Wednesday, December 28, 2016

So Long, Farewell 2016....

I hope you and your loved ones had a very Merry Christmas!!  As the year winds down in the final few days of 2016 some are saying "good riddance!" and others are reflecting on fond memories made that will last a lifetime.  Most things are all in one's perspective as to whether it was "good or bad".  So, what are your reflections of 2016 leaving you with...fond memories or "you're just ready to get it over with already!" kind of feeling?

As most of us have reflected in the past few days with the death of more iconic entertainment figures, it's hard not to think of all the incredible talent we lost this year.  But yes, I'm most fond of Carrie Fisher because like many of you I grew up on watching her in the most iconic sci-fi movies, Star Wars.  Those movies pushed our boundaries of outer space, imagination, good vs. evil, and most definitely a strong and sassy female kicking butt in outer space!  How could you not love that?!  Plus, her hair styles were legendary and iconic...those buns, those braids.  Yes, we all wanted to be her.  And then, to get to know the real person behind the character...her flaws, her honesty, her humor and wit, and her way with words (on paper and off) were just ingenious.  She will definitely be missed, as will all the other legendary figures we lost this year.

2016 hasn't been the greatest of years for me, either, but I made it through...through with the grace of God, through prayer...lots and lots of prayer, and through hope!  Sometimes that's all you have, but yes, the sun does come out tomorrow and we push on.  Unknown strength, patience, sadness, frustrations, desperation, and doubt have all clouded my year, but a new year always brings promises of a fresh start, a new beginning, unlimited possibilities and endless joy!  So, I hope however you close out 2016 you are grateful for the time and experiences that will lead to greater things in 2017!

May blessings and thanksgiving for 2016 fill you up with gratitude as you embrace a new year of growth, learning, failures, lessons, love, and joy!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Home Stretch....

We're in the home stretch to Christmas Day!!  Are you ready?  Presents bought?  Cookies made?  Carols sung?  Holly hung?  Well, obviously I got a little behind since I missed my post this past Sunday (and I didn't even remember until Monday afternoon).  Too much going on, too much planning and things to figure out, too much stressing and too little time!  Anyone else feel the same way?  Well, it IS the home stretch so that sounds about right!

At least we haven't had any seriously bad weather here in Texas.  We got some pretty cold weather (below freezing highs) over the weekend (which must have made my brain freeze over, too).  But, we're definitely not dealing with any blizzards, snow or icy conditions so that's good!  For all of those that are, please be careful and safe out there!

Off to the grocery stores for the final haul and then maybe some last minute gifts, and yes I definitely feel a little scattered this year.  Too much on my mind I suppose.  But, there's only one more full week of 2016 (which is crazy) so I hope you don't feel as crazy and stressed as I do coming down the home stretch!  I hope you're all set and ready to go on the big day and they you just enjoy all the big and little surprises of the day!

May Jesus' birth remind us all of the Good News and the Light that he shines in all of our lives!  May God bless you this Christmas weekend!! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

You're a Mean One Mr. Grinch

Although I didn't experience the "mean" Mr. Grinch today, I felt the bah humbug of his personality this morning.  I was frustrated, fed up, tired, disappointed, beat down and I just wanted to give up!  No, I didn't try to ruin any holiday cheer or steal any Christmas goodness, that's not really my style.  So instead, I prayed.  

But, I did see a cute little adorable Grinch!  Is that possible?!  Indeed.  I went to my oldest niece's tumbling class to watch her and cheer her on...when what do my wondering eyes appear?  One of her classmates wearing a Grinch shirt and she was caring a Build-a-Bear with a Grinch shirt on it.  She even came over and showed my sister and I her shirt and her bear's shirt saying she loved both while hugging her bear.  Too cute.  So yes, it was an adorable Grinch moment.

And, by then I was completely over my bad Grinch mood.  Seriously, how can you be in a bad mood when your niece gives you a big hug and you get a box full of homemade Christmas cookies from your mom.  Yummo!  So, even though the day started off a little rough in the outlook it ended up pretty sweet.

So, I'm hoping you have few or no Grinch-filled days this Christmas season and even if you do maybe he's not so mean after all!  Wishing you an adorable Grinch-like moment this holiday season!!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Winding Down...

Another year is winding you feel the closure of another year coming or are you all enveloped in holiday cheer/stress?  Either way, the end of the year is coming and we start anew.  A new year!  A new start!  A new beginning!  A new chance (to try and get it right)!  A new perspective!  A new opportunity!

Typically, after Christmas Day there are those few days of return gifts, go shopping for yourself, and to rest...before New Year's Eve.  In those few days it always seems to the right time to reflect on the past year.  What has happened...good/bad, big/small...what have I learned...where have I did my setbacks set me up for success or where I am today?  All things to take time to think about and to really let settle in as a new year is upon us.  In some ways I always feel stagnant, but if I really look hard and think a little deeper about things I always find the growth, the silver lining, the positive aspect of the past year.  I hope you do too!

Life is fleeting.  It truly is.  We don't know what tomorrow will bring and we're never guaranteed tomorrow.  I am truly grateful for my life and all my blessings.  Even on the darkest days, the bleakest outlooks, or the saddest of feelings there's always a twinkle of light blinking with hope, possibility and strength deep down in the back of my mind.  The perseverance of will, faith in goodness to come and a burning spirit will always lead me to trust in the Lord and be at peace.

I wish you peace, joy and happiness as this year winds down and you gear up to tackle another year with motivation, passion and compassion!  May God's blessings fill you up with love and thanksgiving this holiday season!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Happy Holidays!

Thanksgiving should be a distant memory by now and you should be in the midst of merry madness with all things Christmas!  Are you in it?  Are you fully in it?  Do you have all of your holiday shopping done?  Are all of your decorations up and lit?  Are you baking up a storm of holiday goodies?  Are all of your Christmas cards done and mailed?  OR are you just picking up steam and finally getting into the Christmas spirit?

Wherever you are in the whole holiday season of decorating, shopping, parties, baking, etc. remember to take a moment each day and be grateful for the season.  Whether you've had a good day or a bad day, there's always something to be grateful for.  Sometimes we get all consumed into the holiday madness and forget to enjoy and appreciate the time of year until after it's passed.  But, don't wait until the new year hits to enjoy the big and small moments of the season.  These are the special times in our, festivities, food, fun!  So, don't take them for granted!

I'm wishing you all a warm, safe, happy, healthy and memorable holiday season!  May the wonder of the season find you amazed, inspired, and motivated to do better...and make the world a better place!

Blessings to you in all the holiday madness this season!!

Sunday, December 4, 2016


I just finished my first binge watching experience.  I'm not really one to sit down and watch a TV series/show that way, but there's one show that was worth it for me....Gilmore Girls!  Yep, I know.  But, it was a fun, quirky, endearing show back when it first came on the air.  And, the excitement leading up to it was enough to get me to sign-up for Netflix.  Seriously, how else was I going to view it?!

So, I signed up for Netflix yesterday and basically binge watched all 4 episodes today.  I watched 1 episode last night and the rest today.  The first one, Winter, was exciting just to see all the characters back again.  The second one, Spring, got you back into caring about the characters again and what was going to happen to them.  The third one, Summer, was probably my least favorite but still good.  But, Fall, was the best one!  And yes, it left you craving more!  That's good and bad depending on if they decide to make more mini-movies like this or to restart the series which would be even better!  

But, I don't think I could binge watch a show on a weekly basis or even a monthly basis.  It has to be something I'm really, really into or I have to be flying internationally where I'd be stuck on a plane for hours.  I guess I just don't like sitting for that just watch episode after episode of something.  Yes, occasionally I'll have a show like Gilmore Girls on while I'm cleaning the house or cooking and they do show episode after episode, but I'm not sitting down watching them all.  I'm busy doing other things and really just listening to it.

But, all-in-all I'm glad I finally got to watch all of the new episodes...because they were just binge-worthy enough for me to sit hour after hour and remain interested in these delightful characters.  So, whatever show or shows are binge-worthy enough for you...enjoy and remember to get up and stretch every now and again!

Blessings for a safe and happy first full week of December!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Bring on December!

As November winds down, I already feel behind as I flip the calendar to December tomorrow.  No Christmas decorations up, scrambling to get my Christmas cards done so that I can get them in the mail tomorrow (which is my yearly tradition), and only a few presents bought.  The season is such a rush to do this and that and go here and there, which is probably why I already feel behind and it's not even December yet!  There's plenty of time.  There's plenty of time.  Right?  Actually, there are so many holiday festivities going on this weekend to kick-off the Christmas season, but unfortunately it's going to be rainy, wet and cold here on Saturday.  Bah humbug!

Give me another week...or at least a full week of December to get into holiday gear!  Slowly, but surely I'll get there this year.  How are you doing on your holiday decorating, gift buying, and/or party planning?  Are you prepped for the season or completely done with everything?  Before you know it, it'll be New Year's Eve and we'll be ringing in a new year...again!  Yikes!  Another full year come and gone.  How?  Where?  When?

Well, I may not be fully ready for the holiday season just yet, but bring on December!  All the holiday lights, Christmas carols, beautifully wrapped gifts, holiday decor, etc...take it all in and enjoy all the holiday cheer!  Whether you're ahead or behind with your holiday to-do list, take time to appreciate all the goodness, love and joy in your life!  And, may blessings fill your holiday season with God's light, love and grace!!

Sunday, November 27, 2016


I hope everyone had a safe, happy and healthy Thanksgiving Day (in the States)!  Well, healthy maybe not so much, but I'm pretty sure everyone enjoyed so yummy treats on Turkey Day!  Pie, cake, candy, sweet potato casserole, stuffing/dressing, mac and cheese...all the comfort foods of the holidays!  And yes, I'm stuffed!!

Turkey Day was good, but then I kept the indulgence going all weekend!  Yikes!  The sweet tooth was raging on Friday, so had to satisfy it and I could've gotten back on track yesterday, mom and I went shopping at one of our favorite downtown areas (with tons of cute small was Shop Small Saturday after all!) so we capped off the holiday indulgence with a great lunch, our favorite chai tea lattes and yes, apple pie for dinner!!  My stomach was not thanking me at all after all of that!  Now, back on the clean eating wagon...until Christmas that is!  Ha!

But, that's what the holidays are for, right!  Enjoying all the sweet treats and then January 1st it's time to work it all off.  Actually, between now and Christmas I'm hoping to be really good and maybe actually lose a couple more pounds before gaining them back on Christmas.  It's all about balance, right?!  Well, that's my balance!  Actually, I must admit my veggies and green tea tasted pretty good today.  A little detox from all the sweets from the last few days.  

However you indulge over the holidays, I hope you ENJOY it, don't feel guilty and just live in the moment!  We only have the here and now, so live every moment and eat the cake!!  Safe travels home if you are traveling today and may the coming week be filled with cheerful blessings!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family tomorrow!  May you reflect on the many blessings in your life and may you be surrounded by friends and family!  Enjoy all the wonderful food, fellowship and family time with your loved ones!  

Many, many blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving Day and throughout the holiday season!!!  And, I am very grateful for your support and following my "All-American life as a Korean adoptee" blog!  Cheers!!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Let the Holidays Begin...

It's that time of the year again...I'm not quite sure how it got here so quickly this year, but it's here...turkey and stuffing, tree trimming, gift wrapping, Christmas cookies and caroling, and good tidings to all!  All the holiday festivities are ramping up this week and will explode the day after stuffing our tummies full on Black Friday!

Are you ready?  Are you ready for all the madness?  Yummy foods, yes!  Ripping open gifts, yes!  Helping and serving others in need, yes!  Decorating the house, yes/no!  Seeing all the holiday decorations all over town, yes!  Hearing non-stop Christmas carols on the radio, yes/no!  Christmas parties, more food and baked goods, crowded malls, and on and on and on....are you ready?  Are you sure?  I'm not.

I'm not ready for jolly old St. Nick yet, but give me a couple of weeks.  Once the madness begins it's kind of hard not to get swept up in it, right?  As usual, I've got to get going on my Christmas cards this week so I can get them out on December 1st!  That's my holiday tradition.  So, the goal for this week is to enjoy Turkey Day and get my Christmas cards done or just about done!

I hope you enjoy the last few days leading up to Thanksgiving and then all out madness of the holidays once Thursday night/Friday arrives.  Blessings for a wonderful week full of family, friends and fabulous food!!  

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

National Adoption Month

It's National Adoption Month!  What does that mean?  It means if you're adopted you should share your story with others...if you're an adoptive parent you should share the ups and downs of adoption with prospective parents...if you're a prospective parent you should ask questions to adoptive parents, adoptees, agencies, support organizations...if you're a non-adoptee you should ask any curiosity questions to adoptees or adoptive parents to gain a better understanding/perspective on what it means to be adopted.  The more we understand one another the more empathy and compassion we have for one another.  The greater our world view becomes and the more respect we have for one another which ultimately makes the world we're living in a more kind and respectful place to live for ALL of us!

Obviously, I've shared my adoption story through my book, Corn-fed with Rice on the Side, and also through this blog.  But, you don't have to write a book or start a blog to share your story.  There may be someone at work that doesn't know you're adopted or that you have an adopted child.  Expand their view and share your story with them.  If your heart is leading you to adopt but you have tons of questions or concerns, reach out to adoption organizations that can answer your questions.  Or if you have questions for me, please feel free to email me at any time at  

We need to share our stories to help other children find forever homes and to reflect the positive impact it's had in our own lives.  To be living testaments to what an open heart, mind and home can do for one child...or many!  It's truly a gift and blessing from God...for all parties involved.

So, support National Adoption Month by making an effort to raise awareness, support and understanding!  And may blessings follow you through each day of this week!

Sunday, November 13, 2016


Sorry I missed posting on Wednesday, but I was stunned, shocked, disheartened, sickened and sadden by the election results.  I'm still finding my way our of disbelief and horror.  I literally was sick to my stomach watching the returns come in on Tuesday night and even more so all day Wednesday when reality hit.  This can't be happening!!  

Hate won.  Love did not win.  That hurts my heart.  The realization that there are SO many racists and sexists here in America...the land we all love...was devastating.  To know that someone SO hateful, vengeful, sexist, racist, etc. who incites violence, hate, division, and has no clue how to be president can actually now be our president is ludicrous.  We are no longer the respected and admired country from those around the world.  No one should aspire to be ANYTHING like our new president.  How sad is that, but it's true!  And seriously, what does this say to our kids that a bully, sexist, racist can become the leader of the free world.  His ego was enormous before and now he's been inflated to an even larger demigod than he thought he was before.  I just want to cry!

I know some of you reading this may have voted for him and I seriously will never understand why you did, but I will stand up against hated, racism, sexism, etc. because that's not the kind of person I am or will allow myself to be surrounded by.  Simply, we are all human beings first.  There are no labels.  Just humans with blood running through our veins...all the same!  Labels are just that...labels.  They don't define who we are or what we are, but the lack of respect for another human being....the lack of empathy and what's failing us as a society.  It was brought us to this devastating time in our country's history that I'm simply appalled by and although I haven't found my way out of shock yet I will.  It'll just take some time.  Some time to get over how hate won and love did not.  Some time to get my fight back instead of feeling scared and angry.

 Gregg Popovich, the San Antonio Spurs head coach spoke to the media about the election results and absolutely sums up how I felt, as well.  So, if you haven't seen it Google it.  Yes, we are currently a divided nation and I know it'll take all of us to move forward, but please remember we can't tell others how to feel.  Some are angry, scared and fearful right now.  They have a right to be.  So, don't tell them to grow up and quit whining.  They have a right to feel how they feel and express it...that's part of our American fabric.  If you're ranting and raving about the protests then you're not part of the solution to bring unity and peace to our nation.  We need everyone to stop and listen to one another so that we can grow and so that we can become united.  So, please let people grieve in their own ways and take time to listen to one another.  Find some common ground.  And if you can't, please find tolerance and compassion for one another in your hearts.  It's the only way to move our country forward.

Blessings to all to bring unity, tolerance, compassion and empathy to our nation!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2016


After the last week to 10 days, I need to recharge!  My mom and I both do!  It was a long 8 days, but my dad finally got out of the hospital this past Friday!  Hallelujah!!  It was an exhausting 8 days and I think we're all still trying to recuperate and recharge as we get things back to normal.

It's raining right now and we just went through daylight savings time, so it's a perfect time to huddle inside, regroup, rest up and get ready for a brand new week.  It's also finally got cooler outside, so now it actually feels like fall!  Yippee!  So yeah, I kinda just want to hibernate for a day or two and get my bearings again.  And, the extra hour of sleep last night definitely helped!

I'm ready (well, I will be in another day or two) for the final push into the holiday season!  The last few weeks of the year that are inevitably the busiest.  So, it's probably a good time to recharge and get ready for the madness...I mean holiday cheer!  It's coming whether we're ready for it or not!

So, whether you're in need of a recharge or not I hope that you and your family is well, safe and happy!  Health is our most precious possession, so take care of yourself and your loved ones and enjoy the time you have together!  Blessings for a healthy week ahead!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Just an update on my previous post about my dad.  He had a couple of really rough days mainly due to all the pain he was in and all the pain medication he had to take, but thankfully today he is much better.  He's still got some discomfort and his appetite is coming back slowly after not drinking or eating for 4 days...slowly, but surely he's making progress which is all we can ask for.  So, thank you for all your prayers and good wishes!  I truly appreciate it!

Blessings to you this first week of November!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Please Pray...

It's been a rough couple of days with today being the toughest so far.  My dad went into the hospital Thursday night with severe pancreatitis, which is one of the most prolonged and agonizing painful experiences you can ever face.  He's in SO much pain and it doesn't go away with the strongest pain medications.  It's really hard to watch someone you love go through so much pain for so long.  It was really hard leaving the hospital today because he had such a hard day.  But, I pray for pain relief soon and comfort to get through this dreadful process of healing.

Please pray for my dad and that his pancreas heals quickly and the pain diminishes completely SOON!!!!  I truly appreciate any prayers and good wishes as we help him through painful process.

Blessings to you and your family for a healthy week ahead!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

As We Get Older...

As we get older our wants and needs and likes change...sometimes several times.  It's just part of experiencing life and understanding what you want, need and like at that time in your life...the awkward teenage years, the care-free college years, the trying-to-make-your mark years, the coming-into-your-own years, the mid-life crisis year(s), the completely content with who you are years, and the completely enjoying life years.  It's all a journey we all take as we learn and grow and come into our own...our true selves.  It's a process!

So, for my dad's birthday earlier this week he just wanted to spend it alone.  Yep!  Alone, without anyone around...peace and quiet all to himself.  So, we obliged.  He spent it doing probably one of his most favorite things in life...with cows!  Yep!  He went to the sale barn and watched cows being sold.  That's all he wanted to do, so we let him...ha!  Simple, yet profound in going back to what makes him the most happy as a kid, a teenager and an adult...just being around cows.  Yes, that's the ultimate farmer in him and as he gets older and maybe a little grumpier he speaks up for what he wants and doesn't want a little more loudly...and that's his prerogative as the elder statesman of our family.

Looking back what "wants and likes" have changed over time?  Growing up I never liked tomatoes, but I eat them all the time now.  I like a lot more vegetables than I did growing up!  It used to be just green beans, corn and potatoes for the most part.  Before I moved to California for work years ago, I didn't think I would ever buy a house before getting married or that I (as a single person) should buy a house.  But, after living in California and seeing the crazy housing costs I knew I could and wanted to buy my own house...even if I was single!  So yes, with knowledge and experience our perspectives change and we expand our horizons to hopefully become a better version of ourselves than the day before.

Yes, perspective on life changes as we get older and it's a good thing.  It means we continue to learn and grow and that's all any of us can really ask for as we continue our own life's journey.  So, for whatever wants, needs and likes are changing in your life right now I hope you appreciate them, reflect on them and embrace them!  Blessings for new perspectives to come into focus for you today and in the future!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Garage Sale

Have any of you held your own garage sale or gone shopping at garage sales?  It's one of those quintessential acts between a buyer and seller that goes back as far as one can remember.  Someone is selling something (a good or service) and someone else is the buyer (of that good or service).  Today, most garage sales are a purging of one's belongings that you no longer need, want or use.  But, as they say "one man's junk is another man's treasure."  I think that's true...because the things I always thing will sell like hotcakes I'm still holding onto at the end of the day, and the things I think are "junk" sell quickly.  Go figure!

Yesterday we had one of our neighborhood garage sales and I had been holding onto our (my parents and my) "junk" for over a year.  They hold a neighborhood garage sale in early summer which is always too hot to participate in (like this year), so we waited until the fall one to try and get rid of all our "junk".  It was a beautiful day out and started off pretty chilly out.  My kind of weather!  Luckily, a couple of my other neighbors got their selling on, too, which always helps draw more traffic down your street if there is more than one other person selling.  The past couple of years when I have done it there's just been me on our street and it's been pretty slow...except in the early morning which is when most hard-core garage sellers arrive. But this year we had a steady traffic of shoppers drive by which was also thanks to my neighbor who advertised on Facebook!  It really made a difference!  And yet again, some of the things that I thought would sell didn't and most of the things I thought wouldn't sell did!  Luckily, I did get rid of a few things that were big sellers (in garage sale speak) and made a decent haul for about 6 hours of selling.

Now I have a clean and open garage again since we took all the leftovers to a local resale shop...ahh!  It's nice to have all the open space again...that is until the next purging takes place!  Actually, I think it'll be another couple years again before I need to do another garage sale, but thankfully this last one was a good one and not a complete dud!

Good luck with any buying and selling going on in your part of the world...and with the internet and tons of selling sites for the average person it's much easier to sell your things online to anyone and everyone!  Blessings for a prosperous week!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Is It Over Yet?

I'm soooooo over this presidential election!  I was a couple weeks ago...I mean really over it!  It's been mind-numbing, depressing and sadly a reflection of "who we really are" in this time in history.  It's brought out the good, bad and the ugly...and the insane!  And yes, I did think about moving to Canada earlier in the year!

But, November 8th can't get here soon enough!  Obviously all the damage, hurt feelings, rhetoric, criticism won't end after November 8th, but hopefully we can start healing, start coming together and respecting one another again.  Hopefully we can UNITE as AMERICANS and not be SO DIVIDED by our labels!  Ohhhh, lets HOPE!!

But, 20 more days of this insanity plastered all over the news, Facebook, and all the other social media outlets...ugh.  I've actually started to mute that section of the news every night.  I'm just so sick of hearing it over and over again!  And, tonight is the final debate.  Good, bad, indifferent?  Yep, exactly!  Another side-show to go along with crazy and insane!  

Well, good luck suffering through/enduring the final weeks of this crazy presidential election!  God speed to all of us...and may we ALL use our voices on November 8th as we get out and vote!  Or get our early and vote, which is what I'm going to do...just get it over with already!!!!!  Put us out of our misery!

Blessings to you for surviving another week of presidential election madness!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Finding Strength

Where do you find strength?  Strength to get you through a tough day, to battle cancer or life-threatening illness, to pick you up from a broken relationship, to get back up after hitting rock bottom, to find comfort in someone's death, to simply find hope and purpose in your life to keep going.  Where does it come from?  How do you summon it?  

For me, it's through God's grace, mercy and love...through prayer!  Sometimes constant prayer, purposeful prayer to be in constant contact with God.  Days when I don't feel yesterday when I just wanted to cry all day and eat whatever I wanted (which I didn't do either)'s God's grace that pulls me through.  Constant prayer for strength to get through another day, to give me hope and a purpose that is clear and to just calm my heart.  That's how I get through the tough days.  I turn to God.  And he pulls me through.

And, I woke up feeling more hopeful this morning!  That's God's grace, too!  He fills my heart with calm and steadiness instead of fear and doubt.  He's always there leading the way and I trust in his timing and his plans for my journey in this life.  Just leaning on Him makes me stand taller.

So, on the days you need to find a little strength I hope you find what you need however you need to and that you know God is there to lift you back up....and fill you with hope, love and joy!  Trust in that, always!!  Blessings to you for an uplifting week ahead...and strength to carry you through!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

New Favorite Fall Show!

Do you have a new favorite fall show?  "This is Us" is mine!  Initially I just wanted to see it because it had Justin Hartley, Mandy Moore, and Milo Ventimiglia in it.  And, I thought it was just a show about family similar to what "Parenthood" was previously.  It is about family, but it's also about adoption.  It's had some unique and extremely creative twists in just the first few episodes, so I'm definitely hooked!  I love it!  It's very well done, the storylines are intriguing and I do like watching Justin, Mandy and Milo.  Have you watched it?

It's one of those shows that I really can't wait another full week to watch the next episode!  I want to see the next episode tonight!  I want to see how each of their stories unfolds and how they deal with their adopted child as all the kids get older.  It will be fun to watch what many of us have probably experienced at one time or another growing up as adopted children, as well.  Especially if you have other siblings that are the birth children of your adoptive parents.  It may sound confusing or challenging to those watching that don't have any experience with adoption or for any non-adoptee, but for those of us who are adopted it makes complete sense and we can totally relate.  It just comes down to the experiences we all encounter as we get older and how those experiences shape our world views and perceptions of other people.  That's why it's important to keep learning and keep growing as we get older.  You're never too old to learn something new!

So, if you haven't watched the show yet set your DVR for next Tuesday night on NBC!  It's a great family show and you'll love it!

Blessings to you the rest of this week and may you seek out a new perspective from someone completely different from you!  You may find some understanding on a new topic, find some respect for someone else's circumstances, or just learn something completely new!  Let's all grow together!!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Couch Potato Time....

Today is must-see TV...too much goodness to watch!  Of course I'm rooting for the Dallas Cowboys playing right now and then right after that are the Texas Rangers who HAVE to win tonight to stay alive in the playoffs....and then what we'll ALL be watching, the second presidential debate.  Yes, must-see TV!  The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat!  I always loved that line from the good 'ole "Wide World of Sports" on ABC years ago.

The Cowboys look good so far and have looked better than they have in years, really.  So, we finally have something to cheer about!  And, it's due or die time for the Rangers.  I really hope they pull the next two out because they've had too good of a year to drop out again against Toronto.  Come on, guys....let's do this!!

And then...the debate.  Wow.  What a firestorm in the media the last 48 hours.  I'll refrain from talking politics on this blog, but wow...just wow.  And I'm sure they'll be much more commentary, opinions, rhetoric out there after the debate.  Thankfully the end is in site...only 30 more days until this is ALL OVER!!!  Lord have mercy on us all!

So, blessings for a wonderful week ahead and enjoy some couch potato time, too!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

It's Fall Ya'll!

Yes, it's fall...the time of year I wait for ALL year!  But's fall?!?!  Already?!  How can it already be October?  How has this year already whittled down to the last quarter of the year?  How is it already almost Halloween?  Don't we have 4-5 more months until Thanksgiving and Christmas?  How has this year flown by so quickly?

Do you ever feel like you've blinked and half the year has passed by?  Is it all a blur?  That's one thing that will never change...time!  It marches on no matter what!  No matter the joy you are experiencing that you want to last forever or the pain you're feeling that you wish would end.  It just keeps going whether you want it to or not.  But, that's also the beauty of matter what went wrong the day before the sun always rises the next morning to start anew.  There's always a second chance to get it right...or to at least try and do it better than the day before.

That's definitely something I've taken to heart this year...trying to enjoy each day, but knowing no matter how much I mess up today tomorrow will come and I will try again.  I will always get up and try again and again and again!  Sometimes it takes a little while longer to pick myself back up, but I will always keep trying!  And you should too!  You never know what surprises, results or accomplishments you'll reach if you just keep trying!

So, even though I can't believe it's October already...I'll enjoy each fall day as the temperatures cool down, the leaves start turning colors and hot chocolate fills me up!  Enjoy all that fall has to offer and may blessings keep you happy and healthy!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Birthday Month!

It's the busiest birthday month for our family...October!  Starting today, my little sister and brother's (the twins) birthday is today!  They were one of the first twins born in the little town we grew up in so there was a lot of excitement upon their arrival.  I remember my mom was on bed rest for a month or more before they were born, so they hired a family friend to look after me during the day.  I just remember baking a lot of cookies!

Tomorrow is my oldest nephew's birthday and he's turning 11!  He's getting taller and taller by the minute and I'm sure by his birthday next year he'll be taller than me already!  He's smart, into politics (yes, already!) and likes watching YouTube (yikes!).  He's funny and silly and did I mention smart?!

Towards the end of the month we'll be celebrating my dad's birthday.  The oldest of the bunch (as my mom reminded him yesterday).  As he gets older now it's more of a blessing each year that we get to continue to make more and more memories together!  I know how fleeting it can be since I know so many of my friends have already lost a parent or both.  It definitely makes you appreciate the time you have together!

So, whatever month is your family's craziest birthday month...may you stay sane, enjoy all the parties and cake, and be grateful for all the fun memories made with your family!  Cheers to all the birthday gals and guys out there!

And, blessings for an enjoyable first full week of October!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

We ALL Have a Voice...

We ALL have a voice in this world...something we stand for...something we stand by...or someone we stand with!  How are you using YOUR voice?  For CHANGE?  For GOOD?  For AWARENESS?  For EQUALITY?  For JUSTICE?  For KINDNESS?  For COMPASSION?  For LOVE?

There's a big difference in how you're using your voice in this world and if you're using it for ignorance, prejudice, arrogance, ego-filling, hate, complaining, whining, blaming, selfishness, demeaning, or bullying then you are wasting your voice and the energy you're taking up in this world.  

USE YOUR voice to make the change you want to see in this world!  USE YOUR voice to promote goodness and understanding!  USE YOUR voice in respect for one another!  USE YOUR voice to provide love and caring!  USE YOUR voice to show your strength and resolve!  USE YOUR voice and VOTE this November!

Yesterday was National Voter Registration Day, so I hope you became a registered citizen because YOUR voice MATTERS in this year's presidential election!  You have until October 11 to register to vote so don't delay!  I know it hasn't been a conventional presidential campaign or with conventional candidates, but this is where we are.  So, please take it seriously, learn the facts (not all the media-spun half-truths), understand the positions of all of the candidates on the issues that matter to YOU most, and then VOTE with conviction!  VOTE so that YOUR VOICE is heard!!  VOTE so that you're an active participant in society and in the issues that affect YOU!  VOTE because we ALL have a voice and we have a duty and a right to exercise it...especially in this election!

Blessings to you in these final days of September!!

Sunday, September 25, 2016


I have a lot of worries on my mind and in my heart lately.  And, I've asked God to take away my worries time and time again.  I know worrying doesn't do any good and it's just wasted energy, but somehow, someway we've all been conditioned (to some degree or more) to worry...about relationships, money, school, work, our health or someone else's health, violence, war, etc.  The list is never-ending.  I've definitely gotten better over the years about trying to stop in the moment of full-on worry and sending up a prayer to God to take the worry from my heart and from my mind.  Sometimes it works better than other times, but it's a better way to react to all the worry.  Sometimes it can be overwhelming and other times it's self-made.  It's just one of those things that we'll always have to work on over-coming.

Besides all my personal worrying, this week I've been worried about all my friends and family back in Iowa dealing with flooding.  Seeing all the pictures and videos of flooding in my home town is heartbreaking and sad.  I wish I could be there to help.

This morning I found myself shocked and saddened by the death of Miami Marlins pitcher, Jose Fernandez who died overnight in a boating accident.  I had that pit in my stomach of disbelief, sadness and worry for his family, the Marlins organization, the community, etc.  It's just so tragic when someone so young has their life taken away so quickly and unexpected.  It's a hard reminder that life is SO short.

I'm sick and tired of this political election charade that has been going on this year, and I'm extremely worried about the outcome, the repercussions, the political and social divide in this country and the extreme hatefulness that has come from it all.  I'm just ready for it all to be over with so we can move on with our lives and dealing with the REAL issues!

I could go on and on and on about what is worrying me, but it could be an endless list...or at least one longer that I'd like to admit.  So, I'm just going to take a breath, say a little prayer, and move on.  That's all I can really do.  That's all anyone can really do when worry invades our hearts and minds.

So, I hope this coming week is less worrisome than the last and that you can enjoy all the simple joys of life that fill our days.  Seek out the love, light and joy in life!!  Blessings for a worry-free week ahead!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

What Matters Most?

In the world we live in today...the divisive political climate, the racial tensions, the threat of terrorists, the open carry states, the incessant online bullying, goes on and on and on.  And, we're reminded of what's wrong, what's bad in our world every day we turn on the news programs.  It seems never-ending and depressing at times.

But, it can also highlight and move you to focus on what matters most in your life!  Your little space on this Earth.  What matters to you?  What's most important in your life?  Once you know what that is then you can do what you can to improve that part of your life and in turn your part of the world...your home, your neighborhood, your community, your town, etc.  It just takes a little willpower and a whole lot of passion for what you believe in!  We hear it all the time, "you can make a difference in this world".  When we listen to the news it's hard to believe that sometimes.  But, those with hope and purpose in their hearts can make small steps towards making it a brighter day for someone else.  It could be as simple as a smile.  I know when I leave the gym early in the morning and someone gives me a smile it just starts my day off on a much more positive note.  Just that one small gesture!  We can all flash someone our pearly whites!  

When YOUR passion and motivation in life wells up in your gut, in your soul then you know no matter what you do to grow and shine light on others in that passion will always be right, always be good, always be of good intention, and always be to try and make a difference in this world.  If we just shift our views from what's wrong in the world to what we can do to make it a wonderful world than we've ALL made a difference in this world!  Lets leave our mark!

Blessings to you this week as you cultivate your passions into positive action one tiny step at a time!  Lets be the CHANGE we want to see in this world!!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Grateful Memory

A couple days ago I got a reminder on Facebook of the blog entry I posted after my 1st book signing.  So, I went back to that blog post and read the entire thing (as it's a little longer than my normal ones).  It was fun to remember that very meaningful weekend for me and brought up all the grateful feelings I had.  I'm truly thankful I was able to go back to my hometown for my 1st book signing and I was overwhelmed and humbled by the wonderful support I received...yes, of course from family, but from the rest of the town and complete strangers.  It was so great to see so many familiar faces and I wish we had more time to sit down and talk to everyone.  But, I'm so glad they took the time to stop by and buy my book.

It's another memory of that town and all those people that only adds to my romanticized picture in my head that I've carried with me since we moved away back in the mid-80's.  Sometimes you're not sure if the reality is what you've kept etched in your head, but once again this town and all those people proved that it was.  They proved their loving support and acceptance of me all those years ago still was true that day...and I assume today, too!  As I've written in my book, that made of world of difference in how I grew up and saw the world and how I viewed being adopted.  I was accepted by my friends, family and community and that is such a gift, especially for someone who is adopted, that I will forever be grateful for that.

So, if you missed one of my most fondest posts, here you go...

Enjoy!  And have a blessed week ahead!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Heading into the Holiday Season...

Are you ready?  Are you ready for the holiday season?  It will soon be upon us as the fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas decor, recipes, etc. are in stores now and filling the internet.  Are you getting prepared?  Are you excited?  Are you dreading it?  Are you anxiously awaiting all the festivities and magic of the season?  Or are you ready for it to pass and for the new year to help restart you life anew once again?

Whatever you think of the holiday season it will be here before you know it and whether you're prepared or not for all the parties, presents, decorations, lights, snow, etc. it will either bring you great cheer or great stress.  Is there too much pressure during the holidays?  To host the perfect party, to buy the perfect party dress, to buy the perfect presents, to participate in all the holiday festivities, to build the biggest snowman, to act like the perfect mate, or to bake the best holiday feast?  Is it too much?  Are there too many expectations during the holidays?  Probably.

But, like anything it is what you make of it.  If you want wild and crazy with activities every night then go for it!  If you want calm and quiet with fireplaces, hot chocolate and home videos then go for it!  If you want a mix of both then do that!  It's really up to you to plan your "perfect" holiday.  And yes, it's never too early to start planning, so....

So, enjoy the next few weeks of falling into Fall with a leisurely pace before the madness of the holidays hit!  Enjoy the cooler weather blowing in, enjoy the pumpkin spice everything (lattes, muffins, cookies, bread, etc) that will hit your palate, and enjoy the leaves changing colors that brighten up our landscapes for awhile.  Enjoy Fall!!

Blessings to you as we all prepare for the upcoming holiday season!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

In Rememberance....

15 years ago today, we were shocked and horrified by what we were watching on TV or literally living in those moments, we were stunned and numbed by the unthinkable happening right in front of us, and our hearts sank for all the victims as the devastating tragedy of the morning unfolded before us.  We all know where we were on this morning 15 years ago and every year (for some, every day), we remember.

We remember the horror, we remember all the ash, we remember the masses of scared individuals walking away from ground zero, we remember the heroes running toward ground zero, we remember the walls of pictures of loved ones that were missing, we remember the acts of kindness and love that followed, we remember all the flags flying freely from one neighborhood to the next all around the country, and we remember the gut-wrenching pain and sorrow that bound us all together as Americans.  It's part of our history now that many kids only know from a text book or seeing it on TV.  But, for most of us we can recall the details as if it happened yesterday.

It's a day of mourning and remembrance, but it's also a day of strength and survival!  Courage, resilience, hope, and love also reflect what came from this day 15 years ago.  That's what will move us forward, that's what will continue our resolve to fight for justice and defense of our country and that's what will heal us as time goes on.

Blessings to all the victims that we lost on this day 15 years ago, blessings to their families and loved ones, and blessings to all of us who REMEMBER today!  May God's grace fill your heart with peace and hope!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

New Shows

If you've been following my blog you know Fall is my favorite season.  And one of the best parts of Fall are when my favorite shows come back with new episodes.  The countdown is on and in a couple weeks there will be new chapters in the lives of all the characters I've come to love...and/or despise.  I watched a clip of the new episode of Grey's Anatomy yesterday and it got me excited about watching the season premiere.  I'm ready to get my DVR going full steam ahead with all the new episodes coming!  

What are some of your favorite shows?  What season premiere are you most excited to view?  Obviously many of the daytime shows premiered this week or will next week, but the good stuff comes at the end of the month.  So, get ready to get comfortable on your couch and delve back into your favorite character's lives!

It's almost time!  So, ignore the re-runs for a couple more weeks and get ready for another part of the Fall fun!  Blessings for a safe and healthy end to you week as we gear up to fully transition into Fall!  Get ready!!

Sunday, September 4, 2016


As I was sitting on my kitchen bar stool chair finishing my breakfast yesterday morning the house started shaking and then I was literally shaking sitting on my bar stool chair.  What is going on?!  Surely it's not an earthquake here in Texas.  I've been in one other earthquake when I lived out in California several years ago.  It was a 5.4 earthquake that was hundreds of miles away, but I definitely felt it.  I was sitting on my couch in my second floor apartment and my sister was in her room.  All of a sudden the floor below my feet began to rumble.  But, that was pictures moving on the walls, nothing fell was quite tame for my first earthquake.

But, the earthquake yesterday morning was much stronger and noticeable.  And it was a 5.6 earthquake, but it was centered 95 miles northeast of Oklahoma City which isn't exactly close.  It's amazing how far the shock-waves could be felt...from here to Kansas to Iowa.  Crazy!  Definitely unexpected, but thankfully my two earthquake experiences have been mild compared to what others have experienced.  And, I'm thankful for my house's structure in holding up to the 15-20 seconds of shaking!

What has shaken you over the past week?  Who has shaken you by something they said to you?  Do you foresee a shake up in your future?  At work?  At home?  At school?  Or what do you want to shake up in your life?  A new job?  A break-up?  A move?  A new hair cut?

Whatever your week ahead has in store I hope you're shaken to the core for a good reason/cause or you simply just shake up your week to put some excitement and/or spontaneity into your life!  Either way, shaking things up can be a good thing!  Blessings for an awakened shaking of joy and possibilities this week!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

3 Year Anniversary!!

3 years ago today I was holding my 1st published book in my hands!!!  It was exciting, unreal and blissful!  I remember it well.  My mom and I had gone away for the Labor Day weekend to do some outlet shopping and the boxes were delivered a few days earlier than I expected.  Luckily my dad was home to receive the shipment and was directly instructed NOT to open any of the boxes or take a peek!  

So, when I arrived home and opened that first box and pulled out a copy of Corn-fed with Rice on the Side, I was proud and extremely happy!  Who knew this would be part of my life's write a book?!  It was never part of my "to-do" list or bucket list.  It was just an idea turned opportunity that opened up in front of me.  I'm truly grateful to God for giving me the time, talent and opportunity to write the book and find a way to get it published.  It was an unexpected surprise in my life's journey that has taught me to always be open to any and all opportunities that come my way.  

I had no idea how to get a book published, but researched a lot, reached out to a lot of people for advice and then kept "knocking" on doors (actually e-mailing hundreds of literary agents) until I got that ONE response.  If you strongly believe in your purpose or intent for something than you'll do the work until you make it happen.  If you don't believe in it or only halfheartedly do then it probably won't happen or it won't be the best version of you or whatever you are producing.  So, stay open to unforeseen opportunities and don't be afraid to take that first learn more, learn something new...and experience the unexpected surprises that God has in store for you!

Looking back over the past 3 years, I'm truly thankful for ALL the support but even more grateful for all the wonderful adoption stories I've heard along the way!  Hearing all the different adoption stories of wonderful people (children and adults), listening to SO many adoptive parents and their concerns/joys, and getting feedback from non-adoptees in how much they enjoyed the book, as well.  It's been a special added blessing to my life.  I'm glad my story has resonated with so many and hope to reach out to even more people over time.  The more we can see the similarities in each other the more love, understanding and respect we can all share with one another.  I think our country needs that now (more than ever after this crazy political season) and so we can all continue to grow and learn from one another with mutual respect.  It's how we all grow, evolve and better ourselves and our step at a time.

So, thank YOU for being part of my journey and thank YOU for all your support over these past 3 years!!  I hope I've brought you some inspiration, comfort, solace, laughter and hope along the way.  Blessings to YOU today and every day!!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Real Meaning...

Today at church I got an answer to one of my most curious questions...what does my Korean name mean?  My mom attended church with me today and we sat in my normal spot...yes, we're creatures of habit especially when it comes to what pew we sit in at church.  As I've mentioned in previous posts, there is an older Korean couple that also sits in the same pew as I and we've become acquainted over the past few years.  The husband is still very much rooted in Korean culture and I don't think has openly ever said anything to me except to nod and occasionally wave a "hello" to me.  However, the woman is very friendly and we've spoken many times.  She is very quiet when she speaks so I don't quite catch everything she says, but she's been very receptive to any questions about the Korean culture I might ask.  So today I asked her about her Korean name and what it meant and then asked her about my Korean name and if she knew what it meant.  She explained her name to me and even wrote it out on paper in Korean, in Japanese characters and in Chinese characters.  Then, I wrote down my Korean name and showed her and asked her what it meant.  She said my name out loud and pronounced it correctly right away, which is something my family had not been doing until I finally learned the correct way to pronounce it when I went to Seoul, South Korea for the first time several years ago.  But, I still didn't know what it meant.

She told me my name means "precious gem"!  And my mom chimed in saying "yes you are!"  I finally got the answer to one of my burning questions.  It was quite satisfying.  

I continued to have a delightful conversation with her until the church service started.  And, was thankful for her knowledge, humor and growing friendship.  Sometimes you never know how, when or where you'll get answers to some of your deepest questions.  So, just be ready and open for the opportunity to present itself!

May the coming week answer one of your most burning questions in life!  Blessings to you as we move into September in the week ahead! 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Summer Relief

Last week we had some wonderful weather relief from the 100 degree days to low to mid-80 degree days...ALL week!!  It was much needed relief especially for those that work outdoors, but the cooler temperatures and the rain provided an end in sight for the summer heat.  It really hasn't been a terribly bad summer as far as the heat is concerned compared to previous years, but it's always nice when the summer heat breaks and fall temperatures roll in.  That's what I'm waiting for and hopefully it's only a few more weeks away...of course, down south it's probably another month or so before that happens regularly.

Until then, you can feel the turn of the tide...the changing of the season ramping up with school starting, football season about to start, fall fashions in stores, and fewer and fewer extremely hot days.  I'm ready for it!  What's your favorite thing about this time of year?  Give me a couple more months when the temperatures are in the high 70's, leaves start to change, pumpkin everything takes hold and I stop hearing lawn mowers on my street every day!

Last week's weather was a pleasant surprise, but it's back to heat and humidity this week.  Just a few more weeks and then wonderful fall weather will be here...hurry up!  In the meantime, I hope it has or will be a successful week back to school for all the kiddos out there and that you enjoy the last few weeks of summer heat (especially if you're a summer weather lover)!  Blessings to you this last full week of August!!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Back to School

It's that time of year again...back to school!  Not for me, of course, but for all the kiddos out there tonight there will be butterflies in their stomachs thinking about their first day of school tomorrow.  At least in schools around here, although I know some kids have already started school and some kids still have a few more days of freedom before hitting the books again.  

It's always a fun and hectic time of year...a new school year, new school clothes, new school supplies, new friends and new worries or anxieties.  I think we can all remember it at some point in time in our lives.  The nervousness that first day of school, but then as the days go by it's back into a normal school year schedule with homework, school activities and sports.  Oh, if we only knew back then how good we had it and how little responsibilities we truly had.  I definitely would have enjoyed it more if I had known how lucky I was to grow up where I did and in the time that I did....meaning, we didn't grow up in the social media age....thank goodness!

Now, it just means to slow down at school crossings and seeing all the Friday night lights (for football around here).  Next week I will have been in my house for 12 years.  It doesn't seem that long, but since I've lived in my house there have been 6 new schools built in my immediate neighborhood.  So you can guess how many more school zones there are now for me just to get to the main artery of my city.  

So, to all the kids starting a new school studious and learn and much as you can, listen, work hard, play hard and have fun!  And to all the parents out there...good luck!  Blessings to all the students and their parents this new school year!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Positive Reminder...

Four years ago today I posted on Facebook, "Remembering God's grace for me today and everyday...that I HAVE everything I need and HE will ALWAYS provide."  I needed that positive reminder today!

It's been a rough summer for me, but God has provided along the way and I'm grateful for his mercy and his grace every day!  It seems like it's been one thing after another, but I've tried to remain calm and give all my worries to God.  It's not easy and some days it just eats you up, but all I can do is pray, try, get up every day and try again.  That's all any of us can do!  Some days it's easier than others.  

Last May I had to replace my air conditioning unit...ouch, that put a dent in the pocketbook!  I really need to replace my roof, but have been putting it off...for 2 years now.  But, today I had to replace my water heater.  Sigh.  It's one of those necessities that you just have to do and can't really put off.  I'm very grateful it got done today and I didn't have to wait and I'm thankful for the kind plumber who installed it.  But, I really just wanted to cry all day.  Just one more thing.  And per my last post, I've had a lingering lump in my throat all day because I've wanted to cry but won't let myself because I have to remind myself (as the Facebook "see your memories" from years past popped up from 2012) that God is good and he will always provide.  He always has in the past and I know he will now.  So, although I feel beat down a bit I know God is working in my favor and all will be well.  I just need to hold onto that to push me forward.

So, whatever sadness, frustration or brokenness, you may be feeling...TRUST in the LORD and all will be well!  Moments like these truly put your faith to the test, but that's the point!  So, stay true to your goodness and the grace of God that fills your life with light!  May your soul and mine be at peace in God's glory!  

May blessings of restoration fill you up to carry on and be a light to someone else!!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Lump in Throat....

Per my last post, the Olympics have given us a lot of amazing and great moments over the past week.  This past week has also given me a few "lump in the throat" moments that I wasn't expecting.  I'm not a huge crier in general and no tears were shed this week, but I came close.

The first came when I heard the news that John Saunders from ESPN had died.  Yes, I first learned the news from Facebook, but then quickly switched the TV channel to ESPN.  It was definitely a shock and you could see that on the faces and hear that in the voices of those remembering him on ESPN.  And yes, I regularly watched The Sports Reporters on ESPN and found his calm, reassuring and profound last takes enjoyable to watch each Sunday.  I actually just finished watching this week's tribute to him on that show.  And for some reason as I was listening to the sadness and shock of his colleagues on Wednesday I found myself sad and with a lump in my throat at his sudden passing.  Peace be with you John Saunders and your family.

The second time came while watching the all-around gymnastic finals with Simone Biles and Aly Raisman.  Everyone knew Simone would win because she's just that amazing, but of course you still hold your breath a little in each performance.  But, it was Aly Raisman that got to me.  After watching her in London get denied of the bronze in the all-around and then making her comeback in Rio, redemption had to be hers at that moment...and it was!  It was exciting and incredible to watch!  And, when she finished her floor exercise and broke down in tears it truly choked me up.  I almost started crying...almost.  The sheer joy, relief and accomplishment was SO raw and real at that moment that it was inspiring to watch.  The happiness and pride I felt for her jumped up into my throat.  And it was heartwarming to watch her parents pride and relief, as well.  Such a joyful moment overall for both girls that made a whole country proud!

You never know what will tug at your heart, what unexpected things will come your way day by day or week by week, but whatever the new week holds I hope it's all light and joy!  Wishing you blessings of joy and hope this coming week and maybe a moment or two of unexpected emotion that tugs at your heart!!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Olympic Fever!

Have you been watching the Olympics this past week?  From the opening ceremonies to all the wonderful winning moments, touching stories, rivalries, and country pride is always so fun to watch every 4 years!  Especially after all turmoil and craziness of this year's presidential campaign (in the States), it's nice to get a break from that and come together to root on our fellow man/women.  It's fun, motivating and inspiring to watch these athletes achieve their dreams and their goals in their one shining moment!

It motivates me to continue to heal my body so that I can get stronger and also motivates me to set (or re-set) goals and push hard to achieve them.  If you can't be inspired by watching the Olympics then you shouldn't be watching!  I forgot how exciting indoor volleyball can be and even though I don't know anything about handball or rugby I can still appreciate those athletes and what they are trying to accomplish.  Of course women's gymnastics is the sweetheart of events for most women in America, but I've heard on-going amazement and admiration of Simone Biles' skills by so many men over the past week, as well.  And another of course, Michael Phelps has dominated his mark in history with even more amazing wins and great moments in this year's games.

One more week to go...what other amazing stories, victories, defeats and moments will we witness?  Who knows, but it's going to be exciting to find out!  Enjoy watching the games and go USA!!!

Blessings for a winning week ahead!!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Coming Back Stronger....

If you read my last post you know I've had a few physical hurdles to overcome in the last 2+ months.  Well, let me just add one more to the list (yes, unbelievably) on Friday I re-pulled my stomach muscle that was getting pretty close to healing after over 2 months of injury.  I couldn't believe it!  I had re-pulled it and I had been SO careful not to re-injure it.  AND, I did it on the most minute things ever...just going down to sit on the ground.  Ugh.  I was completely disgusted and frustrated by the whole thing.  Another injury?!?!  

But, after two days of not caring anymore and just letting the disgust roll off my back I'm back to seeing things more positively.  And, working towards being a better person, physically, spiritually and in my relationships.  Yes, I know my stomach muscle will take MORE time to heal and yes, I need to continue to be careful with it, but I can still move forward with being a better person every day.  Sometimes set-backs make you stronger if you let them and have the right attitude to move forward with clearer perspective and stronger intent.  Sometimes set-backs are setting you up to succeed even further than you ever expected.  So, I'm taking these set-backs to come back stronger physically as I work on my strength, flexibility and endurance moving forward.  One step at a time....just keep going and never quit...and if you keep trying you'll never quit!

So, it may be slow going right now, but I still have hope and trust in God's glory for my future...whatever it may hold!  I'll be more prepared for it from all the struggles I've endured.  That I know for sure!

So, whatever is ahead of you this week just take it one step at a time and you'll eventually reach your end goal.  Stick with it and enjoy the journey!!  Motivating blessings to you to reach your daily, weekly and monthly goals!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Aches and Pains

When we were younger, we heard our aunts and uncles, grandparents, etc. tell us that our bodies fall apart as we get older.  There are more aches and pains, more creaky joints and more recovery time needed for working out, laborious chores or a late night out!  Well yes, I will finally attest to all of it!  Dangit!!

Since mid-May I've strained my knee, pulled my pectoral muscles (yes, lovely), suffered my worst stomach muscle tear (that's taken a good 2.5 months to heal) and in the last few days have been dealing with a severe pinched nerve in my neck that pretty much froze up my entire left side down to the bottom of my shoulder blade.  Fun times!  The first three things I did while working out, but the last ailment hit me while I was sleeping.  Really?!  Come on!

So, am I feeling old yet?!  Ha!  You definitely take it all for granted when you're younger and you do crazy things to your body that don't have such dire consequences the next morning.  But, slowly into your late 30's and 40's it all becomes a harsh reality that your body can no longer handle things you've done in the's wearing down, slowly but surely.  Even if you work-out regularly and eat well, as I do.  It's just a reality of life and time beating down on you.  I think that's why so many people in their 40's start running marathons or triathlons.  They're trying to prove to themselves their body can still "work" and do athletic things like they did when they were younger, and/or they're wanting to accomplish new physical goals that they've never achieved before...all commendable (and sometimes crazy depending on the activity).

So whatever aches and pains you're dealing with, I hope you have plenty of ice bags, a durable heating pad, and lots of patience to make sure you heal properly!  Believe me, it's ALL needed!

Healing blessings to you this week!!!

Sunday, July 31, 2016


Woo hoo!!  This blog has reached 10,001 page views!!  Thanks to YOU!  Thanks for being a regular follower and sharing my message with others!  I hope it has brought you some insight, perspective, hope and some laughs along the way.  I obviously don't talk about adoption ALL the time because that's not what guides my life.  But, I hope when I do talk about it you get a better understanding of what it's like to be adopted or you can relate.  I think with all things that face us on a daily basis, the more we can learn and understand another perspective the better and more united we can become as a our families, in our communities and around the world.  It's taking the time to reach out and listen to someone that's different than you that's lacking sorely in our nation today.  We all need to take some time to reach out, listen and reflect on our own lives what we can do to make it a better live, to work and to play.  Yes, we ALL have a part to play and if you get disheartened, pick yourself up and try again!  We ALL can make a positive difference in this world if we want to!

So, thanks again for helping hit this milestone and I hope I've made some small positive difference in your life along the way!  Grateful blessings to you this first week of August!  May you have a productive and insightful week ahead!!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Little Off...

I'm a little off on my days this week...posting on Monday and today instead of my usual Sunday and Wednesday.  I'm not sure why...guess my mind has been focused on other things this week or just full of political news from this painful election year.  I'm definitely ready for it ALL to be OVER with already!!  But, whatever the reason I'll be back on track for the next posting on Sunday.

It's not just my mind being a little off lately, but other parts of my life as well.  We all go through growing pains and/or those times where we're not sure what's next in life for us.  I always look at my life in 4 different areas...physical, emotional, spiritual and work.  If things are going well at least 3 out of the 4 things are in a good place and moving forward in my life.  I'm not sure I've ever had all 4 in that sweet spot as an adult, but I'm sure I did as a child.  But, back then I didn't have the self awareness to know the difference or know the true struggles that life unfolds.  Lately, I've been 1 for 3 and on some days 0 for 4 which is not a good place to be.  But with time and experience I've learned to settle into whatever I'm feeling and just get through it.  Feel what I'm feeling and be OK with it even though it's uncomfortable and sometimes frustrating.  I've learned to CONTINUE to have FAITH because I know and trust in God's will for my life!  I know he has a plan for my life, I know he's putting the pieces into place and I know it will all work out in the right time.  I just have to continue to be faithful and patient...which isn't always easy.  

God has always provided in my life and I trust in Him to do so again.  It's that faith, that trust that keeps me going.  No matter how badly I want to know what my future holds or what the next step is, I know God will present the next step when the time is right.  So, I'm grateful for where I am right now even though it's not where I want to be.  I know God is walking beside me and will never leave me and that sustains me.

So, if you happen to be going though your own growing pains or a down time in some area of your life...lift your head up and know that God is with you!  Trust in the Lord.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart.  He will lift us back up!

Reinforcing positive blessings your way and may you hold onto your faith for greater things ARE to come!!

Monday, July 25, 2016


If you're a regular follower, have you shared my website with someone you might think would benefit from my message?  If you're a new follower to my blog, have you purchased my book, Corn-fed with Rice yet?  If you have previously purchased my book (hard copy or soft copy), have you shared it with any of your friends or family?  If not (to any of the above), what are you waiting for?!  Share!

Please share my story, my message of adoption with your family and friends, to your church, your school and your book clubs!  Please take a moment and send out an email this week with my website,!

I truly appreciate your support and action and hope to see more followers join this blog soon!  Have a blessed final week of July ahead and stay cool out there!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Dog Days...

I feel like the dog days of summer are just starting.  We haven't even officially hit our 1st 100 degree day although with the heat index we've definitely hit it several times this summer.  But, the forecast calls for our 1st 100 degree day tomorrow...wouldn't you know it!  It is mid-July, so we're really right in the middle of summer...which means we still have a many more hot and humid days ahead.  Joy.  

If it would hit 70 degrees in early September I'd be a happy camper.  But, we won't cool down to that until mid-to-late October.  By early next month I'll be ready to roll into fall!  But, it's time to settle in...into the heat, the sweat, the sun beating down and wet, sticky weather.  Joy.

So, here's to frizzy hair, refreshing swimming pools, hydrating watermelon and ice cream!  Lots of it!!  Joy!  I hope your week is full of blessings and you find fun ways to cool off during the dog days of summer!!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

New Normal?

After the devastating ambush on Dallas Police officers last Thursday that left 5 officers dead, there are 3 more police officers shot dead in Baton Rouge, LA today.  Is this the new normal...or just a tragic time in our present lives that seems like it's becoming the "new normal?"  Hopefully our leaders can calm the anger and engage the unrest so that mutual respect for one another can reign again.  We need peace!  Peace in our hearts, in our minds and in our communities!

May we find within ourselves new hope, new perspectives, and new love for one another.  May peace prevail and all of our collective strength stand united for good, for civility and for love!

Hearts are also heavy for those tragically lost in Nice, France, as well.  Too many lives lost in such a sad and scary manner.  It's a worrisome time, not only here in the States, but around the world.  We are all living in a "new normal" it seems.  God, give us strength, courage, love and determination to root out evil and ensure love shines through on all of us!

Wishing you a peaceful, safe and happy week ahead!  May we all come together as one in peace, love and unity!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Can We Stand United?

Even after one of the saddest week's in America, I have to wonder if we will ever be "united?"  There have been wonderful moments of unity after many of the senseless acts of violence and deaths last week, but there have also been continued protests that have injured many, death threats against police and more officers killed.  Do people not get it?  Violence doesn't justify more violence!  It does show that there is so much rage and hate against one another that it's truly sad to witness and to know it's right out my front door.  We all have to face those realities of each new day.  

At my core I am an optimist and believe there is good in ALL people.  I believe traumatic, unjust experiences of many people's past have caused them to have distorted views of all instead of a few and their pent up anger and frustrations have reached a breaking point.  I understand their unfairness and I understand their anger, but I also know what is right...and violence is never the answer.  It only causes more violence.  Positive, constructive action and conversation is needed to resolve many of hurts in America that have cut deep and have remained over the years.  I can only wish and hope those with hate in their hearts can take a step back, have more understanding of on another and be willing to be proactive in being a part of the solution rather than continuing to being part of the problem.  We all have a part to play.  Can we be "united?"

Only time will tell and only strong leadership can lead the way.  I pray for both and in the meantime, I pray for our country, our communities and our families...that we may be part of the positive process for unity and common respect for our fellow man.  God bless us ALL!!