Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Finding Peace and Calm...Daily

Is it possible to find daily peace and calm in our lives?  Only if we make time for it...if we seek it out...or if we force the issue (most days).  In our hectic lives, peace seems to far-fetched most of the time.  It only seems to come around every now and again because our lives are so full of running here and there, schedules and deadlines.  Can we find more peace more often?  Or is it just something else we are chasing?

Most of the time I think I have a pretty calm demeanor...meaning, a pretty calm heart.  But, when worry, concern, stress and negativity enter my heart the peace and calm I'm seeking feels buried deep down below.  Searching for the good, the positive of each day...the light!...that shines upon each of us every day pleads to break through.  How do you find your way back to the peace and calm?  Deep breaths never seem to work for me.  Beating up a punching bag is always a good option!  Releasing stress through exercise is always good for me, but on the slower side of things meditation/yoga are good, too.  How do you get back to your peace and calm?

More often than not daily life does not go as we had hoped or planned.  Some days it knocks you down hard.  Some days it fills your heart with worry and despair.  Some days it gives you an unexpected surprise.  Some days it feels downright boring.  And some days your heart and soul are filled with more joy, love and peace than you could have ever imagined.  That is the journey we are all on.

I wish we all had some peace and calm in our daily lives, but I know in reality it's not the case.  So, I'll wish you this...a moment of light, of grace to shine upon you daily.  May you find that moment each day to comfort you, to uplift you and in the end...give you peace!

Blessings to you today and everyday!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Beauty Within

Yesterday, I showed my mom the clip about Korean beauty over the decades that I posted in my last blog entry on Wednesday.  She thought it was pretty fascinating, as well.  I think in any culture it would be interesting to see the changes in style and beauty as the decades go by and I know the organization that put together this one on Korea has also done it for other cultures, so check it out if you're interested.

So, it got me thinking about real beauty...not just what you see on the outside.  Obviously we can all pull out old pictures and see how much we've changed over the years.  My mom was just reminiscing about one of my old high school pictures she found and asked me how old I thought I was in that picture.  I told her 16, but I was actually 17.  "17!" she exclaimed.  I know, I know...just a kid!  Because a couple weeks ago I was reminiscing with a friend about some pictures from our past and we determined we were only 26 in those pictures!  Eeeck!  Where has the time gone?!  If we only knew then that we were really young and had the world in front of us, but it always seems when you are younger you just can't wait to be older for some reason.  Ohhh, to turn back the hands of time!

Growing up and even today, when I look in the mirror I don't really ever see an Asian person staring back at me.  I see some Asian features, especially the eyes, of course.  But, overall I don't stand there thinking "you're Asian" when I look in the mirror.  Not that I'm denying my ethnicity in any way....I fully accept who I am and where I came from....but, it not what I see when I look in the mirror.  I see a kind, loyal, funny, thoughtful, joyful person in the mirror.  I see the person I am...despite all the other labels.  I think if we all saw each other that way it would be a different world to live would be more loving, caring, compassionate and respectful of one another.  I think if we saw the beauty within each individual instead of what makes him/her different on the outside we would find more peace and calm in the world...and it would be easier to change the world in a positive way.

But, in reality sometimes it's hard for us to really see our own individual beauty more less someone else seeing it (because we can't even see it ourselves).  If we don't believe in our true beauty, not just on the outside, but in the inside then no one else is going to believe it.  They may see it, but they may not fully believe it because we don't.  It's a process that continues in our life's journeys, but hopefully at some point we all become comfortable, accepting and grateful for our pure inner beauty.  And when you find that inner beauty and strength, let it shine for others to see and feel!!  Shine your light, your beauty brightly and you WILL change the world!

Blessings to you this last full week of March!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

1 Minute Look into Korean Beauty Over the Decades

Have you seen this post about Korean beauty trends over the past 100 only 1 minute?!

I'm always fascinated to see the beauty trends of Koreans...mainly since I never saw any of that growing up!  It was always a rare find to see an Asian in a magazine growing up and then if it were talking about beauty tips and secrets that always excited me!  It still does!  So, recently I've been seeing more and more posts about Korean beauty secrets online (on Refinery 29).  I get a little giddy every time a find a post like that and I love seeing the different styles that Koreans wear...whether it beauty or fashion.

If you've read my book, Corn-fed with Rice on the Side, I talk about wanting and hoping for beauty tips while I was growing up.  I just didn't have an Asian role models to look up to in this area.  So, when I was traveling in many East Asian countries (for work), I was elated to walk into department stores and see Asian models on all the beauty counters.  It was a little strange (just because that's not what I was used to), but it was nice.

Where do you get your Asian beauty tips from?  What are the best ones you've come across?  

Hoping you have a blessed rest of the week and enjoy your weekend!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sprung Forward?

Daylight Savings time was last weekend...have you sprung forward yet?  Not with your clocks (as I'm assuming you're all set there), but with your life...with your career...with your relationships...with school or whatever you feel needs a little kick in the rear to launch you to the next level or a different direction or challenges you to become a better person.  Isn't that what it's all about...lifting ourselves to a higher purpose, a higher calling, a greater service to others?  Pushing ourselves, expanding our horizons, seeking with a new perspective to move us forward in each of our own special journeys!

Life is full of ups and downs (we all know that because we've experienced it), and it's full of new stages of life, reinvention and hopefully times of contentment and peace.  Life runs the full gamete of emotions during our lifetime...we can't avoid it.  It happens, we react and move on.  How we react and how we move on is up to each individual.  Some are more graceful than others and some use those experiences to push themselves elevate their lives to a better place.

We all have our moments, good and bad, but what keeps moving you forward?  What pushes you to the next level?  Is it an accomplishment you've reached that makes you want more or is it a tragedy that makes you face some issues in your life that you need to improve on?  What drives you?  

Spring into this new season, this new stage of your life with purpose and with excitement!  New growth is all around you right now, so leap into the unknown and elevate your life to places you never thought you'd go!  Seek and ye shall find.  Trust in God that he is always with you and has a glorious path in front of you...yes, full of ups and downs...but he is leading the way, always beside you.  Reach up and conquer your fears to launch you forward and not back!  Look up and believe!

Blessings to you as you reach higher and believe greater things in your life are possible! 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Spring Break

It's Spring Break week for many in the area, so the roads are a little less congested, the stores a little more crowded with kids shopping all throughout the day and spring weather has finally sprung here!  No more ice or has all melted away...grey skies have lifted and the sun has been shining!  Warmer temperatures forecasted for the rest of the week and weekend, which also means it's time to think about my lawn again.  I like the winter months because I don't hear the constant lawn mower going in the neighborhood and I don't have to water my lawn.  But, this is the time of the year when my lawn is coming back to life...albeit, initially with weeds galore...but after about the first month of mowing, fertilizing and fire ant treatments it starts to look lush and green again.

So, first a little maintenance to get it back to the lush and green stage, and I'm ready to buy some new plants for inside and outside of the house!  It's time to spruce it up a bit and bring in some color!  And, it's time to plant my garden...hopefully now that the ice and cold weather have passed.  Yes, spring fever is definitely in the air!

What gets you excited about spring?  Whether you are on Spring Break this week or in the coming weeks, I hope you have safe and memorable vacations with your families.  May the transition from winter to spring bring refreshed perspectives, renewed energy and beautiful new blooms into your life!  Have a blessed and sun-filled weekend ahead!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Celebration Continues...

I spent the weekend continuing my birthday celebration with a friend of mine from California who also had her milestone birthday one month before me in January.  We became fast friends when I moved out to California in the late '90s and after I moved back to Texas we regularly took birthday celebration trips near our birthdays.  However, it's been at least 5-6 years since we've taken our annual birthday trip, so this year it was a must!  

Looking back on the time that I met her, I was in one of those transition phases of my life.  I was looking to break out of the regular routine and explore more of the world.  So, when the opportunity came up to take a new job and either move to Austin or near San Jose I jumped at the chance to move out of state!  A new adventure!  A fresh perspective!  It's exactly what I was looking for at the time!  I didn't know what I was really getting into...organizing a move, finding housing, moving to an area that I didn't know anyone and all those other little details that come along with moving halfway across the country!  It was an adventure, though, and I'm glad I did it!  I met a lot of wonderful people and many I'm still friends with today!

Sometimes you have to take a chance, take a risk...we've all heard that at some point in our lives...and it's true.  Break out of your shell, your comfort zone and reach farther, higher where you don't know any of the answers.  The answers will come, but you only have one today, one make it count!  I don't really consider myself a risk-taker by nature, but I do know when it's time to make a change in my life...force the issue...find another way...make a 'new' normal.  Change is comfortable and we all like comfortable.  I'm definitely a creature of habit, but change is also inevitable.  It will always be there, so the more we can embrace it...the more we can be flexible with it...the more comfortable we'll remain.

So, as my birthday celebrations come to an end for this year I'm reminded of the journey I've been on and the wonderful people in my life that have contributed to it.  The ones that have come into my life for a moment, a short time or a lifetime have all influenced my being in some way, shape or form.  I'm grateful for their presence in my life and seek the change ahead that will continue to drive me forward with hope, joy and love!

Blessings to you in the week ahead!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Blue Skies Ahead...

With the gloomy, icy, snowy weather we've had in the last week...including tonight, more sleet and snow...gloomy skies have abounded over us for what seems like a month.  I don't mind it much especially since I love watching the snow falling outside.  It's so peaceful and calming.  And, of course reminds me of my childhood.  

I know a lot of people who are tired of this mixed bag of winter weather, but I just think about those who live up north, especially in the northeast like in Boston.  They've had incredible amounts of snow this year and are still digging out.  So, I'm no complaining one bit.  But, I do see how people get the wintertime blues without any sunshine beaming down on their faces.  I definitely caved up and felt a little blue last week when we got our first blast of icy weather.  But, I quickly bounced back seeing the beautiful snow fall the next day.  

So, for all of those who live up north in the frigid cold or anywhere else in the world that endures the freezing weather, God bless you!!  I don't know how you do it, but you do it well!  You know how to drive in it (without the whole world shutting down like it does down here in Texas) and you are stylish in your winter wardrobes which isn't always easy!

Hang in there everyone!  Spring is coming!  It will bring the sun back, but it will also bring spring thunderstorms, tornadoes and bugs!  I can deal with thunderstorms but the other two I could do without!  So, as we all transition from winter into spring, may we all find some sunshine to light up our lives in the process!  Even if the sun isn't literally shining where you are this week, I hope you shine your light brightly for those around you!  YOU be the light!

Blessings to you this week and shine your light brightly in this gloomy weather!

Monday, March 2, 2015

It's March...Already?

Sorry I missed last week's posts, but back on track this week.  Can you believe it's March already?  Where did January go?  February raced by...except for last week, we had ice on Monday and Tuesday, snow on Wednesday, snow on Friday and rain the rest of the time.  And yes, that's all in one week Texas!  

I can't believe it's March already and Easter is in a month!  A new month always means a fresh start, a re-do on the restart button, or another month to get it right!  So, that's my mentality going into this month.  Here we go again, BUT with a different attitude, a new perspective, and a new commitment.  Let's see what the month ahead brings!

One thing I know it brings is weeds in my lawn and bugs popping up.  My least favorite things but something that always comes around this time of year.  I always enjoy the winter when my grass is dead and I don't have to hear lawn mowers running every day around my neighborhood.  Weeds in my lawn are annoying and I'm not looking forward to spring allergies.  Plus, I always get one or two really bad mosquito attacks with numerous bites all over that now seem to swell up like they are on steroids.  So, along with new growth on trees, new flowers to plant inside and out these are the things that remind me of spring....maybe this spring will be different?

I hope wherever you are the winter weather starts to thaw out, you look forward to grooming your lawn once more and that you enjoy each flower in bloom around you!  Have a wonderfully blessed first week of March!!