What kind of opportunities am I talking about? All kinds...personal, professional, spiritual, etc. It's what makes life interesting. What we decide to do with the opportunities that come are way can shape our futures, determine our path, and/or change our lives forever. Not all opportunities are completely life changing, but some can be. Yes, we make decisions all throughout a typical day, but those aren't the opportunities I'm talking about. The ones that provide a job interview or job acceptance, the ones that move you to go on another date with someone, the ones that take you out of your box and into a new light...the ones that allow you to grow and discover new things about yourself.
How do you approach opportunities? Fearfully? Excitingly? Ready to pounce? Depends on the opportunity I'm sure, but either way they come and they go. It's up to us to decide whether we're ready to take it on or let it pass. Sometimes it takes more courage and foresight to let an opportunity pass.
Whatever opportunity comes your way this week, embrace it, sit with it for awhile and then make the best decision for you! May you have many blessings and much confidence in the decisions you make today and everyday!!
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