Sunday, October 19, 2014

Calming Fears

There's been a lot of fear spreading fast and furiously over the past several weeks...on the dangers of catching Ebola.  It's a scary thing, but sometimes our fears get the best of us...and understandably.  It's something new in the United States, it's shown to be very deadly and it's very contagious.  There's been so much news coverage of Ebola and the up-to-the-minute status of this and that especially in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.  It's been never-ending.  It's good to be informed, but sometimes the media does more harm than good by some of their coverage.  It's been all about the bad the disease is, how poor the hospital's initial reaction and care have been, all the  mistakes made, and how other people have been exposed to the disease.  Again, it's been never-ending.

But, what about the good news stories?  What about the positive and uplifting stories?  Who is telling those stories?  In this over-hyped media age, so many things the media reports is so over-dramatized.  They report what they do to either one-up their competition or to get a strong reaction even if they are stretching the truth or over-selling the story in one way or another.  And we as consumers either start to get immune by all the sensationalism or we react to every little warning or scare tactic thrown at us.

It can be overwhelming sometimes...all the bad news stories on day after day after day.  So, how do we take in all that information, process it and use it for good?  A moment of pause (first of all) and then a reflection of how it truly affects our lives and how we might possibly do something about it or make a difference.  That's how we make a change in our lives...and in the world.  One person at a time.  One step at a time.  One conscious decision at a time.

So, don't let the fears of all the world's problems get you down.  Empower yourself to be educated and then to take action!  It's the only life we have, so don't waste it!  Blessings to you this week!

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