We're getting down to the "home stretch"....of decisions that have to be made for the book! So, I made a fairly big one yesterday (or at least in my mind)...I decided on the headshot to use for the back cover of my book! I'm not sure how I narrowed it down from 100 pictures to just THAT one, but I did! Check! One decision down...several more to go!
The final proof of the book arrives tomorrow! Guess what I'll be doing this weekend? Final time to read through it all before it goes to print! One more round of edits. This is it! But, after the last round of edits I felt really good at where it was at and that it was really close to being final. But, now is the time!
One major decision yet to make is the book cover...yes, still working on that one. But, I think we're close. We have to be! It's what I'll be holding up, promoting and advertising everywhere I go for the foreseeable future, at least!
And, a couple more promotional/marketing decisions to make...then, I'm ready to go! Are you ready? To buy, buy, buy!!! What if just family and friends buy? I'd be OK with that. But, I'd really like to make a difference...even if it's just one person...one adoptee, one adoptive parent, one person considering adoption. I just want to know I've contributed to the world in some small way and it was worth it. That's what all these "little" decisions ultimately mean to me...sharing, giving back, making a difference! Thanks for being part of my journey!
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