Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Social media is good for one thing...connecting with others!  It brings us all together instantly!  To share the current moment of our lives, ideas, stories, recipes, pictures, etc.  It's a mini scrap book of our lives that has changed how we all communicate with one another.  It's definitely a different world from when I was growing up where we only communicated in person or on our rotary phones.  

Now we can connect with people from all over the world, not just domestically.  It's not quite the Jetson's yet, but we're making progress...some good, some not so good.  Last month I joined a Korean adoption group on Facebook and found myself instantly connected to hundreds of adoptees.  When most people join the group they post an introduction of themselves.  It's been very interesting to see how many adoptees there are out there (and where they are living now), and hear a snip-it of their lives...where/how they grew up, whether they like and are grateful for their adopted parents, if they've had any hardships growing up being adopted, etc.  All those things...issues...that adoptees have to face as they grow up.  All adoptees are different and all adoptions are different.  I wrote about that in my book, Corn-fed with Rice on the Side, and how there is no cookie cutter answer to many of the questions adoptees face as they grow up.  But, we can share our experiences and help one another learn and grow.

That's another thing social media does as we connect with one helps us learn and grow.  As I've said many times before, we all have a story to share and some do it via social media and some do it via other mediums.  However you feel most comfortable sharing your story, do may find some valuable connections and even help someone else in the process.  

Social media is here to stay so just be mindful of what you post, as we all know there can be consequences to things we put out there publicly, be mindful of your audience and stop before you press send to ask yourself about your intentions for the post...if people need to know about it...and does it need to be said by you right now.  I heard that's what Rob Lowe asks himself before he presses send on his Twitter posts.

Enjoy the rest of your week and I wish you many blessings...blessings to connect with others to find strength, comfort and inspiration!

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