Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Last Quarter...

We're approaching the last quarter of the year.  If you work in any corporate setting you're aware of each quarter of time because it affects your sales cycle, budgets, when you plan events and campaigns, when you launch new products and when you run promotional ads, etc.  At my company, we had our quarter end today so needless-to-say it was pretty hectic and frenetic at work today.

Where have the past 9 months gone?!  What happened to this year?  Where did the summer go?  How are we almost already in October?!  This year has flown by and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing because I don't feel like I've accomplished anything yet.  The year can't be over yet!  I need more time!  It seems we're always in a struggle with time...either we don't have enough or it's dragging on forever!  I feel like time is running out on this year and the last quarter of the year always seems to race by because of all the holidays.  It's always such a busy time of year, so I'm wondering how I'm going to accomplish a fraction of the things I wanted to this year in only 3 short months!  

I know that can be a lifetime for many and just one more day for others is precious, so I'm not taking it lightly.  I just found out this week that a guy that always comes into our office for quarter end just had a heart attack 6 weeks earlier and this was his first trip away since his heart attack.  Even though it wouldn't have been the same not to see him in the office for quarter end it's a great reminder that life is fragile and can change in the blink of an eye.  It happens every day.  We're never prepared for it, but it is part of life and all we can do is live each day to the fullest, have no regrets and be thankful for every moment.

How many times have you heard that?  Do you believe it?  I do, but sometimes it doesn't hit home because we hear it so many times throughout our lives.  Sometimes it doesn't hit home until something dramatic happens...usually something tragic, but it shouldn't take a tragic event to make us realize how blessed we be sitting in traffic (although we've lost our patience 20 miles ago) or standing in the check-out line where the clerk or the customer are taking forever or when we didn't get that new job or promotion we've been working so hard on.  Those are all just moments in time that will pass and we'll move onto the next thing.  But, I always try to ask myself when I'm getting impatient or a little frustrated with a situation, "Will this matter in a month...a week...a day?"  Usually the answer is no, so I just shrug it off and think of something productive or positive.  We can choose how we feel about a situation and how we react to it.  Most of the time we're all on auto-pilot and instant reaction mode vs. just being present in the moment and being at peace with the situation.  Don't get me wrong, sometimes that's impossible to do and there are situations that call for a dramatic reaction, such as a house fire.  But, in small everyday situations that we all go through we do have control over our own emotions and reactions.

So, I'm challenging myself to continue to be more present in each day in each moment and to be as productive as possible in this last quarter of the year.  Productive on my own 'to-do' list.  So, whatever goals you have yet to accomplish in the next 3 months I wish you good luck, great success and satisfaction!  Blessings to you in all your accomplishments....great or small!

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