Monday, September 1, 2014

A Year Ago Yesterday...

Sorry I missed my usual Sunday post (since I normally post on Sunday's and Wednesday's), but I've been reflecting on how I was feeling 1 year ago and what has happened since then as an official author.  It's still a little hard to believe sometimes....I'm an author.  But, a year ago yesterday I opened the first shipment of my book and actually held MY book in my hands! Amazing!

I can't believe a whole year has gone by already!  It was a fast and furious ride starting off...scheduling book signings, doing promotions (online and in print), writing articles/blogs and doing interviews.  It was an exciting and exhausting time considering I still had a day job, as well.  This was truly my night job for several months.  Things slowed down a bit at the beginning of the year although I did do a few more articles and book signings.  But, over the past several months I've taken a bit of a break...more so due to traveling and being busy with my day job and concentrating on other family matters.  Sometimes 'life' just gets in the way.  But, now that I've hit my 1 year anniversary of the publication of my 1st book it's time to crank it back into gear again!  Let's see what the next year will hold!!

But, looking back on what I've been able to accomplish over the past year...the numerous book signings at local establishments around DFW, and of course, the first one back in my hometown in Iowa where I've met so many old and new friends was joyful!  I loved hearing other people's stories about their own adoptions or their friend's adoptions or parents who were waiting to adopt.  I loved hearing about the similarities in our stories or laughing about them...and sharing that bond of adoption with one another.  I've been honored and amazed to have written articles, blogs or have been interviewed by numerous publications that I never thought I'd have the opportunity to share my story with and to reach new audiences.  I'm so grateful to all those that have reached out to me to share my story with their groups, organizations, viewers/subscribers, families and friends.  

It's been a gift to be able to share my positive, funny, ironic and uplifting story with those open and willing to receive it.  We all have our own personal and special 'light' to share with the world and through my book I've been able to do that (just a little bit) this past year.  I hope to extend my reach and my audience over the next year and continue to "let my light shine!"  I hope whatever passion, gift, or cause you are driven by brings out the 'light' in your life!  One thing I do know, at least for now, my day job doesn't define who I am.  My day job has nothing to do with my night job and I think anyone with a passion or who volunteers a lot can relate to that.  I would love for my night job to be my day job and maybe that'll be my goal over the next year, but until then reality is reality.  

So, throughout this entire process I've really just taken things as they've come...not expecting anything, not knowing what to expect and being truly grateful for each new experience I've been able to be a part of and share with others.  It's been a blessing and a gift and I thank you all for coming on this new ride with me.  Thank you for your support, your encouragement and your love!  I really appreciate it!  Now, lets see what exciting opportunities the year ahead will bring!  

Remember, if you haven't purchased your copy of my book yet you can go to to order a hard copy or you can go to to order an ebook copy of the book!  And, I'm always happy to come speak to your group/organization/book club/etc, write an article or do an interview about my book so please reach out to my anytime at

Thank you for all the wonderful memories in this 1st year of being an author!  Bless you for your love, support and for following my journey!  Now, let YOUR light shine!!!

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