Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Where's the Light?

Yes, it's been gloomy and rainy here for the last 3 weeks and there's a chance for rain every day this week again...until after Memorial Day (here in the States).  The sun has come out briefly here and there, but it just steams things up even more since it's been so humid ALL the time now!  And to add to my misery my air conditioning is not working!

I turned it on for the first time last week and didn't think it felt right, but thought it was just because of the humidity.  But it just didn't feel cool enough.  When I came home from work on Monday it was stifling in the house!  It was so hot and humid!  I called my dad right away, of course and he came out, but couldn't tell what was wrong.  So, I called a local AC company that could come out that night.  Long story short, it sounds like I need a new AC unit.  NO!  This is the one thing I had dreaded every since I became a home owner almost 11 years ago!  I just didn't want to deal with replacing an AC unit.  Well, no such luck!  The time has come!  Ugh. 

At least it's only in the low 80's now and it's not 100 degrees out, but it's not the most pleasant situation.  I've got every fan I have in strategic places in the house and if there wasn't any humidity it'd be OK.  On the bright side, I'm getting a steam facial every day, all day!

So, wish me luck in finding a company that will give me good service at a good price...and soon!  Guess a new car will have to wait a little longer.  Boo.  So for now I'll keep looking for the light.  I know it's just I really need some good news soon!  I hope you're in the light and wishing you continued blessings today and everyday!

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