Sunday, June 30, 2013

Another Step...

So, I'm finally sitting down today to edit the second proof of my book today.  It's flowing pretty easily now, so I think it's pretty close to being final.  That's the one thing I've learned through the process of being an author, though, you can always add more and more.  You have to know when to stop...when to edit yourself!  There will always be more stories to tell or more details to add, but you have to take a step back to remember the purpose, the essence of "this" book.  What was your original intent?  Have you met that? Are the things you want to add in-line with that purpose or do they tell another story with another intent?  This may seem easier said than done, especially when you're writing a memoir and all your stories and details are about your life.  The stories don't long as you're still alive...but knowing how to collect and present those stories in one cohesive book (or story, if you will) is what you have to be diligent with.  Wow.  Did I just say I was an author?!  Again, I won't believe it until I see it and we're one step closer.  Thanks for sharing this journey with me!  Stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Another Book Update!

I just received the second proof of my book yesterday...which was a really quick turnaround!  Things are picking up!  Which means I have a ton of decisions to make...soon!  Front of book cover.  Back cover.  Website.  All the little details that go into each of those things.  Marketing the book.  Book launch party!  More details to plan!  It's exciting and still a little unbelievable.  But, one step at a time...and with each step it becomes more and more real.  I think once I finally decide on the book cover it'll be a really big step in truly believing this is something I'll be able to hold in my hands and that it's going to be a reality.  So, prayers for a clear and confident mind to make the many decisions regarding my very first book become a reality.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

It's that Time of Year....

The official first day of summer was this past week and with the temperatures heating up it definitely feels like summer.  Summer is probably my least favorite season because of the heat, but many love the summer...beaches, tans, picnics, swimming and yes, the heat!  It's that time of year, especially in the south with 100 degree days, that I feel like I move from one air-conditioned room/building/car to another.  How did people deal with the heat before there was air conditioning?!?!  Maybe it wasn't "this" hot?  Or maybe they were just use to it? 

My favorite season is fall!  The perfect mild temperatures, cool breezes and spending more time outside.  The crisp air, the leaves turning and just enough of a chill to pull out a jacket or warm up with some hot chocolate.  Perfect!

Winter is winter...sometimes miserable (in the north), but usually fairly tolerable here in the south.  Of course, I love all of the holidays during the winter and all the memories that are conjured up during that time.  Fireplaces, snuggling up under warm quilts and soul-warming soups fill up the winter days.  Fun, festivities...and freezing temps!

Spring is a time of transition.  Leaves filling out their branches, flowers blooming vibrant colors, gardens being planted, lawn mowers revving up, and bugs!  Yes, I think of bugs in spring.  There's always that 2 months time frame where anytime I walk out the door I'm instantly attacked by whatever is lurking.  I'm a magnet!  At least it always seems that way.  Oh, and weeds!  Some years it's better than others, but I hate that transition of weeds popping up everywhere until that first mow ensues and it starts looking like a freshly manicured lawn again. 

The seasons of our life.  So much happens within each of those seasons and they bring us something to look forward to, look back on and provide our lives with a colorful backdrop.  So, enjoy ALL the seasons of YOUR life and stay "cool" this summer!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Leaning In....

Stopping to take a breath, taking a moment to be at peace, and just listening for God's presence in your life.  He walks with us every second of every day, but it often doesn't feel like it.  Life moves too fast, there's too much to do and we're stressing or worrying about something.  How can we feel God's presence when our lives are moving full speed ahead?  Remember when life was just a little bit slower...before smartphones, before cell phones even, or before the internet.  Did you take life in more fully?  There weren't as many distractions back then.  We actually talked to people on the phone (instead of texting) and we weren't constantly checking our emails or Facebook.

As man progresses (with technology) and daily life, does God progress with us?  Or is His word meant to ground us, bring us back to a simpler self to remind us of the true meaning of life?  I've always believed that everything happens for a reason.  Sometimes we have a vague idea of what that reason is while it's happening, but most times we don't know what the reason is until days, months, or even years later.  That's especially true when you've been devastated by a tragic event in your life.  How can you see the reason of this horrible thing when it's happening?  You can't.  It takes time....but, if you're truly listening and leaning in to what God is telling you, where he's guiding you, what he's taught you about yourself...then you know.  The reason becomes clear and you can see the incredible path he's walked with you.

So, wherever your path leads you...whatever disappointments come your way...whatever success you achieve...lean in, take it all in and be grateful.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to ALL the dad's out there!  But, a special shout out to my dad!  He's always been there for me for all the big things, but more importantly for all the little things.  All the 'thankless' jobs, all the mending of emotional fences, all the house repairs, all the encouragement needed at just the right time, all the humorous takes on life, all the everyday life advice, and all the love that a father can give.  He's always been on my side and that means a lot.  Growing up, he was the most patient person I knew...time and age has changed that a bit...but, he's still one of the most generous of his time and always there to offer his assistance to anyone he meets.  He served our country with courage and bravery (during the Vietnam War), but never got the support or acceptance of a nation that surrounds our veterans today.  He's not only there for me whenever I need him, but for ALL of my siblings.  I don't know how he does it, but he has time for all of us and helps us with whatever we need...all the time!  I don't know what we'd all do without him.

So, thank you dad for ALL that you do for each one of us!  Thank you for your unconditional love and for being MY dad!!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Going Home....

I went back "home" this past weekend...up to Iowa...up to the small farming community where all my childhood memories are rooted.  I was so touched and excited to be invited back for the class I would have graduated with if we had not have moved...20th class reunion.  I have only seen 4 of my classmates since we moved almost 30 years ago!  So, I had not seen a majority of my friends in 30 years!  But, I remember every one of them!  Trying to find only 20-some people on Facebook is much easier than trying to find over 500 people in my high school graduating class in Texas!

It was SO fun to see all of their familiar faces and listen to what they remembered about me and how much fun we had as kids growing up.  I loved seeing their old pictures and hearing stories about the rest of their school days...who always got in trouble, who dated who, etc.  And, I loved meeting all of their spouses and adorable kids!  It brought back a lot of great memories!

I had thought about asking them when they knew I was adopted or if they ever saw me differently than anyone else, but just their smiling reactions to seeing me again and hearing their stories of remembering me told me all I needed to...they didn't see me any differently!  And, they still don't!  They were as accepting of me then as they are now and it just reminded me of how blessed we all were to grow up there when we did when life was simple and technology wasn't running our lives!  We all have those solid, traditional values that our families instilled in us and it's so refreshing to see in my grown-up classmates all these years later.

I also got to catch-up with some of my cousins that I looked up to growing up and loved remembering ALL the good times growing up together!  We had a lot of celebrations in our family and probably saw each other at least once a month for someone's birthday or anniversary.  Those close-knit ties are what will bind all of us forever.  Soooo many memories of the farm and my cousin's house.  Soooo many memories of that small town, the school, the library, our church and on and on and on.  I walked around our old farm remembering where everything use to be and how the landscape had changed.  Soooo many emotions just driving up to our old farm and then just sitting there in my car (since it started to rain).  This was my first time back "home" by myself...just me.  Every other time I had been with someone from my family, so I was a little hesitant to go back by myself...but, it turned out to be a wonderful weekend for me and somewhat cathartic.  I could just take it all in and enjoy every minute of it.  And, here's what I wrote on my Facebook page Sunday night flying back "home".....

"Going home"...those words can mean so many different things to different people but I truly felt like I went "home" this weekend. The structure of the same town, the childhood friends that filled my heart with joy and laughter...and reminded me of how blessed we were to grow up there in the time we did (minus all this technology), and my family and ALL of our childhood memories that fill up every space of that place for me! Going home...about to fly back to my 'grown up' home.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Excitement Building....

Excitement is building for the completion of my book!  Or at least from my perspective.  I finished the first proof of the book so onto the next step!  The book cover is getting closer to being finalized, oh my!  A draft of the back cover is underway.  And, researching and starting a new website is the next exciting endeavor.

Enthusiasm from friends and family is also building!  "When will it be done?  When can I buy it?  I'll be the first in line!"  These are many of the responses I've been getting and I'm excited to share the information.  Soon!  Soon!  Soon!

So, as the summer months are upon temperature rises, as well, in anticipation for the final product!  I'm ready to hold it in my hot little hands!  Stay tuned....

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Celebrating Life!

After attending the Memorial and reception of a shining light that was lost way too young, her life is a huge reminder to celebrate life because she did each and every day...even as she courageously fought pancreatic cancer.  The disease didn't change her, she changed the disease.  She used this challenge to inspire others and spread the word of Jesus Christ.  She was full of faith, hope and God's word.  Her genuine spirit radiated to everyone she met and that was evident by the outpouring of mourners who showed up today.  She made a difference in this world!  And, that's all that we can hope to achieve in our lifetimes.

So, CELEBRATE life!!!  Treat everyone with respect, dignity and human kindness.  It goes a long way and means more to those you meet than you may ever know.  Share your light with others...each and every day!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Fragile Reminder About LIfe

After my usual workout at the gym and running 4 miles outside in the cool, low humidity (finally) air this morning I was feeling pretty good about the day ahead.  As I was eating breakfast and checking Facebook my heart sank.  My first true friend that I made after moving to Texas in the early 1980's lost her dear sister to cancer.  She bravely fought pancreatic cancer for over a year!  She was such a faithful, loving, kind-hearted, generous and sweet soul who touched so many lives in her short 41 years on this earth.  She leaves behind a loving husband and 4 incredible children.  Her legacy of spreading joy and light into this world will live on by those who knew her and loved her.  She had a lasting impact on all those she met.  My heart is heavy today.

Sadly, it's these times in our lives that we take a moment to stop and reflect on our own lives...and realize how precious and fragile they truly are.  We're never promised tomorrow, so why worry so much about it?  We're only promised this day to take in, breathe in, and try to be present in this moment.  My life has been moving full speed lately and I need to take a breath.  It's been hard to really just "be in the moment" when I'm constantly thinking about the future...what lies ahead, planning for it, focused on it.  What about today?  Slow down.  Take it all in.  And be truly grateful at the end of each and every day.