Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Curiosity Question

I've been wondering...was it easier as a kid growing up being adopted or do you find it easier as an adult?  Do you struggle with more questions about yourself now or when you were younger?  Were you able to handle those questions and doubts better as a child or now as an adult?  It's ALL a process and we're all on this journey called life...not just adopted children/adults, but all of us!  But, as I get older and wiser you'd think that I'd be better equip to deal with and handle "all those adoption" questions or insecurities.  I never had any issues with them growing up...that's due to the loving and supportive environment that I grew up in.  I wasn't confused and I didn't have "all those" questions" back then.  But, now as an adult I'm obviously more aware and sensitive to everything.  It's been interesting to think about.  And, it's all different for each one of us.

It's definitely a growing process and one that won't stop as we age...oh, joy, I know.  But, it also brings more self-awareness and mindfulness to what is true and of value in our lives.  Isn't that what we all crave as we get older?  To understand ourselves better, to fulfill our purpose in life the best we can and to enjoy the present moment?  It can definitely be a struggle with the daily responsibilities, pressures and frustrations.  But, it's something we can hope for, strive for...for a better life, a more rewarding and blessed life.

Whatever twists and turns your life has taken and will take, I hope you know you are blessed!  And, I hope you have a blessed day today and everyday!!

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