Sunday, January 27, 2019

Longest Month Ever...

Does January feel like the longest month ever?  For some reason, it feels like this month is just dragging on and on.  And, we still have 4 more days to go!  Maybe it's because we were so hopeful and excited to start off a new year with all of our goals and resolutions, and now after being focused and trying to stick to those goals it feels like it's been forever!  Last weekend was deemed the "quitter's" threshold where many people fall off the wagon and ditch their new year's resolutions.  So, maybe we just need to look up, take a breath and give ourselves a little slack.

This past week I saw someone post on Facebook that it felt like it was January 74th.  I'm starting to feel it, but I think I need to take my own advice and give myself a little slack.  We're human.  We're not going to be perfect.  Ever.  I think I try SO hard to stick to my healthy eating that I get tunnel vision...from the rest of life.  And then when I "fall off the wagon" and instantly beat myself up it doesn't do me any good.  It's just life.  No, I'm not perfect and I never will be so why am I so hard on myself?!  I think we all go through that in some way shape or form.  It doesn't have to be about eating healthy, it could be about work or school or sports or your kids.  We're all flawed, we're all human and we all are just trying to do the best we can.  So, one of my goals (I think every year because I need the reminder) is to be kinder to myself.  It's definitely not easy, but it's definitely necessary.  

I think this "reminder" to myself will be a life-long lesson that I'll have to work at every year...every day.  But, they always say the first step is acknowledging the problem, right?!  Ha.  Well, as I try to be kinder to myself I also have to try and appreciate my flaws.  I have to see them as human flaws and see how I can improve them, learn from them or simply just let them go.  Slowly, but surely....progress.  Right?!

So, as we finally end the longest month ever (haha) I hope you give yourself a little slack this week.  Remember, we're all just human and if we're doing the best we can, getting back up and trying again and again that's all we can do.  That's just life.  Wishing you blessings of determination and kindness this week!!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Cold Blast

As a very strong arctic blast moves across the U.S., strong winds, icy roads and mounds of snow are piling up.  We had the coldest morning here in Texas so far this winter with wind chills in the teens.  I always think, if it's this cold here think how much colder it is up north.  Yikes!  I'm not sure I could deal with those bitterly, bone-chilling temps and for now I'm glad I don't have to.  I got a dusting of snow yesterday morning and that's enough for most people around here, although the kiddos would enjoy about and inch of snow I'm sure!

We're still in the midst of starting a new year, even though there's only 1 more full week left in January.  Are you still committed to your new year's goals?  It's been a rocky road for me so far.  But, each new day is a new beginning...right?!  There's 12 days left in January to get it right...get back on track...or start anew.  So, here goes!  

Although, I've had a bit of a queasy stomach on and off this week, so that's been slowing me down and keeping me distracted from my goals.  I'm not sick, per se, no fever or anything just low energy and a disturbed stomach.  So, I took a break from my workouts this weekend to just let my body heal, recover and recharge a bit before I go back at it tomorrow.  Besides, I really didn't want to get out in this windy cold weather either!

However, sometimes a cold blast can wake us up from whatever plateau or fog we're in at the moment, and many times that's just what we need!  A shock to the system.  A re-purposed reboot.  A sharp bitter wind smacking us in the face to "wake up!"  Get on with life!  Get on with our goals!  Get on with living!

So, if you're enjoying the cold blast outside your front door, let it push you further toward achieving your new year's goals!  If your hunkered down avoiding the winter wonderland outside your front door, take the time to reflect on what you really want and how to get there this year.  Either way, stay safe and warm this week!  May blessings of dedication and commitment recharge you this week!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

New Year, New You?

We hear that every year, right?  All the tips and tricks to make "this" your "new year, new you" for health, for relationships, for dieting, for not dieting, for living your best life.  Right?  Year after year it's the same old story.  Are you tired of it yet or do you like to hear about the new trends for the year?  Are you a "stay the course" kind of person or do you like to try the latest fads in whatever area of your life you're looking to focus on for the start of the new year.  As the year moves on, typically a week or two into Jan, that focus may shift or change...depending on how well that latest fad or trend is going.  

This weekend is when they say most people ditch their new year's resolution or at least "fall off the wagon" per se relating to most diets that were started on January 1st.  Yes, my first 12 days of the year haven't been as "clean" eating-wise as I'd like them to be, but I keep trying and I keep going.  No matter how many times you fall down, just get back up and keep trying.  Don't quit!

Your future happiness depends on your current actions...good or bad.  If you stay the course and stick to your goals you'll likely hit your target(s) and feel better about yourself for persevering.  If you steer off course or completely fall down and choose not to get back up then you'll stay exactly where you are or where you've been without moving forward in life.  You may move forward in time, but where you're at in your life's journey remains stagnant and not living your full potential.  The more or less you care about where you are in your life and where you want to be will determine your actions, your commitment and your ultimate happiness in life.

It's really up to you and what's most important to this time...right now.  That cupcake or losing a pound off your hips this week.  You're in control.  You are steering your own ship.  So, take charge.  Be confident.  Be resilient.  Be strong.  Be YOU!!

Cheers to figuring it all out...and accomplishing our own goals...somehow, someway.  Wishing you blessings of new year's resolutions that include hope, intent, determination and satisfaction! 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year, Ya'll!!  I hope it's been a good one so far!  A lot of people and kiddos will be getting back into the swing of things this week...back to work and school tomorrow.  Are you ready?  

Are you ready to kick off this new year?  Are you ready for a fresh start?  Are you ready to make some new goals...or resurrect last year's goals that didn't quite get met?  Are you ready to change your outlook on life?  Are you ready to see things from a different perspective?  Are you ready to learn something new?  Are you ready to go outside your comfort zone?  Are you ready to excel?  Are you ready to fail?  Are you ready to be honest with yourself?  Are you ready?  Are you?

So many questions, goals and aspirations at the start of a new year?  How quickly do they fade away or how committed are you this time?  Is it really a new year, a new you?  Or does it simply feel like we keep answering the same questions year after year...with pretty much the same answers?  

How do we change?  How do we break out of the cycle?  How do actually achieve our goals set in the new year?  What's your will level?  What's your motivation?  Is it strong enough to survive the bumpy road it takes to succeed?  Is your motivations strong enough to push you through to success?  Are you making realistic goals?  Or are you just setting yourself up for failure...again?  Change comes from learning and growing, being honest with ourselves, and having the commitment to be consistent with our actions.  

Yes, I have the same goal as many of you at the start of the new lose all those holiday sweet treats that stuck to my hips!  I could literally feel it this year.  All that sugar was killing me...maybe not literally at the moment, but I could definitely feel it.  All the weight I lost last year came back quickly over the holidays.  Drats!  So, back on that weight loss train again.  Happy, happy, joy, joy.  

But, I'm also trying to look at things from a different perspective, get out of my own way, listen more so that I can learn from and empathize more with others who think differently than I do.  And, most kinder to myself.  Self-criticism is not a productive tool to have in your toolbox of life.  We all do it.  We all beat ourselves up over this or that, but it's definitely those smaller things that don't really matter in the whole scheme of things that we need to just let go.  Yes, just let it go!  Will it matter tomorrow, in a week, in a month or in a year?  If no, then let it roll off your back and move on to more important things.  Remember this when your standing in a long line (like at the DMV) and are getting frustrated and angry.  Does it really matter?!

Yes, it's a new year with a lot of questions to answer.  Are you ready?  Here we go!  Good luck!  May blessings of strong will, determination and confidence push you to achieving your goals in this new year!!