdays, holidays, self-exploration course, finding time for family and friends...and finding time for myself!  Although life is running full speed ahead these days, I still take that moment at the end of each day to be grateful and thank God for all my daily blessings.  However crazy things are going to get...I know God is leading the way and will provide!  Blessings to you this week!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Was It The Full Moon?

Yesterday there was a full moon...maybe that explains my wacky day!  It started off like any other day, but once I got out and about trying to get things done for the day it got stranger and crazier!  Mom and I went to get a mani/pedi, but there was a long wait at my regular salon.  So, we went to another one and as I've mentioned in my book I always get the same question when I go to the nail salon..."Where are you from?"  This time the girl straight out asked me if I was Chinese or Japanese.  She said I looked more like one of those than Korean.  Hmmmm.  That was a first.  Then my mom chimes in and says "I'm her mom."  The four people working on our fingernails and toenails all stopped and stared at us.  Then, three of them said "mother-in-law?"  I said "No, mother."  No one said anything.  Then they all started talking in that other language they know we can't understand.  Oh great!  I can only imagine what they are saying! 

After a quick lunch and stop at a local grocery store, we hurried home to get ready for my book signing.  Leaving a few minutes later than I planned, we hit the road...and tons of traffic!  Oh crap!  Every major highway we got onto there was major traffic!  Both of us started to breathe a little quicker and get a little more anxious as we came upon more and more traffic.  We finally got to the bookstore, but all the parking was taken and I still had to carry in (the really heavy) box of books!  Thankfully God was watching over us and someone pulled out right in front of the bookstore.  Score!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  We walked inside just as the Book Signing was scheduled to start!  Phew!  It only took a few minutes to set-up, as it was a fairly small bookstore...cute and quaint. 

Two hours later...and only 2 books sold.  One to my cousin, and mind you I only have two cousins that live down here, and one to a person that had called in.  No one else!  No one else had come to see me or to buy a book.  Disappointment?  Sure.  Heartbroken?  No.  It's the way it goes sometimes and since I'm still new at this it was a good lesson in making sure I really market the crap out of each of these signings!

It was such a beautiful day out yesterday, too.  So, mom and I did a little shopping...well, we tried to.  We've been looking for a certain kind of lotion and they only carry it in a few places around the metroplex.  One place was the bookstore I had my signing in, but we forgot to look while we were there.  So, as I'm driving to our next shopping location, mom is trying to look up other locations to buy the lotion.  After deciding maybe it might be easier to just buy it online we drove down a little shopping area and ran into (just by chance) one of the retail stores that said they carried the lotion!  How crazy is that?  We went inside, but they were all out of the lotion.  Figures.  That's how my day was going.  Throughout the day of course my patience with other drivers was minimal so I'm surprised we didn't get into a fender bender...although I did run over a curb pretty hard.  Hope that didn't leave a crack on the underside of my car.  That's all I need.

Man, what a really strange day!  And yes, I'm blaming it on the full moon!  I SO need a week off (of my day job work) to get all the work done I need to for the book.  That's not going to happen until Thanksgiving and then I'll have to use at least 2 of those days to decorate for Christmas.  Holy's almost that time of year already!  Time is flying by!  Time to stay focused and try to get it all done!  Blessings to you this week!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

1st 'Public' Book Signing!

My 1st public book signing...meaning, open to the public and not just family and this coming Saturday, October 19 from 2-4 pm at Logos Bookstore in Dallas, TX!  Another "first" for me!  I'm grateful for the bookstore opening their doors and space to me, an unknown, first time author.  And, I'm grateful for the opportunity to hopefully affect/touch one person's life with my story, my journey, my experiences through my book.  It's still not really real to me yet, so maybe after a few more signings and meeting complete strangers sharing their stories with me it'll finally seem real.

Thankfully, I finally have a small break/reprieve...i.e. vacation from my day rest (but not really) to focus on strictly marketing my book!  I have a plan that I created months ago, but just haven't had time to really put it into action yet.  A few things here and there, but it's time to put it into full gear!  So here all out marketing assault!

Besides, my 2 other upcoming book signings in the Dallas area I also just scheduled a book signing at my church in November!  Blessed.  The second reprint of my book is in production and should arrive by the end of this month, so I'll be fully stocked (at least I hope) for the marketing push I'm about to make.  I just received the files for my ebook, so now I've got to research and figure out how to get it up on Amazon.  Any experts out there, please lend your advice and knowledge.

Right now, this endeavor reminds me of the saying "all things are possible."  I have no idea what "all things" entail right now, but I'm curious to find out.  So, wherever you are in life, whatever you love doing or whatever you wish you were doing with your life...remember, "All things are possible!"  Just believe, pursue, and follow God's lead in your life!  He knows ALL and provides ALL.  Blessings to you and I hope to see you at an upcoming Book Signing (if you're in the Dallas area).

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Bit of a Blur....

These past 2 weeks have been a bit of a blur to me because I've been so busy at work!  Last week I arrived in Las Vegas on Sunday afternoon for my company's big conference of the year.  I didn't leave the hotel/casino/conference center or see sunlight again until Friday afternoon when I returned home!!  Unbelievable!  What a really long week!  And I have to mention, there was a huge Asian tourist group at the hotel all week so I was always running into 2 or 3 groups of Asians who were following a colored flag their group leader was carrying to their next attraction.  Several times I'd be standing in the hallway and a whole herd of them would just stampede right around me or a couple times I tried to get around them from behind, but I could never maneuver my way around them....and ALL of their cameras!  Seriously!

And then last week I flew to Los Angeles on Wednesday for an event on Thursday and back home on Friday.  Thankfully, no more traveling for a couple more weeks.  Actually, I was hoping not to travel for the remainder of the year, but I may have to make 1-2 more trips.  I'm just ready for some downtime and for things to slow down a bit.  I'm ready to enjoy the cooler temps, changing leaves and the smell of fireplaces crackling!

Sometimes life moves by so quickly I'm not sure how you're supposed to "just be in the moment" and "take it all in".  Most of us are just trying to survive and get through it (whatever 'it' may be at the moment).  But, in those crazy, hectic times I have learned to try to take a brief pause and either thank God for giving me the strength and ability to get through it or I ask Him to take control or remind myself to just "Trust in the Lord"!  He will provide! 

So, as the holidays approach and I suspect many of you will have weeks that become a blur to you because there is so much going on in your lives, take a brief pause.  Find a moment of sanity...and then keep going.  Find the beauty and glory of each day...each day that you're able to grace this earth...and be at peace and/or be grateful.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Look Inside...

A big part of writing my book and putting it out there was to educate and let people know what it's like to be adopted and/or Asian.  And, it's why I structured the book the way I did in giving little glimpses into everyday life through stories of daily situations we all go through.  So, hopefully the book provides that vivid image for you or just a casual understanding of what it's like.

However, when I was in Asheville, NC a couple of weeks ago for work I met a gentlemen who asked me about my first name!  And, if you've read my book I discuss "my name" in the first chapter!  So, it was interesting how this conversation came asking me why my first name was Kim.  He was a Caucasian man who was married to an adopted Asian woman and his parents had been foster parents while he was growing up.  He had also spent 8-9 years living in Korea when he was younger, so he definitely knew more about the culture than I did!  And, his wife's two sisters were also adopted, so we had a very in-depth and interesting conversation about adoption, how people react to us, and how people treat us in general once they know we're adopted.  He mentioned this YouTube video called "What Kind of Asian Are You?"  Check it out!

This will definitely give you an "inside look" into many instances I know many Asians have encountered, myself included, throughout our lifetime.  Enjoy your week!

Sunday, October 6, 2013


The book is in hand, the website is ready to take orders and book signings are scheduled!  I'm officially launched!!!  Ok, now what?!  For starters, another reprint request has been submitted, so I should be fully stocked to take orders from the website and for all my upcoming book signings.  Updating the website, writing a press release along with getting my PR kit updated, and yes...fulfilling my first online orders!!  Woo hoo!! 

And so it really begins...this last month was just a taste of what is to was more of a celebration of what I had accomplished and the reality of it all.  And again, I'm not sure the reality part has officially hit me yet.  I think the next couple months will be telling, though, as far as who and how many people will show up for my book's a big unknown and the uncertainty of it makes me a little nervous.  But, I'll definitely be doing all I can to draw attention to and drive attendance to all my signings.  So, it's time to put my marketing plan into full drive!  An all out attack to get the word out!  And, that starts with all those who have been following me throughout my journey through this blog...that means YOU!  Please share my website with all your friends and family, and if you have any suggestions on where to advertise, local magazines or organizations that I should be contacting, please let me know!  I appreciate all your support!!!

Please visit my site at to purchase your copy of my book, Corn-fed with Rice on the Side!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Website is Live and Kickin'!

My website has been up for several weeks now, but pulling the trigger on the purchase part yesterday was really scary and exciting!  For all those who have asked over the past month or so as my books were being shipped and as I started scheduling book signings, you can finally BUY my book!  You can buy online at!  Please share the link with others!

And don't forget to check out the "News and Events" page of the website.  It lists all my upcoming book signings.  I've got one coming up on Oct. 19 in Dallas, Nov. (date being confirmed now) in Frisco, and Dec. 7 in Plano!  Would love to see you at one of these upcoming signings!

Thanks for following my blog and my journey over the past several months to get to this point!  I appreciate all of your support!  Feel free to share with friends and family, too!