Sunday, November 10, 2013

At a Standstill....

I knew this endeavor wouldn't be all a matter of fact, I was just hoping for a single rose because anything more than that would be overwhelming/too much to consider/the cherry, whip cream and sprinkles on top!  I knew there would be bumps in the road (all new paths have them) and it wasn't going to be easy because I had a lot to learn along the way.  This has all proven true (as with any endeavor), but right now I'm at a standstill.  Two book signings and very low to no turnout.  Disappointed.  Sad. 

Defeated?  No!  Learning experience?  Yes!  It's still just the beginning and yes, I'm learning every step of the way.  Who knew I'd even be where I am today?  I wrote a book...ok, not so hard to believe (at least in my head).  I got it published...ok, a little surprising and completely unbelievable if I really think about it!  I'm an author...what?!?!  Ok, that hasn't totally sunk in yet but maybe if I say it enough times it'll click. 

Now, how to hit the right market?  Or maybe I have (or at least skimmed it), but why haven't they bought the book yet?  If you've been following my blog and haven't gone on my website to buy my book yet why not?  What's stopping you?  What do I need to do?

In this month of "thanks", I'm thankful for feeling God's presence in my soul this morning at church...reminding me of his presence in my life and that I am worthy.  If I had not received that message this morning before my latest book signing that resulted in no one showing up my reaction and state of mind right now would probably be totally different.  I would probably only see the thorns in my single rose and shower myself with self pity.  Instead I see the light shining down on my rose...light that has helped it grow and light that will continue to let it blossom.  God's light is ever-present!  Blessings to you this week!

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