"Can you recommend an authentic Asian restaurant around here?" a coworker asked me yesterday. Who me? Ummmm, sorry...that's really not my area of expertise. Huh? "I'm adopted. I grew up eating meat and potatoes...and corn!"
In the landscape of cubicles in my office, there's a little nook, if you will, away from all the chaos, rowdiness and loudness of everyone else where I sit with a few other regulars. We have our quiet little area where we don't have to shout at each other and for the most part can hear ourselves think, which is rare in an open cube style set-up. So, when my coworker asked for a recommendation on where to find the best Asian cuisine in the area I had to reveal why I couldn't...but at least I didn't have to shout it so she could hear me! Plus, she probably would have found out next week anyways when I bring my oldest nephew to work for "Take your Kids to Work Day" seeing that he's blonde-haired, blue-eyed and pretty tall for his age. Just the simple every day question that can trigger lots of questions and confusion.
And by-the-way, we're both the fried rice kind of gals...traditional, easy and you know what's in it! I have expanded my cuisine, though, through international travels and being willing to try anything once. And, I've finally gotten more into sushi this year...after having someone who knows what they're ordering show me what's good! Yum!
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