Sunday, January 27, 2013

My 1st Book....coming this year!!!!

I'm publishing my 1st book this year!  What?!  I'm not an author.  I never set out to be an author, but come mid-year I'll have my first book out public...for everyone to see...and BUY!!  Wow!  I don't think I'll truly believe it until I'm actually holding a copy in my hands. 

Three years ago I had some time on my hands and thought I would just see how many stories I could write about....stories about being adopted.  They are stories about growing up and being adopted and/or growing up Asian and/or growing up as a Korean adoptee...but from a light-hearted and more humorous perspective.  I've grown up with many ironies in my life and also wondering why everyday life experiences or stages in my life are any different just because I'm adopted or Asian or a Korean adoptee.  So, the book is about those experiences.  I believe we all go through similar things growing up, but I wanted to share those experiences through Korean adopted eyes.  I can be sarcastic at times, but overall I hope it gives other adoptees a sense of familiarity and hope.  And, I hope it gives non-adoptees a sense of understanding and appreciation of what adoptees go through.  One of the biggest things to understand for both adoptees and non-adoptees is that all adoptions and all adoptee situations are different.   There are soooooo many variables in every adoptees' situation that there is no one cookie cutter mold to follow.  It is different for everyone.  But, there are some commonalities that we can share, understand, process and appreciate together. 

My book is not like any other adoption book out there because it's not drama-filled or analyzing adoptees or their family lives.  It's a real look at every day situations and how I've approached them, been surprised by them or perhaps even judged people's ignorance towards adoption.  A lot of adoption books are about an adoptee's journey to find his/her birth parents and the trauma it can cause.  The anguish, the unknown, the fear of rejection and abandonment are all things an adoptee has to be fully and completely mentally prepared for when venturing down that path.  We all have our own journeys of self-discovery and things that may need to be resolved in our lives, but that happens in our own time and in our own ways.  No one else can tell us when or how.  It's for each individual to decide what's best for them.

So, as I look forward to going through the publishing process for the first time my hope is that I can inspire or give hope to one adoptee out there that they are not alone...or to one set of adoptive parents that have been contemplating adoption but weren't completely sure if they wanted to do it or not...or to a parent who has given their child up for adoption for whatever reason that they receive some hope that they did the right thing...or to those non-adoptees who can for a brief moment walk in someone elses shoes and have a sense of realization and appreciation. 

Make sure you come back often to hear updates on the book and when you can get your hands on one, or two, or three!  :-)  Remember, we can be the change we want to see in the world.