Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Dumb Question Deserves a Dumb Answer, Right?

If you've been following my posts, a month or so ago I wrote about a mini-book signing I did at a friend's house.  The last lady I met that night had been waiting for their 2 year old Korean son to be finalized for adoption.  The call came a couple weeks later and she and her husband were off to Korea to pick him up.  He's been acclimating to his forever home now for about 2 months.  He has 3 other siblings....2 brothers and a help him get adjusted.  Recently, the mom posted on Facebook that someone had asked her if he spoke Spanish.  She wasn't sure how to respond.  She said "No, he speaks Korean and he's learning English."  So then logically, the person followed-up with "Where is he from?"  

Really?!  You'll find a lot of those kinds of stories in my book along with my sarcastic humor plugged in.  For one, the little boy doesn't even look Spanish and if you're actually listening and want to know the answer then you wouldn't follow up one dumb question with another one.  But, so it goes...and it will be a regular occurrence throughout his lief time, so my advice to her was don't be surprised by those "dumb questions" because you'll get a lot of them...just try to find the humor in them.  And, occasionally start answering those dumb questions with dumb answers to see if they are really listening or care!  

Recently, I was at a nail salon with a friend and I was so distracted by the conversation my friend and I were having that when the nail technician asked me where I was from (as I ALWAYS get asked), I blurted out the city where I live.  And, then stopped a moment and told her what she really wanted to know.  Usually, I know the question is coming and tell them straight off what they want to know, but most of my friends tell me I should say I'm from Iowa!  Again, if you've read my book you'll find another story about this.

So, how would you respond?  I think as long as you have a sense of humor about it it'll all work out, but sometimes people really do need to be educated about the questions they are, go for it!  Blessings to you this week!

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