Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Happy Memorial Day weekend!!  Yes, it time to fire up the grills, whip up a batch of potato salad and peach cobbler, and get your friends and family together for a long weekend.  It's almost that transition period from spring to summer and to the end of the school year for the kiddos.  Time for boats on the lake, picnics at the park and fun in the sun at the pool!

But please take time to remember all of those who have served our country and gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.  That is WHY we celebrate this day and we should remember with profound gratitude the lives that have been lost protecting our country.  Always remember, never forget!!!

May peace be with all those that have lost loved ones and may they feel the gratitude and appreciation from the nation during this holiday weekend!  Grateful blessings to all the brave and courageous souls that have given their lives in great honor.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Always Looking Ahead....

You hear all the time to "be mindful and be in the moment" which refers to living for the now and not the past or the future.  That's a hard and on-going lesson I think we all struggle with at times.  We're just doing what we have to or need to do at the moment and not really being mindful about it.  For the most part, I truly do look ahead and not in the past.  I'm a planner by nature so I'm always looking ahead and trying to plan everything out.  So, of course most of my frustrations come when things don't work out as I've planned them to, however, I have gotten better about it over the past several years...and yes, it's a choice you have to make so that you don't waste time or energy on being upset.

In my teenage and college years I did look back to the past a lot...wondering and worrying about things I couldn't change, wishing I could do things differently, picking a part my actions or things I said...all those analytical mind games that many of us play that get us nowhere.  It is useless to worry about the past because we can't change it.  We can only learn from it, be better and move on.  Yes, move on!!

So, I'm saddened when I see posts on Facebook by many Korean adoptees about how their past largely affects their present.  Yes, it's part of their histories but it doesn't mean you have to let it affect your current state of being.  It can only affect you if you let it.  Honestly, I've never agonized over being adopted or all the implications that comes with that because there's nothing I can do about it.  I've just always been grateful to be adopted in a loving family and have the life that I've had.  No matter what our circumstances, backgrounds, etc. they don't have to define your life.  It's part of your life, but that's not WHO you ARE!  You don't go up to new people and say, "Hi, I'm Kim.  I'm adopted."  That's not who you are!  You're corky, funny, loving, generous, strong-willed, etc...that's who you are!  Just as our professions aren't who we are...they are just what we do!

So, don't let your past control your present or your future!  Let it give you knowledge and education as to where you are from, but not who you are or aren't!  Be YOU!!!  Be who you want to be...not who you think others think you should be or what you think an Asian should be...just be YOU!  That's all you have to do!

Take a deep breath, be mindful of this moment and be excited about who you will become tomorrow!  Blessings to you on your journey to finding out who YOU are!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Daily Horoscope

Do you read your horoscope daily?  Weekly?  Monthly?  Do you believe in the "power" of your sign?  Have any of your horoscopes come true?  Why are we so fascinated with horoscopes?  I think it's that slight possibility of "the universe" (or more likely someone) predicting or forecasting the future.  We all want to know what's coming next, what's ahead for us, what we need to prepare for or what we need to brace for so that the future is not so unknown.  We want to be able to predict everything...good news, bad news, winning lottery numbers, the outcome of a surgery, etc.  But alas, is there really such a thing as predicting the future?

I suppose our daily weather forecast is as close as we get based on weather forecasting tools and technology.  But, as we all know the weather forecast is not always right!  So, why do we read our horoscopes if we know they're not accurate or full-proof?  I think it's for the hope of what our future might hold or preparing ourselves for a rocky road ahead.  It's an attempt to give us a heads-up even if everything in the horoscope isn't true or doesn't come to pass.  

I like reading my yearly forecast at the beginning of the year because...well, it's the start of a new year and anything is possible...even a new horoscope!  And, I do have a horoscope app on my smartphone, but only check it out occasionally.  I probably read my weekly horoscope more frequently at the moment.  Does it help me prepare for the week ahead?  Perhaps or perhaps it's just fun to read!

Whatever your future holds, may blessings fill you up today and everyday!!

Sunday, May 15, 2016


It's mid-May already?!?!  How did that happen?  It seems like it should only be the end of March or something.  How are we already almost to Memorial Day (here in the States)?!  How come it feels like the older I get the faster time flies?  Half the year is almost gone already!

It's not that I've been too busy with life over the past 5 months.  It's been the usual busy some days and others not so much.  But, looking back to the beginning of the year I'm wondering what I've done...what I've accomplished?  Do you ever feel like you haven't accomplished enough in the time you've been given?  And then 5 months fly by and you wonder what you've been doing....well, I feel like that!

The mantra that popped into my head this morning was "Do Better, Be Better!"  Do better, not necessarily do more just do better at whatever it is you're trying to do and you'll in turn be better at whatever it is or just a better person in general.  So, we'll see how long this lasts.

So, however you spend you time, whether productive or not, I hope you see the goodness in your life and not the things you haven't done or the things you didn't do well.  We all focus too much on the negative or the so-called failures in our lives but as I always say, "It could always be worse."  So, be grateful for what you have now, who you are now and just continue to "do better, be better!"

Many blessings to you this mid-week of May!!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Holt Picnic Coming Soon!

If you live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area or even Austin/San Antonio/Houston areas, mark your calendars for the Holt Picnic on June 18, 2016 at Parr Park in Grapevine, TX.  We had it there the year before last and had a great turn-out, so come out and meet other adoptees and their families!  It's always a great time of fun and friendship, so don't miss it!

If you're able to come, please RSVP at:

Hope to see you there!!

Many blessings for the end of your week!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to ALL the mothers out there...and a special shout out to my mom!  Although this day only comes around once a year, I know I truly appreciate all my mom is and does throughout the entire year.  She has a fun-loving spirit that people gravitate to, she's joyful about life and she loves her family dearly.  She's been a great example to me and my siblings growing up and I'm forever grateful for all the guidance and strength she's raised us with...then and now.

So, for all the mothers out there...enjoy your special day and feel all the love from your family and friends.  Many blessings to ALL the mothers in the world that sacrifice, struggle, encourage, support, guide, nurture and love their children!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Just One...

If you're a new follower to my blog "Welcome!"  If you have been a regular follower of my blog "Thank you!"  I appreciate your interest in my life journey and hope I can or have imparted some insight into what it's like growing up as an international adoptee.  We all have our own stories to tell, but I hope mine has brought some awareness, familiarity and/or humor to your day.  We're all in this together and the more we can share our experiences, learn from one another, have compassion for one another and truly respect one another for our differences the better this life journey will be for ALL of us!

If you've been touched by my story, inspired, laughed, or even found one remotely interesting thing about reading my blog and/or book I'd like to ask one thing of you...please share my story with just one person.  One person you think might benefit from hearing my story.  One person who might gain some insight or knowledge about raising an adopted child.  One person who might see themselves in reading my story.  One person who is looking for some hope or inspiration about being adopted.  One person who leads a support organization for adoption.  One person who leads a church adoption support group.  One person who organizes book fairs or adoption events.  One person who needs to see that differences in our lives is what makes our light shine...and we need to share that light with others!

I appreciate your support and for hopefully enlightening just one other person's life by taking action.  Thank you!  And many blessings to you!!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Happy May Day!!

That was really meant for yesterday ON actual May day (May 1st) so I'm behind a day.  But regardless, I hope you had a great May day!  What's the big deal?  Well, when I was growing up we (kids) would put together May day baskets and deliver them to our friends as signs of our friendship.  You could make May day baskets out of anything which was part of the fun and them fill them with lots of goodies...candy, popcorn, stickers, etc!  We usually just used Styrofoam cups and filled them with candy and popcorn, but some years we would add ribbon as handles.  But, most years we'd forget until the last minute and have to scramble to put something together.  Looking back, that was also part of the fun!

So, yesterday I had forgotten about it again (as usual) and an old childhood friend had posted a picture of a May day basket hanging on a door knob which sparked my memory.  Ahhh, May day baskets!!  So much fun!  My mom came over later yesterday to do some shopping and as we were walking into one store she mentioned May day baskets and I looked at her in awe.  You remembered?!?!  She had and then we started talking about all the fun we had putting them together when I was younger.  It was a fun tradition.

Whether you've done May day baskets in childhood or continue/start them with your children, enjoy the fun and friendship of it all!  It's just a nice way to say thanks for being my friend or someone special in my life!  We should all take more time to do that.

Hoping you have a blessed month of May!!