That was really meant for yesterday ON actual May day (May 1st) so I'm behind a day. But regardless, I hope you had a great May day! What's the big deal? Well, when I was growing up we (kids) would put together May day baskets and deliver them to our friends as signs of our friendship. You could make May day baskets out of anything which was part of the fun and them fill them with lots of goodies...candy, popcorn, stickers, etc! We usually just used Styrofoam cups and filled them with candy and popcorn, but some years we would add ribbon as handles. But, most years we'd forget until the last minute and have to scramble to put something together. Looking back, that was also part of the fun!
So, yesterday I had forgotten about it again (as usual) and an old childhood friend had posted a picture of a May day basket hanging on a door knob which sparked my memory. Ahhh, May day baskets!! So much fun! My mom came over later yesterday to do some shopping and as we were walking into one store she mentioned May day baskets and I looked at her in awe. You remembered?!?! She had and then we started talking about all the fun we had putting them together when I was younger. It was a fun tradition.
Whether you've done May day baskets in childhood or continue/start them with your children, enjoy the fun and friendship of it all! It's just a nice way to say thanks for being my friend or someone special in my life! We should all take more time to do that.
Hoping you have a blessed month of May!!
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