Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Inflamed Prejudices

With the serious provocations going back and forth between the world leaders of North Korea and the United States, it got me wondering this morning if in the coming days/months I would face any increased prejudices about my race.  It's a sad reality many races still face in the 21st century and the past several years have been a staunch reflection of that in our society.  Yes, it's still a sad state of affairs in our world that we can't see one another as just another human being.  We're all just trying to live our best lives and we all truly want the same things...that I learned from all my international travel and seeing families across the world.  

This morning I was thinking of all the Muslims who wrongly got lumped into the terrorists groups that have tried to inflict harm against the U.S. and many other countries across the world over the past 16 years since 9/11.  Many Muslims have been profiled and wrongly judged just because of what they look like.  Obviously we know this has happened with African Americans for decades now.  So, if the U.S. and the rest of the world see North Korea as unpredictable and reckless threats then will the association and prejudices start to rise?  I think most Americans know the difference between North and South Korea, so there isn't as harsh a reaction to Koreans in the States as there has been with Muslims.  But, it doesn't make any of it bully or profile someone based on culture.  Obviously, if someone looked at me they wouldn't know I'm adopted.  They would only see my Asian features.  So, it's really their own perceptions, beliefs and values that will lead them to a calm or inflamed conclusion when they see me.

Plus, I don't think most Americans have ever met anyone from North Korea, so again, I would assume if they thought I was Korean they would think I'm from South Korea.  I think if I hear anything "negative" it would primarily be the same old stuff I always get like, "Hey, want an eggroll?" or "You must be a technical genius." or silly stuff like that.  I'll take that any day of the week over some of the crazies that are out there.  It's the world we live in.  Hopefully, some time in my lifetime we'll get a little closer to seeing one another as just another human colors, religion, sex, etc...just human, flesh and blood.

May we have peace on earth, truly.  And, may the rest of your week be blessed with peace and calm.

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