Sunday, February 17, 2013

Noticing 'the Difference'

After a fun-filled few days of birthday celebrations, it's time to come off the sugar high and adjust the taste buds back to steamed veggies and fresh fruit!  Yea.  But, after seeing how much fun,time and effort my three little nephews (7, 5, and 4) made into decorating (at my parents house) for my birthday 'surprise' it truly made my week!  They were all sooo reminded me of how simple and innocently they still see things.  But, when does that change?  When do they start seeing the cynical world that we all see? 

I never really sensed the question "Why are you so different from the rest of your family?" from my siblings growing up...surely they had some friends that asked that question, though.  But, it was never brought up.  So, I never really thought about it until a couple years ago my oldest nephew asked me "Kim, why do you only have 1 stocking hanging up?" at Christmastime.  I told him "Because I live by myself in this house."  That seemed to satisfy him.  The next year the same nephew and I were riding in a car somewhere and he asked me "Kim, why don't you have a husband?"  I was a little shocked by the question, but replied "Do you even know what a husband is?"  He said "No."  I didn't think so.  So, now I'm waiting for the question "Kim, how come you look different from the rest of us?"  Obviously all my nephews only see me as 'Auntie Kim', just as all my childhood friends see me as 'just Kim.'  So, I'm assuming it will be one of their friends that interjects that question into their stream of consciousness "Hey, why does your Aunt look different than you?"  They might not see it at first or completely understand why their friend is asking, but then they'll look harder and start to wonder.  And then...the question. 

I wish we could all see one another through those innocent eyes, but there are too many labels, classifications and prejudices out in the world now.  So, I'm just waiting until that day when my nephews notice the difference to see how they'll react and what questions they'll really have of me. However, it's nice to be reminded of those times through the eyes of a child.  So, I'm ready for whatever question comes next......

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