Does January feel like the longest month ever? For some reason, it feels like this month is just dragging on and on. And, we still have 4 more days to go! Maybe it's because we were so hopeful and excited to start off a new year with all of our goals and resolutions, and now after being focused and trying to stick to those goals it feels like it's been forever! Last weekend was deemed the "quitter's" threshold where many people fall off the wagon and ditch their new year's resolutions. So, maybe we just need to look up, take a breath and give ourselves a little slack.
This past week I saw someone post on Facebook that it felt like it was January 74th. I'm starting to feel it, but I think I need to take my own advice and give myself a little slack. We're human. We're not going to be perfect. Ever. I think I try SO hard to stick to my healthy eating that I get tunnel vision...from the rest of life. And then when I "fall off the wagon" and instantly beat myself up it doesn't do me any good. It's just life. No, I'm not perfect and I never will be so why am I so hard on myself?! I think we all go through that in some way shape or form. It doesn't have to be about eating healthy, it could be about work or school or sports or your kids. We're all flawed, we're all human and we all are just trying to do the best we can. So, one of my goals (I think every year because I need the reminder) is to be kinder to myself. It's definitely not easy, but it's definitely necessary.
I think this "reminder" to myself will be a life-long lesson that I'll have to work at every year...every day. But, they always say the first step is acknowledging the problem, right?! Ha. Well, as I try to be kinder to myself I also have to try and appreciate my flaws. I have to see them as human flaws and see how I can improve them, learn from them or simply just let them go. Slowly, but surely....progress. Right?!
So, as we finally end the longest month ever (haha) I hope you give yourself a little slack this week. Remember, we're all just human and if we're doing the best we can, getting back up and trying again and again that's all we can do. That's just life. Wishing you blessings of determination and kindness this week!!
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