Sunday, March 17, 2019


A couple of weeks ago, I started reading my book Corn-fed with Rice on the Side again.  It's been a long time, several years probably, that I've read my book.  Last year, I attended a local adoption conference and had a session during the lunch hour where I did read a couple excerpts from my book, but that's pretty much it for the past several years.  So, it was nice to just read it over again and refresh my memory a bit.  By-the-way, if you haven't read my book yet you can order it from!

It reminded me that writing the book and even this blog during that time was fueled by passion...for the project, my story, and just going through the process of getting my first book published.  If you want to write a book, and I know that's a bucket list item for a lot of people, then you MUST have a ton of passion for it!  Whatever your story is, whatever you are writing about, whatever your intention for the book is...make sure your intention for the book is crystal clear and you stick to it, you stay true to your story and there's a purpose or meaning for you to write what you are writing about.  Make sense?

I've always been a little creative, but I'm definitely not a full-blown artist.  So, for me writing has to be something I'm totally passionate about or have some emotional juice flowing through me to "write the good stuff."  When I am in that creative space it just flows out.  It's easy and I don't have to really think about it.  And, when I look back on some of the things I've written, especially in this blog at the beginning, I'm astounded by what poured out of me and how eloquently the words seemed to land on the page.  That's artistry...a splash of magic...the 1/3 of me that's a little bit creative.  

So, whether your true passion is something you are lucky enough to do as your main job or it's a side hobby or side know it's your passion because it burns within you, it drives you, it brightens you up when you talk about it, it makes you feel alive!  If you haven't found your passion, keep looking, keep trying, keep going!  If you have found your passion, but it's not as big a part of your life than you'd like it to be (because it won't pay the bills), find some way to make more time for it because that's what lights up your life...that's what will keep you going in a job you might not love...that's what brings meaning to your life.  Find a way.  Live and through your passion!

May the luck of the Irish bless your week ahead and may you find your "pot of gold"...passion!!

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