Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ball of Stress...Forging Ahead

The last week of so I've been a ball of stress...mentally and physically.  My head has been spinning with what I have to do, what's coming up, and all the tiny details of every project/task/appointment that's in front of me.  A lot of it may be self-imposed pressure, but it's definitely real stress!  One day at a time, right?  Looking back, I'm not sure how I've gotten through it all except by doing the best I can at that particular moment. 

We all go through these times in our lives when we're overwhelmed with our daily lives and the tasks at hand.  Am I over-extended?  Perhaps.  But, I'm a planner by nature so I'm usually pretty organized about all aspects of my life.  Right now, I feel like I've been running at a pretty hard pace (not trying to keep up) but truly keeping all my "projects" in the air and moving ahead.  No breaks in sight...although I really need a week-long vacation.  I haven't taken one of those in 2-3 years.  Why do I do that to myself?  I'm not sure, but right now this train has got to pick up more steam and forge ahead!

In that spirit, I just finished my final...edit of my book!  I'm just waiting on a final proof of my book cover design and we're ready to go to print!  Come on, already!  Right?!  Yes, I'm ready to say "I approve...ship it to the printers!"  It's time and I'm anxious to hold it in my hands!

So, thanks for taking this 'process of publishing' journey with me!  I appreciate your good wishes, prayers and excitement to finally read it!  It won't be long now!  And hopefully my stress meter ratchets down a few notches.

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