Yes, it's fall...the time of year I wait for ALL year! But's fall?!?! Already?! How can it already be October? How has this year already whittled down to the last quarter of the year? How is it already almost Halloween? Don't we have 4-5 more months until Thanksgiving and Christmas? How has this year flown by so quickly?
Do you ever feel like you've blinked and half the year has passed by? Is it all a blur? That's one thing that will never change...time! It marches on no matter what! No matter the joy you are experiencing that you want to last forever or the pain you're feeling that you wish would end. It just keeps going whether you want it to or not. But, that's also the beauty of matter what went wrong the day before the sun always rises the next morning to start anew. There's always a second chance to get it right...or to at least try and do it better than the day before.
That's definitely something I've taken to heart this year...trying to enjoy each day, but knowing no matter how much I mess up today tomorrow will come and I will try again. I will always get up and try again and again and again! Sometimes it takes a little while longer to pick myself back up, but I will always keep trying! And you should too! You never know what surprises, results or accomplishments you'll reach if you just keep trying!
So, even though I can't believe it's October already...I'll enjoy each fall day as the temperatures cool down, the leaves start turning colors and hot chocolate fills me up! Enjoy all that fall has to offer and may blessings keep you happy and healthy!
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