Sunday, July 20, 2014

Looking Back...

This past week I had to travel back to California for another work trip.  I would be near the area where my sister and I lived when we moved out to California in the late '90s.  Once I got to the hotel, I knew I was only a couple of exits down from where we used to live.  So, I was ready to get all my work duties out of the way so I could go explore the old neighborhood.  

After everything was over on Thursday afternoon, I drove down a couple of exits hoping I could remember which one we used to live off of.  I guessed right, but wasn't quite sure where our apartments were so I just drove down the street to where my old office was.  That whole stretch between Hwy 101 and 280 had changed a lot since we lived there 14 years ago!  It really doesn't seem like that long ago, but a lot had changed...but some things were still there.  I remember telling my parents when they came to visit that if they wanted to build any new buildings there they'd have to tear down the old because there wasn't any open land to build on.  And that's exactly what they did!  There were so many new office buildings, apartments complexes and retail stores along that single road that I wondered what else had been built around town.  I didn't have time to check out other areas, so I just stayed on that one road to see all the changes.  It was great to see the progress and the growth there.  I wondered about other areas that we used to frequent while we lived there, but it would have to wait for another trip out to check out.  However, while driving around the area and down the highways I did recognize all the street names that I had forgotten about.  A lot of good memories of just exploring that area while we lived there and now to come back after so many was a good trip to remember our time out there.

So, as I was sitting at the airport waiting for my 6 am flight back home I posted a Happy Birthday on my childhood best friend's Facebook page.  As I was typing it it hit me that today was July 18.  July 18...the day our farm house in Iowa burned down 31 years ago.  It all came flooding back.  It always seems like yesterday that it happened.  It threw me off a bit realizing the date, but I had thought about it in the weeks leading up to it.  I just forgot about it on the actual date for a minute.  Then, all the remembering and "what if's" always set in on the anniversary of that tragic day.  And now I had 3 hours to think about it on the plane ride home.  Although I didn't spend the whole time thinking about it I definitely remembered all the good times, as well.  Those were some of the happiest times of my life.

As I was driving home from the airport I called my mom to let her know I had made it back safely.  I asked her if she remembered what the date was and she didn't know.  So, as we talked about that day, the house, the memories and the aftermath that followed it was a heart-warming, sad and grateful moment.  I told her sitting in the airport that I didn't want to call what happened 'destiny', but struggled to find the right word.  Fate, maybe?  But, I did know that everything that's happened since that fateful day that I wouldn't be where I am right now if that had not happened...and at that moment I was sitting in an airport in California.  I made me pause for a second.

The big things in life definitely can change the trajectory of our lives, but it's when you look back after so many years that you can see the path you've been on...all the twists and turns, the ups and downs and make a little bit better sense out of why those things happened.  Sometimes it doesn't make sense and may never make sense, but sometimes you can look back with vibrant clarity that it brings a sense of peace and calm into where you've been and where you're headed.  So, as I continue to look back and remember...I look back with gratitude, disappointment, understanding, peace and calm in my heart...knowing that God has led me through this journey with grace, mercy and love.

May God continue to bless your path ahead...and may you enjoy the journey!

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