Wednesday, December 30, 2015

So Long 2015....

The end of the year is upon us...already!  How did that happen?  It feels like we should just be starting fall.  But alas, 2016 is right around the corner.  A new year!  A few days, weeks ahead where we make plans, promises...yes, resolutions...for the year ahead.  Do they stick?  Does it matter?  A few weeks into the new year and we're back into our regular schedules or predictive behaviors.  So, is the new year really "new" or just the same old?

I guess as the new year hits, I'll get my reflective cap on and get a sense of 2015 and what my hopes are for 2016.  Yes, I'll have the energetic hopeful enthusiasm for the new year and what can be accomplished and yes, hopefully throughout the year I can execute on those goals.  Hopefully I can stay consistent and determined enough to reach those goals and then look back at the end of next year with satisfaction.  For this year...I'm not quite sure yet.  I need to spend some quiet time reflecting on this past year and appreciate how much I've grown.  I think we all grow in some way shape or form every year, but it takes acknowledging that growth and using it moving forward that really counts.

So, as this year comes to a close, I want to thank you all for continuing to share in my journey and hope that we all have a joyful, peaceful and happy new year!  Blessings to you as we wrap up 2015!!

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