Sunday, May 27, 2018

Hot, Hot, Hot and Humid

Sorry I missed Wednesday's post!  This week just got away from me the last couple of days and it seems we've just gone straight into the middle of summer with temps in the upper 90's this week and the humidity creeping in each day.  Ugh!  By this coming Wednesday we'll hit 100 degrees which is about a month earlier than normal.  Oh no, it's going to be an abnormal summer which just means it's going to be blazing!  It only got down to 80 degrees last night/this morning which is no bueno!  

I'm not ready for the insane June, July, August and September.  It probably won't get back into the 80's until late October.  NO!!!!  All I can say is thank goodness for air conditioning!!

It is a holiday weekend and I definitely want to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday!  May we all remember why we are celebrating by acknowledging those who served our country and gave the ultimate sacrifice.  May we never take for granted the lives that have been lost defending and protecting our freedoms.  May the families of those who have been lost feel the love, honor and respect they deserve from all of us and a very grateful and always!

Blessings to all those we honor this Memorial Day weekend!!

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