Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there...and especially my mom!  I love her dearly!  It's been a stormy, rain-filled day with a few tornadoes in the area, as well.  Not the bright and cheerful sunny day we'd all like to help celebrate our moms, but as long as we're all safe and sound at the end of the day all is well.

I cooked a mushroom fritatta (mainly because I knew my dad would like the mushrooms) with arugula salad, pumpkin spice pancakes and fruit salad for my mom's Mother's Day lunch today!  It was all delicious and very filling!  A perfect way to say "thank you" to my mom for all she does for me and the rest of our family!

Earlier this week I read an article about Korean moms.  It was very interesting and definitely made me appreciate my mom even more after reading it!  I know it's a cultural thing, but I'm glad I was raised with free reign over my imagination, will to participate in any activity I wanted and always encouraged to do whatever made me happy at the time.  I'm thankful for my mom's loving spirit, happy and nurturing outlook and supportive guidance!  Both of my parent's have given me the world and I can only hope I give that back to them in some way shape or form every day.

Here's the article about Korean moms:

Let me know what you think!  Enjoy the rest of your Mother's Day and have a truly blessed week ahead!!

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