Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Check the Box

Filling out paperwork, whether it's for a job application, medical information, or whatever, they ask what race you are and it usually lists Asian (Not Hispanic or Latino) or Asian (Pacific Islander, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc.).  I always thought it was a little odd and in the past it was probably that simple....BUT, with our growing minority population in the past several years and the growing acceptance of bi-racial couples and families it seems that is won't be soooo 'black and white' per se in the future.  So, what will the choices be?  How will we distinguish or classify ourselves in the future?  New categories?  But, how many?  There could be infinite combinations! 

But, that's what we do...classify ourselves...separate ourselves...instead of seeing each other as the same...human beings.  If we could just remember to see one another as another human being and not poor, rich, obese, anorexic, millionaire, homeless, gay, straight, this or that then we could all enjoy our commonalities instead of our differences.  We could collaborate, compromise and work together (Congress!) more often, and we could solve soooo many of our societal and worldly problems.  But, it's the differences we focus on, obsess over and spew hate from.  Why can't we see differences as a good thing?  Differences drives our innovation, our ability to learn and grow and keeps the human race evolving.  But, we use it to tear one another down, to make people choose a side or 'classification' that further divides us. 


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