Wednesday, December 28, 2016

So Long, Farewell 2016....

I hope you and your loved ones had a very Merry Christmas!!  As the year winds down in the final few days of 2016 some are saying "good riddance!" and others are reflecting on fond memories made that will last a lifetime.  Most things are all in one's perspective as to whether it was "good or bad".  So, what are your reflections of 2016 leaving you with...fond memories or "you're just ready to get it over with already!" kind of feeling?

As most of us have reflected in the past few days with the death of more iconic entertainment figures, it's hard not to think of all the incredible talent we lost this year.  But yes, I'm most fond of Carrie Fisher because like many of you I grew up on watching her in the most iconic sci-fi movies, Star Wars.  Those movies pushed our boundaries of outer space, imagination, good vs. evil, and most definitely a strong and sassy female kicking butt in outer space!  How could you not love that?!  Plus, her hair styles were legendary and iconic...those buns, those braids.  Yes, we all wanted to be her.  And then, to get to know the real person behind the character...her flaws, her honesty, her humor and wit, and her way with words (on paper and off) were just ingenious.  She will definitely be missed, as will all the other legendary figures we lost this year.

2016 hasn't been the greatest of years for me, either, but I made it through...through with the grace of God, through prayer...lots and lots of prayer, and through hope!  Sometimes that's all you have, but yes, the sun does come out tomorrow and we push on.  Unknown strength, patience, sadness, frustrations, desperation, and doubt have all clouded my year, but a new year always brings promises of a fresh start, a new beginning, unlimited possibilities and endless joy!  So, I hope however you close out 2016 you are grateful for the time and experiences that will lead to greater things in 2017!

May blessings and thanksgiving for 2016 fill you up with gratitude as you embrace a new year of growth, learning, failures, lessons, love, and joy!!!

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