Sunday, October 29, 2017

Happy Halloween!

Are you a fan of ghosts, witches and all things creepy?  Me, not so much!  I don't think I've ever been a big Halloween person, although I'm sure I thought it was fun when I was younger.  Except when wearing those plastic masks that were hard to breathe in and got all sweaty after awhile.  I was Princess Leia one year and had to wear that lovely plastic mask.  I guess as long as I got candy it was worth it.

I think now I'm good with Halloween during the daytime...meaning, there's a Trick-or-Treating event in our downtown square today.  I'm good with seeing all the cute little kids in their adorable costumes and even the gross, creepy, scary costumes aren't as scary during the daytime.  But, I know a lot of people who like to dress up so I'm sure they're excited about Halloween.

Whether you're a fan or not and whether you'll be dressing up or not, I hope you have a safe and fun Halloween!  May blessings of friendly ghosts and goblins visit your front door step this Tuesday!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Cool Down...

Finally!  Fall weather has arrived and the cool down is on!  We've had a couple chilly mornings the past week or so and today I had to turn on my seat warmer in my car as I was driving back from the gym.  The highs over the weekend will be in the upper 50's!  Yes!  I love the cool, crispness in the air!

Bundling up.  Cuddling up.  And oh so good comfort foods that fill you up!  I'm ready and I'm finally starting to crave a little pumpkin spice at the moment.  Actually some yummy pumpkin bread is calling my name somewhere!  Alas, cantaloupe is on the current menu and will have to suffice for now.  

What gets you excited when the cooler weather blows in?  And what's your favorite comfort food that warms you up after a cold day?  Soup, for sure, for me...or a good turkey chili.  Homemade bread filling up the house with carb goodness is a must!  And, with the holidays coming up any cookies, pies or cinnamon rolls are heavenly!  Ohhh goodness!  The most gluttonous time of year is here!

I can't believe Halloween is next week and Thanksgiving is in about 30 days!  Get ready!  All the excitement, wonder, stress and joy of the holiday season is upon us!  Take a deep breath and enjoy the beauty of the season...or at least try!

Cool and refreshing blessings to you the rest of this week!!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

How Do You Measure Life?

My dad turns 70 this week!  70!!  When I turned 25 he told me I was halfway to 50.  "Gee, thanks," I replied.  I hadn't even thought of that!  My little brother and sister turned 36 earlier this month, so prior to their birthday if you combined their ages they would equal my dad's...not sure he's ever considered that either!  You always hear "age is just a number" or "you're only as old as you feel", well, a lot of us feel better darn old!  But, what does age mean to you?  And as our grandparents and parents age, how do you measure the totality of their lives?

I don't think I've really comes to terms with the age question.  I definitely freaked out a little bit about turning 40, but other than that I've been pretty good about turning another year older every year.  Actually now, I can barely remember how old I am when people ask.  I seriously have to think about it.  I think my proverbial response will always be 27!  Yes, not even (the holding pattern of) 39, but I'm sure I'll get there!

But, as all of my grandparents have passed for some time now and my parents get older I definitely see their age more.  It's a little scary and sad if I really think about it, but I'm also thankful for all the time (and birthdays) I've had with them.  I know many of my friends haven't been that lucky.  I think I've mentioned it before but I really can't imagine life without either of my parents.  They both mean so much to all of us and do so much for all of us.  I think we'd all be a little lost.  But, we're all adults now (my siblings) and I know we'd get through it.  I just hope it's not for a very, very long time from now!

So, as I think about my dad turning 70 I think about him growing up on the farm and loving cows.  He still loves his cows and just bought some more this past week, along with one for my nephews.  I think about his service in Vietnam and how that totally changed him.  How it would affect his life for the rest of his life, and how those who fought in Vietnam never got the welcome home like soldiers do today or the complete appreciation of a nation as they do now.  Those soldiers came back to isolation, depression, PTSD and so many other ailments that they've carried their entire lives.  My dad earned a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star in Vietnam, so he'll always be a hero in our nation's eyes...and his family's.  Like everyone, he's gone through some struggles, some hard times and even harder times, but he's worked his way back every time.  Growing up, he was the most patience man I knew...not so much any more, but that showed me a lot as a kid.  He has a kind and generous heart and just likes to help people.  He's the ultimate handyman and carpenter, and of course farmer at heart.  70 years.  70 years...that's a lot of living!

Age may just be a number, but when you live for a certain amount of years I think you've lived a full life.  Yes, it depends on what you did with your life to some extent, but if you're happy and content with your contributions then I think you can just simply enjoy each and every day ahead.  May blessings fill your days with peace and joy this coming week!! 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Dress Up

There was a hall closet next to my room growing up on the farm.  It contained a lot of my mom's old clothes which I used for "dress up".  Every little girl loves dress up when they are younger!  

This past weekend, my mom and I went to an exhibit at one of our local malls to view clothes from the 70's.  It was fun to see all the different fabrics, textures, colors, etc. on display.  It wasn't as wild and bold as I originally thought it might be.  There were a lot of clothes that could totally be worn today and look current.  I think that was the fun part of it.

When I was in middle school a friend of mine and I went to that same mall to "hang out" and decided to try on "fancy" dresses just for fun...just to dress up a little bit.  Basically they were dresses for prom or something like that.  It was fun to put on pretty dresses or dresses that were out of our character...meaning, we were both pretty shy and, we tried on loud and bold dresses.  I tried on one dress that had fist-sized flowers on them and as I was taking off the dress one of the flowers fell off.  Oops!  Guess that expensive dress wasn't well made.

Since most of us aren't actors that dress up in different period clothing from time to time, I think we all need a "dress up" least once a year!  So, who would you want to dress up as?  Take the time to imagine or just feel good/better about yourself if you're feeling down.  Remember how much fun you had as a little girl/boy dressing up and just have some fun!  Enjoy!

Many blessings the rest of this week as fall starts to settle in across the country!

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Eeek! There are only 5 weeks until Thanksgiving!  This is the calm before the holiday storm!  It's almost that fast and furious time of the year!  I write about it every year, but it's definitely the most hectic time of the year.  So, I'm definitely going to enjoy the next few weeks!  

We finally got another cold front blow in this morning with a little rain, so come on already...bring on fall...and stay!  We went from 90 degree weather yesterday to barely 70 degrees today.  We'll be back up into the 80's later this week, but the cooler temps need to blow in and stay for the rest of the season!  I'm ready!!

That's the first step in getting ready for the holidays!  The weather has to feel like it is!  So yes, pumpkins are in full swing, but it's been a little difficult to feel in the mood when it's still 90 degrees out!  So hopefully the weather will start to cooperate with the season so I can fully get into the holiday spirit.  Until then, I'm going to enjoy the slow pace for the next few weeks.  How about you?  Are you ready for the holidays or are you savoring the next few weeks, as well?

Wishing you a blessed and productive week ahead! May we find some beauty in all the madness going on in the world today!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Mixing It Up...

I think in some way shape or form we're all creatures of habit in something that we do every day.  In sports they call it being superstitious....wearing the same socks all season or putting on your uniform the same way every time or at least until the winning streak ends.  And, I think we all have our daily routines that get us in and out of our days without stress...or thought.  It's the same stuff just a different day.  How many times have you heard that or thought that?

That's how I feel these days...the same stuff just a different day.  In one sense, I like the routine and not having the stress of this or that, but on the other hand I'm getting a little antsy with the routine.  I need something new.  I need to mix it up.  Maybe I just need a vacation!  That's probably part of it!  Do you ever get tired of your daily routine?  What do you do to mix it up?

Today I'm looking for ways to mix it up!  Just to do something different in my day...maybe to see something new, find something new and feel something new.  It probably won't be wildly exciting, but maybe just enough to feel not routine!

Wishing you warm blessings the rest of this week!!

Sunday, October 8, 2017

A Good Resource?

As you have gone through your own adoption journey, either as an adoptee an adoptive parent, or a family member, what resources did you find helpful?  Was your adoption agency your main resource?  Or did you find books, magazine publications, and/or other adoption support groups as a valuable resource?  Did you have a family member or friend who had gone through the process and gave you valuable insight?  What helped you through the process and what was the best support you received?  I'd love to hear your feedback!

Wishing you beautiful fall blessings this coming week!!

Thursday, October 5, 2017


I'm sure I along with so many of you felt heartbroken, sad and angry Monday morning when we heard about the senseless mass shooting in Las Vegas on Sunday night.  It just doesn't make sense...even 4 days later...there are still no concrete motives.  How could this happen again (let the debate begin...again)?  What are we going to do about it?!

It's so unbelievably tragic, sad and horrifying.  And yet, there are always stories of sincere humanity and heroism when things like this happen.  I'm not going to debate the would've, could've, should have's of preventing this and how we change things moving forward.  That's a bigger discussion, but I will say if you want to see change speak up, stand up and make that change happen!  VOTE!  Vote for the individuals in your town, state and for federal officials that will bring about the change you want to see.  Those that WILL stand up for what you believe it!  It's the only way change is going to happen!  So, may we all send our prayers and blessings to those affected by this horrible tragedy.

Something I had posted on my Facebook page late last week is even more relevant now and more poignant.  So, I'm going to share it here, too.  

After all the "noise" in the news lately, hearing the words to this song gave me hope, lifted my spirits and reaffirmed that love and the light of God will move us forward.  I encourage you to download Mandisa's "Bleed the Same".

Here's the chorus:
We all bleed the same
We're more beautiful when we come together
We all bleed the same
So tell me why, tell me why
We're divided
If we're gonna fight
Lets fight for each other
If we're gonna shout
Let love be the cry
We all bleed the same
So tell me why, tell me why
We're divided

Love and blessings to those that lift one another up, that take the time to listen to another's opposing view, and to those that show compassion and understanding to all they meet.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Happy October!

Happy 1st day of October!  I wish it were more fall-like outside, but the sun is shining and it's a beautiful day.  Honestly, I was wishing it would rain all day on Thursday, but alas we only got around a half inch of rain last week.  I'm ready for a rainy overcast day and then cooler temperatures to roll in...and stay!  

I can't believe we're already into October!  Where has this year gone?  The holidays are fast approaching!  The first time I visited Seoul, South Korea I went in October.  The weather seemed fall-like while I was there.  I wore a light sweater while I was sightseeing for the first couple of days and it was perfect.  Not too hot and not too cold!  That's what I want right now!

What's your perfect temperature?  Are you warm-blooded or cold?  Do you enjoy feeling all 4 seasons or are you content with only 2 (like we normally get here in Texas)?  I guess since I grew up in Iowa with the blizzards and intense cold I'm more cold-blooded.  I'd rather be cold than hot.  I'd rather put on layers then be miserable sweating to death as I just stand outside.  So, yes at this point in the year I'm ready for the cold...or down in the south, semi-cold temperatures.  I'm not sure I could handle Canadian cold air or Antarctica cold air, but somewhere mid-country and south I'm good.  That counts as cold, right?

Wherever you are and whatever the temperatures are like I hope you are enjoying the start of fall (at least in the States)!  Wishing you a blessed first full week of October ahead!!