Thursday, November 19, 2015

What's Today?

Sorry, got my days mixed up this week and Wednesday came and went...and now it's Thursday!  Yikes!  I think it's a symptom of the holidays approaching when everything seems to speed up and the to-do list triples in length!  I really can't believe next week is Thanksgiving (in the US) already!  Where has the time gone?  This year has flown by!

Another year full of changes and (it seems these days) constant turmoil in the world.  We're all inundated by the 24-hour news cycle with everything that is going on in the world, so how do we shut it off and just live our lives?  Live, grow, support, nurture our own communities, neighborhoods and takes making it all a priority in our own lives.  To know what is important in our lives and then focus on that.  It's always easier said than done when we all have daily responsibilities to deal with, but I think we all also want more from our daily contribute more, to get more back, to give more, to feel inspired more, to feel more love in the world.  How do we get there?  How can we change the world?

One step at a time!  We all have a voice.  We all have abilities, talents and gifts that we can share with one another.  But, what we need more of is respect for one another NO MATTER OUR DIFFERENCES!  We need more human compassion, understanding and love in the world!!!

Lets all make an effort in our own lives, our own little spaces on this planet to BE THE CHANGE we want to see in the world!  To consciously show love to others rather than judgment or looking away, and to embrace our own acceptance of loving our starts there first!  Peace be with your hearts and in your souls.  Peace be with the unite, stand strong and love one another!!

Blessings to each one of you this week!

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