Thursday, May 2, 2013

Happy May Day...a day late!

Happy May Day...yesterday!  We celebrated May Day growing up in Iowa.  You were supposed to make May Day baskets for your friends and give them out on May least that was how we celebrated the day.  Of course, it seemed like my Mom and I always forgot with the flip of the calendar and were rushing around last minute to get goodies to fill our Styrofoam cups re-purposed into little baskets.  It became a fun tradition!  I haven't done May Day baskets since I was probably 7 or 8 years old.  What do you do for May Day?

Those fun traditions and memories that aren't huge to-do's or big events are usually the most memorable.  I think that's true in life.  It's the little things that make the most impact.  Thoughtfulness goes a long way in my book!  It's probably one of the traits I value most in people because it means they're listening to you, they're paying attention to the details and that they truly care about making your life a little (or a lot) brighter!

So, whether it's a national day that is recognized or one that you just make up...make those moments count with simple kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity towards others.  It can make a lasting impact on a child that can grow and blossom into more acts of kindness and giving.  Couldn't we all use a little more of that in the world?

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